Policy outreach/in the press
Research by the members of the CRC has a direct bearing on public policy issues. Here you can find the latest information about the CRC's public policy outreach and media presence.
Article in VoxDev: "How childhood migration shapes educational outcomes"9
Hanna Schwank, A03, 2025-01-07
Coverage in FAZ: "Die Steuerbelastung durch Inflation"10
Lukas Hack, C05, 2025-01-06
Interview in Personalwirtschaft: "LinkedIn: Diskriminierung beim Netzwerken"11
Yulia Evsyukova, Felix Rusche, Wladislaw Mill, A01, A04, B02, 2024-12-20
Co-authored article in FAZ: "Diskriminierung in beruflichen Netzwerken"12
Yulia Evsyukova, Felix Rusche, Wladislaw Mill, A01, A04, B02, 2024-12-17
Coverage in Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung: "Regierung verlängert Anspruch auf Kurzarbeitergeld auf 24 Monate"13
Christina Brinkmann, Moritz Kuhn, Farzad Saidi, A03, C03, 2024-12-13
Interview in Augsburger Allgemeine: "Was Deutschland von Griechenland lernen kann"14
Effrosyni Adamopoulou, A03, 2024-12-12
Coverage in Bloomberg Newsletter: "Maturity Matters in Monetary Policy"15
Matthias Meier, C05, 2024-12-11
Scientific Committee Chair, Franco-German Fiscal Policy Seminar, German Ministry of Finance16
Klaus Adam, C02, 2024-12-09
Post in blog "economics that really matters": "Tuning In to Equality: How Community Radio Empowers Women in India"17
Felix Rusche, A04, 2024-12-05
Article in Connect – Wirtschaftsmagazin der IHK Pfalz: "Grossmütter arbeiten auf Kosten ihrer Töchter"18
Han Ye, C01, 2024-11-28
Presentation at the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC): "Digital Market Regulation in Europe"19
Martin Peitz, B05, 2024-11-28
Presentation at 33rd Scientific Colloquium of Destatis and the German Statistical Society: "CO2-Fußabdrücke von Industriearbeitsplätzen in Europa – Eine paneuropäische Analyse mit amtlichen Firmendaten"20
Ulrich Wagner, B07, 2024-11-28
Presentation at 33rd Scientific Colloquium of Destatis and the German Statistical Society: "Impulsvortrag: Energiewende und Energiepreiskrise – Zur Rolle der Daten"21
Kathrine von Graevenitz, B07, 2024-11-28
Presentation at the Ministry of Finance Baden-Württemberg: "Industriepolitische Reformen in der EU: Die deutsche Wirtschaft und ihr Echo in Europa"22
Jan Schymik, B07, 2024-11-26
Presentation at the Australian Treasury: "Industrial policy, regulation, and competition policy in the digital age"23
Martin Peitz, B05, 2024-11-26
Coverage in The Journalist's Resource: "Economists studied racial discrimination in LinkedIn job networking. Here's what they found."24
Yulia Evsyukova, Felix Rusche, Wladislaw Mill, A01, A04, B02, 2024-11-21
Keynote at 3rd Annual Workshop of the ESCB Research Cluster Climate Change: "Can Carbon Markets Save the Climate? Evidence from Microdata"25
Ulrich Wagner, B07, 2024-11-19
Coverage in Kite & Key: "The Most Important Economic Concept No One Understands"26
Effrosyni Adamopoulou, A03, 2024-11-19
Presentation at the Economic Society Australia/Productivity Commission: "Industrial policy and competition policy"27
Martin Peitz, B05, 2024-11-18
Keynote lecture at conference "50 Years of Competition Law and Economics in Australia”: “The Whack-a-Mole Challenge for Tech Regulators"28
Martin Peitz, B05, 2024-11-15
Presentation at the Competition and Consumer Commission of Singapore (CCCS): "The New Competition Tool in Europe"29
Martin Peitz, B05, 2024-10-29
Co-authored article in DIW Wochenbericht DIW Nr. 42/2024: "Wettbewerbsfähigkeit, Telekommunikation und die Denkfehler des Mario Draghi"30
