Supporting policies within CRC TR 224

Early-career support
We see the CRC as an opportunity to create a vibrant and stimulating environment for early-career researchers that is conducive to their work and academic career. We encourage early-career researchers to assume responsibility within the projects, to broaden their perspectives, and to obtain international exposure. A number of projects involve junior professors as project leaders. Doctoral students and post-doctoral researchers are an integral part of the CRC's research process. We propose a broad range of measures to support their scientific independence, their visibility in the academic community, and their mobility.
Gender equality and family-friendly policies
Both participating universities regard achieving equality of women and men in research and society as one of the major goals in higher education policy. Gender equality is linked to the broader goal of creating a diverse workplace in terms of gender, social, and cultural background. Both universities aim to remove any direct or indirect discrimination of women and strive to make full use of women’s skills in the fields of teaching, research, and administration. Therefore, we put special emphasis on the support of female researchers from their doctorate to their appointment to a professorship. We promote diversity and regard it as a source of innovation. In this context, we view a family-friendly work environment as crucial to the reconciliation of academic work, professional life and family responsibilities.

CRC TR 224 Central Office
Kaiserstr. 1
53111 Bonn