Bonn Winter 2021/2022
The Voltage Effect in Behavioral and Experimental Economics
Loan Guarantees. Bank Lending and Credit Risk Reallocation
Parents and Peers: Gender Stereotypes in the Field of Study
The Value of Arbitrage
The Value of Pre-Analysis Plans: Statistical Decisions Subject to Implementability
Bond Market Stimulus: Firm-Level Evidence from 2020-21
Cognitive Flexibility or Moral Commitment? Evidence of Anticipated Belief Distortion
The Risks of Safe Assets
Why Can’t We Be Friends? Theory and Evidence on Friendship Formation
A Dynamic Investigation of Stereotypes, Belief Updating, and Behavior
Imprecise Probabilistic Inference from Sequential Data
Risk Premium Shocks Can Create Inefficient Recessions
Do Financial Advisors Exploit Responsible-Investment Preferences?
How Do Acquisitions Affect the Mental Health of Employees?
Media Persuasion and Consumption: Evidence from the Dave Ramsey Show
How do emission labels affect consumption decisions? An experiment in the student restaurant context
The End of Privilege: A Reexamination of the Net Foreign Asset Position of the United States
The Effects of Face-to-Face Conversations on Polarization: Evidence from a Quasi-Experiment
Worker Beliefs about Rents and Outside Options
Private Renegotiations and Government Interventions in Debt Chains
Racial inequality, minimum wage spillovers, and the informal sector
Information Chasing versus Adverse Selection
Predicting Behavior Based on Pre-Play Communication
Wealth and Insurance Choices: Evidence from U.S. Households
The Absolute and Relative Framing of Changes in Equality
An Evaluation of the Alief Independent School District Jump Start Program: Using a Model to Recover Mechanisms from an RCT
Common Ownership and Competition in the Ready-To-Eat Cereal Industry
Can Information Be Too Much? Source Selection and Beliefs
Withheld from Working More? Withholding Taxes and Female Labour Supply