Martin Peitz, B05, 2024-10-16
Coverage in Euronews: "German companies struggle to secure loans as economic uncertainty persists"31
Matthias Meier, C05, 2024-10-15
Coverage in New York Times: "Can the Government Get People to Have More Babies?"32
Michèle Tertilt, A03, 2024-10-13
Co-authored article in Capital: "Die Denkfehler des Mario Draghi"33
Martin Peitz, B05, 2024-10-12
Coverage in Wirtschaftswoche: "Not macht geduldig"34
Effrosyni Adamopoulou, A03, 2024-10-11
Co-authored article in KATAPULT No. 35/2024: "Schlechte Noten durch gutes Aussehen"35
Effrosyni Adamopoulou, A03, 2024-10-11
Co-authored article in FAZ: "Was von der 1000-Euro-Prämie für Langzeitarbeitslose zu halten ist"36
Moritz Kuhn, A03, 2024-10-11
Co-authored article in FAZ: "Die Hintern-Hoch-Prämie aus ökonomischer Sicht"37
Moritz Kuhn, A03, 2024-10-11
Coverage in EL PAIS: "Europa quiere dejar de ser un pigmeo en un mundo de gigantes: cómo crear superempresas para competir con EE UU y China"38
Martin Peitz, B05, 2024-10-05
Co-authored article in IAB Forum: "Hohe Erwerbsbeteiligung von Frauen und hohe Geburtenraten: die Quadratur des Kreises? "39
Husnu C. Dalgic, C02, 2024-10-04
Interview in Deutschlandfunk: "Macht Krieg religiös? Ja, sagen zwei Forscher"40
Wladislaw Mill, A01, 2024-09-25
Coverage in Minneapolis Fed For All: "The geography of unemployment in America"41
Moritz Kuhn, A03, 2024-09-25
Co-authored article in FAZ: "Wie objektiv sind Bewerbungs-gespräche?"42
Amelie Schiprowski, A05, 2024-09-23
Co-authored article in VoxEU: "The impact of de-risking by correspondent banks on international trade"43
Karolin Kirschenmann, C03, 2024-09-19
Presentation at Competition Conference of the Faroese Competition Authority: "The Market Investigation Tool"44
Martin Peitz, B05, 2024-09-19
Co-authored article in VoxEU: "Draghi is right on many issues, but he is wrong on telecoms"45
Martin Peitz, B05, 2024-09-19
Presentation at research meeting on active labor market policies, IFAU, Sweden: “Committee deliberation and gender differences in influence”46
Amelie Schiprowski, A05, 2024-09-18
Participation at Hitachi Finance Day, Mannheim47
Karolin Kirschenmann, C03, 2024-09-10
Co-authored article in Handelsblatt: "Deutschland blockiert sich selbst"48
Ernst-Ludwig von Thadden, C03, 2024-09-05
Coverage in SRF: "Vegi-Monat führt zu Mini-Revolution bei Fleischliebhabern"49
Anna Schulze Tilling, B07, 2024-09-01
Participant at Central Bankers Course, Foundation of the Swiss National Bank50
Klaus Adam, C02, 2024-08-28/30
Coverage in FAZ: "Homeoffice verändert Vaterrolle"51
Hans-Martin von Gaudecker, C01, 2024-08-26
Coverage in FAZ: "Schlechtere Noten bei gutaussehenden Freunden"52
Effrosyni Adamopoulou, A03, 2024-08-21
Coverage in bildungsklick: "Schöne Peers: Schlechtere Schulnoten"53
Effrosyni Adamopoulou, A03, 2024-08-20
Coverage in News4Teachers: "Attraktive Mitschüler verringern schulischen Erfolg – allerdings nur von Jungen"54
Effrosyni Adamopoulou, A03, 2024-08-20
Co-authored article in ifo Schnelldienst: "Steuern mit der Lohnsteuer – Arbeitsanreiz- und Verteilungseffekte des deutschen Lohnsteuerklassensystem"55
Jakob Wegmann, A05, 2024-08-14
Coverage in Südwest Presse: "Was wirklich hinter der Reform der Steuerklassen III und V steckt"56
Jakob Wegmann, A05, 2024-08-14
Co-authored ZEW Policy Brief 24-13: "Towards a More Realistic View on the Market Potential of EU Securitizations"57
Karolin Kirschenmann, C03, 2024-08-08
Interview in STEG: "How will a new malaria vaccine shape Africa’s economic future?"58
