Summer schools

Recent Advances in Mechanism and Information Design: Theory and Applications

Date: August 19-23, 2024

Venue: Kurhaus Trifels in Annweiler

Organization: Collaborative Research Center TR 224

Lecturers: Andreas Kleiner & Zvika Neeman

Summer School 2023: 21st century Applied Micro: Theory and Applications

Date: August 07-11, 2023

Venue: Kurhaus Trifels in Annweiler

Organization: Collaborative Research Center TR 224: Amelie Schiprowski, Lei Li and Hans-Martin von Gaudecker

Faculty: Magne Mogstad (University of Chicago), Christopher Walters (UC Berkeley)

Much has happened since instrumental variables was introduced almost a hundred years ago. After decades of work on various forms of the classical model, since the 1980s the focus has shifted to weakening the assumption of homogeneous treatment effects. The 2021 Nobel prizes rightfully honoured this foundational work. But did you ever wonder what IV estimates in the real world, i.e., when the first-stage monotonicity condition fails to hold, when your application involves covariates or multiple instruments? What if you are interested in effects of a large number of treatments, say the value-added of schools or employers’ discriminatory behaviour? In these cases, it is not enough to control for fixed effects, you want to estimate them and explicitly balance bias and variance.

In case you have been looking for answers to these questions in your research or expect them to come up, look no further than this summer school. We will immerse ourselves for a week in the beautiful hills of southern Germany amidst medieval castle ruins to learn from two leading experts in the field, Magne Mogstad (University of Chicago) and Christopher Walters (UC Berkeley). There will be ample room for students to reflect upon the material together and to discuss their own work and ideas with faculty.

2022: Platform Economics

Eine Wissenschaftlerin und ein Wissenschaftler arbeiten hinter einer Glasfassade und mischen Chemikalien mit Großgeräten.
© crc tr 224

Date: July 18-22, 2022

Venue: Kurhaus Trifels in Annweiler

Organization: Collaborative Research Center TR 224 and Centre for Competition and Innovation (MaCCI)

Faculty: Martin Peitz, Julian Wright

EPoS and MaCCI held a Summer School on Platform Economics for Ph.D. students and recent post-docs (up to three years after graduating, counted from the submission application deadline) at Jugendstilhotel Trifels in Annweiler from Monday, July 18 to Friday, July 22, 2022.

During this summer school, Julian Wright (National University of Singapore) and Martin Peitz (University of Mannheim) presented recent theoretical advances in the economics of platforms. Each day, there had been one morning lecture complemented by two student presentations with ensuing discussion. Tutoring sessions were offered in the afternoon.

 Students at the summer school presented their unpublished work on platforms with 30 minutes – this work could had been a completed working paper or an incomplete draft. Theoretical and empirical work was accepted. 

2021: The Development of Cognitive and Non-Cognitive Skills in Childhood and Adolescence

Date: August 23-26, 2021

Venue: Online workshop

Organization: Katja Kaufmann

We are pleased to announce that the CRC-JGU Mainz Summer School 2021 was a great success.

The main purpose of this course was to introduce Ph.D. students and post-docs to the methodological and topical advancements in the field (design of surveys on subjective expectations related to the skill production function and expected returns to education; models of skill development). There was no specific pre-requisite for this course other than being interested in doing research on this and related topics, e.g., as part of your doctoral dissertation.

2021: Household Decision Making and Human Capital in Life-Cycle Models

Date: August 16-22, 2021

Venue: Gustav-Stresemann-Institut, Bonn

Organization: Hans-Martin von Gaudecker, David Koll, and Philipp Eisenhauer

The Collaborative Research Center TR 224 organized a Summer School on Household Decision Making and Human Capital in Life-Cycle Models. The event was held at the Gustav Stresemann Institute in Bonn from 16 August to 22 August 2021. Due to the Coronavirus pandemic, it was held in hybrid form, with almost 50 students and lecturers attending in person and more online. For its organization, the CRC joined forces with the organizers of the Econometric Society's Dynamic Structural Econometrics series. Lecturers included (in alphabetical order) Orazio Attanasio (Yale), Monica Costa Dias (Institute for Fiscal Studies), Maria Cristina Di Nardi (University of Minnesota), Philipp Eisenhauer (University of Bonn), Eric French (University of Cambridge), Hans Martin von Gaudecker (University of Bonn), James J Heckman (University of Chicago), Fedor Iskhakov (Australian National University), Michael Keane (UNSW), Karen Kopecky (Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta), Hamish Low (University of Oxford), Robert Miller (Carnegie-Mellon), John Rust (Georgetown), Simon Scheidegger (University of Zürich), and Bertel Schjerning (University of Copenhagen). After a long draught, everybody who was present on-site enjoyed the personal interactions and fruitful discussions. The summer school received raving reviews in anonymous course evaluation survey held in its wake.

DSE 2021 conference videos

2019: The Econometrics of Peer Effects and Social Interactions

Date: July 15-19, 2019

Venue: Kurhaus Trifels, Kurhausstraße 25, 76855 Annweiler

Organization: Katja Maria Kaufmann, Antonio Ciccone, Hans-Martin von Gaudecker

Guest Lecturer: Bryan Graham, Aureo De Paula

The Collaborative Research Center TR 224 organized a Summer School on the Econometrics of Peer Effects and Social Interactions for Ph.D. students and recent post-docs, that was held in Kurhaus Trifels in Annweiler in July 2019. The purpose of the school was to introduce Ph.D. students as well as recent post-docs in economics to cutting-edge methods to empirically analyze peer effects and social interactions/social networks. The Summer School was organized by Katja Maria Kaufmann (U Mannheim), Antonio Ciccone (U Mannheim) and Hans-Martin von Gaudecker (U Bonn) and held by two leading economists in the field, Bryan Graham (UC Berkeley) and Aureo de Paula (University College London). Each day, there was a long morning lecture session, while the afternoons offered opportunities for students to discuss their ideas and research with faculty and fellow students.

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