Conferences and workshops in 2019

Internal Workshop of Project A03

Organization:  Michèle Tertilt

Dates: November 11, 2019

This workshop brought together internal researchers from both nodes working on topics in the area of family economics. The focus was on early ideas rather than finished projects. Topics ranged from understanding the effect of citizenship on fertility, understanding gender wage gaps, the one-child policy in China to female labor force participation.

Education and Family Policy - Tapping Potential, Reducing Inequality

Organization: Pia Pinger, Katja Kaufmann

Dates: November 04, 2019

Venue: ZEW Mannheim – Raum Brüssel

Equality of opportunity in education, families and on the labor market are important political and societal goals. Yet, socio-economic status and gender still determine education and labor market opportunities. Understanding the sources and determinants of this discrepancy are an important focus of CRC research, and our findings may help shape education, family and labor market policy.
Aim of the workshop was thus to enact a dialogue between outstanding CRC researchers and political decision-makers. The event provided a platform for policy research presentations revolving around equality of opportunity in education, family, or labor markets. Afterwards, there was be a panel discussion and an informal get-together to foster discussions and the research-policy dialogue.

Junior workshop on Economic Theory: "Information and Markets"

Organization: Helene Mass, Sarah Auster

Dates: October 11-12, 2019

Venue: Bonn

Conference on "New Approaches for Understanding Business Cycles"

Organization: Klaus Adam, Elisa Faraglia, Isabel Schnabel

Dates: August 30-31, 2019

Venue: Mannheim

The conference covered a broad range of themes related to challenges and advancements in understanding business cycle behavior. It sought to bring together recent contributions in this area of research, including studies with strong theoretical basis and empirical papers.

A non-exclusive list of examples of relevant topics included: - Alternative sources for demand-like and supply-like aggregate disturbances - The role of uncertainty, asymmetries, country characteristics, and asset markets for the behavior of business cycles - New empirical facts characterizing business cycle fluctuations - The role of medium or long-run trends (globalization, digitalization, automation, etc.) in shaping business cycle outcomes - The role of firm and consumer heterogeneity for business cycles behavior.

Workshop on "Trade Policy and Firm Performance in the Global Economy"

Organization: Jan Schymik, Yanping Liu, Harald Fadinger

Dates: June 13-14, 2019

Venue: Hardtwald Hotel, Bad Homburg

ECONtribute SPECIAL LECTURE: M&A im Bankwesen

Organization: Carola Braun, Isabel Schnabel

Dates: May 28, 2019

Venue: University Bonn, Juridium Lecture Hall C

Third Bonn Mannheim PhD Workshop

Organization: Alina Bartscher, Marina Khismatullina, Raphael Epperson, Carl-Christian Groh, Mykola Ryzhenkov

Dates:  May 11, 2019

Venue: University of Mannheim

Motivated by consumer protection, privacy, market power, and other regulatory concerns, policy makers have come up with many poposals how to intervene in digital platform markets. Economic theory can contribute to a better understanding of such markets. In this workshop, CRC researchers and some invited researchers from outside the CRC presented and discussed recent theory contributions in platform economics.

Compact Course by Asher Wolinsky (Northwestern University) on "Decentralized Markets and Simultaneous Search"

Organization: Stephan Lauermann

Dates: May 09, 2019

Venue: University of Bonn, Juridicum, 3rd Floor, Room 3.006

Frankfurt-Mannheim Macro Workshop 2019

Organization: Antonio Ciccone, Anne Hannusch, Zainab Iftikhar, Michèle Tertilt

Dates: March 08, 2019

Venue: Schloss Mannheim, Ostflügel, Fuchs-Petrolub Saal O138

The workshop, jointly organized by Antonio Ciccone (A04), Anne Hannusch and Michèle Tertilt (both A03), gathered around forty junior and senior researchers in macroeconomics from universities in Frankfurt and Mannheim. The workshop, funded by the CRC TR 224, provided a forum for the discussion and development of macro-oriented research projects using a wide range of methodological approaches. Topics included, but were not limited to: the relevance of household heterogeneity for aggregate labor market fluctuations, the importance of family structure in accounting for employment decisions of husbands and wives, rising household inequality and the American debt boom, and understanding the impact of migration on employment and the distribution of wealth.

Conferences and workshops: past events

Here you can find information about past conferences and workshops organized by CRC members.

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