Conferences and workshops: past events in 2020
MaCCI/EPoS Virtual IO Seminar
Organization: Eleftheria Triviza, Bernhard Ganglmair
Dates: Weekly on Thursday at 3pm, starting April 02, 2020, until June 18, 2020
MaCCI and CRC EPoS have created the “MaCCI/EPoS Virtual I.O. Seminar Series”. Seminars took place once a week, every Thursday at 3pm. For the first set of presentations, the seminar topic was "Privacy and Competition".
MaCCI/EPoS Workshop on "Economics of Innovation"
Organization: Bernhard Ganglmair, Emanuele Tarantino
Dates: December 09-10, 2020
Venue: Virtual workshop
Fourth Bonn Mannheim PhD Workshop
Organization: Timo Freyer, Carl-Christian Groh, Luca Henkel, Chui Yee Ho, Maximilian Jager, Paul Schäfer, Fabian Schmitz
Dates: October 23-24, 2020
Venue: Virtual workshop
This workshop provided an opportunity for Ph.D. students in Economics to present and discuss on-going work with fellow students and, more generally, served as a platform for the scientific exchange between Ph.D. students from the two nodes of the CRC TR 224, the University of Bonn and the University of Mannheim.
CRC LISS data workshop
Organization: Hans-Martin von Gaudecker, Michele Tertilt
Dates: October 15, 2020
Venue: Virtual workshop
This workshop brought together members from both nodes (nine participants) who work with the Dutch LISS data. There were several presentations with ideas, pitfalls, and helpful techniques to work with the data.
2020 Frankfurt-Mannheim Macro Workshop
Organization: Nicola Fuchs-Schündeln, Anne Hannusch, Zainab Iftikhar, Leo Kaas, Alexander Ludwig
Dates: September 10-11, 2020
Venue: Virtual workshop
The Frankfurt-Mannheim-Macro Workshop is held on a yearly basis. It provides a forum for the discussion and the development of macro-oriented research projects by researchers at universities and research institutions in Frankfurt and Mannheim and aims at stimulating the exchange between the two groups. The workshop targets a broad audience including advanced PhD students, junior and tenured faculty.
LISS/CBS data retreat
Organization: Hans-Martin von Gaudecker, Katja Kaufmann, Pia Pinger, Moritz Mendel
Dates: March 19-20, 2020
Venue: Virtual workshop
Several CRC projects are making use of the Dutch LISS data and the administrative CBS data linked to it. It should have taken place in person over three days. Instead, a shortened version was held as what probably was one of the first virtual workshops. There were several presentations with ideas, pitfalls, and helpful techniques to work with the data and with the remote computing environment of CBS. This sparked subsequent collaborative efforts and a harmonization of data preparation processes.
Workshop on Banking
Organization: Christiane Englert, Ernst-Ludwig von Thadden
Dates: March 02-03, 2020
Venue: Mannheim
The workshop brought together researchers in the field of banking from Bonn and Mannheim and a small group of outside specialists. It was funded by the Collaborative Research Centre TR 224, co-organized with the Mannheim Centre for Competition and Innovation, and provided a platform for researchers of the CRC to discuss and share their research with the broader scientific community as well as interested faculty in Bonn and Mannheim.
The workshop covered all areas of modern banking research, with a particular emphasis on the CRC's research agenda in financial stability, competition, and bank vs. non-bank lending. It featured eight talks of 75 minutes each, which were deliberately designed in a seminar style to leave sufficient time for interaction and discussion. While lunches and dinners were by invitation only, faculty and students from Bonn and Mannheim were welcome to attend the sessions, subject to the availability of seating.
Workshop "Advances in Platform Economics"
Organization: Martin Peitz, Sven Rady
Dates: February 13-14, 2020
Venue: Bonn
Motivated by consumer protection, privacy, market power, and other regulatory concerns, policy makers have come up with many poposals how to intervene in digital platform markets. Economic theory can contribute to a better understanding of such markets. In this workshop, CRC researchers and some invited researchers from outside the CRC presented and discussed recent theory contributions in platform economics.
Conferences and workshop: past events
Here you can find information about past conferences and workshops organized by CRC members.