Funding request (travel)

Please remember that administrative processes might take a while and submit your request at least 4-6 weeks before the planned journey.

This form is to request funding of travel expenses, there is a different form to apply for non-travel related funding.

To complete your application, please press the submission button, you should receive a copy of your submission. It might take up to 10 days until we get back to you.

Please note, also for the reimbursement process:

  • Reimbursement of costs is carried out in accordance with the Landesreisekostengesetz NRW (LRKG NRW) and the Landesreisekostengesetz Baden-Württemberg.

  • In addition to the above law, the CRC has decided to only fund economy class airfare and 2nd class train fare.

  • The reimbursement of hotel rates is subject to limits stated by law (Auslandskostenerstattungsverordnung). Please contact your respective secretary or CRC node to get information on the hotel limits for your destination before choosing an accommodation (exceptions apply).

  • It is in general not allowed to use taxis or to drive by car yourself. If in doubt, please contact your respective secretariat, CRC office or travel expense department.

  • In case your trip is interrupted for private reasons, we cannot guarantee that your reimbursement claim will be accepted unless you can provide a proof that the costs have not been inflated by the interruption.

  • It is possible to ask for an advance payment, please contact the office at your respective CRC node.

  • The reimbursement form can be submitted only up to 6 months upon returning (it needs to be at the travel expense department on that day). After this date, by law, you loose the right to claim a reimbursement.

  • For CRC members from Bonn: Each receipt (e. g. from a hotel) must be addressed to the University of Bonn, Regina-Pacis-Weg 3, 53113 Bonn, otherwise reimbursement cannot be guaranteed.

  • Please remember that you should receive a receipt for every expense you later want to claim: often a confirmation mail is not sufficient and an official receipt is needed. Sometimes you explicitly need to ask the organizers for the receipt.

  • Please also remember that you need to provide proof of your presentation (e.g., program or invitation). For research stays an official invitation is usually sufficient.
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