Conferences and workshops in 2022

Bonn Workshop on Digital Currencies

Organization: Maximilian Guennewig, Janko Heineken, Simon Mayer, Ernst-Ludwig von Thadden

Dates: December 19, 2022

Venue: In-person at the University of Bonn

Global Crises, Financial Markets, and the Role of Monetary Policy

Organization: Klaus Adam, Antoine Camous, Husnu C. Dalgic, Chi Hyun Kim, Moritz Schularick

Dates: December 08-09, 2022

Venue: In-person at the University of Mannheim

Call for papers

Frankfurt-Mannheim Macro Workshop

Organization: Miren Azkarate-Askasua, Harald Fadinger, Zainab Iftikhar, Michèle Tertilt, Minchul Yum

Dates: September 30, 2022

Venue: University of Mannheim

New Challenges to Monetary Policy

Organization: Klaus Adam, Eleonora Granziera, Henning Weber

Dates: September 02-03, 2022

Venue: University of Mannheim

2nd CRC TR 224 Workshop on Labor Markets

Organization: Effrosyni Adamopoulou, Andreas Gulyas, Moritz Kuhn

Dates: 01-02, 2022

Venue: In-person at the University of Mannheim

Mannheim Workshop on Firm Heterogeneity and Macroeconomics

Organization: Matthias Meier, Isaac Baley, Joachim Jungherr, Immo Schott

Dates: June 03-04, 2022

Venue: In-person at the University of Mannheim

Conference in Honor of Ramon Mariom

Organization: Organization: Klaus Adam

Dates: June 03-04, 2022

Venue: In-person Villa La Fonte, Fiesole and broadcasted via Zoom

MaCCI/EPoS Fireside Talk with Jan Eeckhout: The Profit Paradox

Organization: Martin Peitz

Dates:  May 19, 2022

Venue: In-person at the University of Mannheim, Schloss; Room: SO 108 and broadcasted via Zoom

CRC TR 224 Family & Gender Economics Workshop

Organization: David Koll and Minchul Yum

Dates: May 16, 2022

Venue: In-person at the University of Mannheim

Conferences and workshops: past events

Here you can find information about past conferences and workshops organized by CRC members.

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