Minki Kim, A03, 2024-07-30
Coverage in FAZ: "Motivationskiller Steuerklasse 5"59
Jakob Wegmann, A05, 2024-07-29
Presentation at the City/CMA workshop on Economics of Competition and Regulation: "Product recommendations and price parity"60
Martin Peitz, B05, 2024-07-23
Coverage in WDR Cosmo: "Veggie-Monat in Mensa kann nachhaltig Fleischkonsum senken"61
Anna Schulze Tilling, B07, 2024-07-23
Coverage in Deutschlandfunk Nova: "Weniger Lust auf Fleisch nach Veggie-Monat"62
Anna Schulze Tilling, B07, 2024-07-19
Interview in Tagesspiegel: "Freundschaft und Rausch: Beliebte Personen haben ein höheres Risiko für Drogenmissbrauch"63
Effrosyni Adamopoulou, A03, 2024-07-18
Coverage in Münchner Merkur and Südkurier: "Großmütter arbeiten auf Kosten der Töchter"64
Katja Kaufmann, C01, 2024-07-17
Presentation at BMWK Female Economists Network65
Kathrine von Graevenitz, B07, 2024-07-12
Coverage in Süddeutsche Zeitung "Das Imperium schlägt zurück"66
Camille Urvoy, B05, 2024-07-12
Co-authored article in VoxEU: "Staggered Contracts and Unemployment during Recessions"67
Effrosyni Adamopoulou, A03, 2024-07-12
Participant at ECB Forum on Central Banking, "Monetary policy in an era of transformation"68
Klaus Adam, C02, 2024-07-01/03
Coverage in KATAPULT: "Aus zu wenig wird zu viel"69
Effrosyni Adamopoulou, A03, 2027-07-01
Co-authored article in Nada es Gratis: "Contratos escalonados y desempleo durante las recesiones en España"70
Effrosyni Adamopoulou, A03, 2024-07-01
Co-authored article in VoxEU: "Sequential contrast effects in hiring and admission interviews"71
Jonas Radbruch, Amelie Schiprowski, A03, 2024-06-30
Co-authored article in VoxEU: "Sequential contrast effects in hiring and admission interviews"72
Amelie Schiprowski, A05, 2024-06-30
Coverage in Neue Zürcher Zeitung: "Wer in den Krieg muss, wird religiös"73
Wladislaw Mill, A01, 2024-06-28
Coverage in Fair Play newsletter by politico74
Volker Nocke, Martin Peitz, B03, B05, 2024-06-27
Interview in Rheinische Post: "Machen Hungerzeiten später dick?"75
Effrosyni Adamopoulou, A03, 2024-06-27
Presentation at MaCCI/JRC workshop on Digital Economics76
Camille Urvoy, B05, 2024-06-26
Co-organizer and session moderator of MaCCI/JRC workshop on Digital Economics77
Martin Peitz, B05, 2024-06-26
TV interview 3sat/nano: "Geburtenrate sinkt weltweit"78
Anne Hannusch, A03, 2024-06-24
Co-organizers of the MaCCI Law & Economics Conference: "Recent Developments in Merger Control"79
Jens-Uwe Franck, Volker Nocke, Nicolas Schutz, B03, B05, 2024-06-20
Panel moderator at the MaCCI Law & Economics Conference on "Recent Developments in Merger Control"80
Martin Peitz, B05, 2024-06-20
Co-authored article in Banco de España Research Update: "Staggered Contracts and Unemployment during Recessions"81
Effrosyni Adamopoulou, A03, 2024-06-19
Coverage in Mannheimer Morgen: "Wann langfristige Tarifverträge Gift für die Jobs sind"82
Effrosyni Adamopoulou, A03, 2024-06-18
Keynote, Annual Meeting of EU Independent Fiscal Institutions, Federal Ministry of Finance: "Fiscal Stability and Financial Stability"83
Klaus Adam, C02, 2024-06-12
Co-authored article in VoxEU: "How public policies can curb pandemics: It's important to take the age composition into account"84
Michèle Tertilt, A03, 2024-06-09
Coverage in Welt am Sonntag: "Studie: Lange Tariflaufzeiten gefährden Jobs"85
Effrosyni Adamopoulou, A03, 2024-06-09
Keynote and panel at the Federal Ministry of Finance: "Inflation und Staatshaushalt. Wird die Geldpolitik von der Fiskalpolitik dominiert?"86
Klaus Adam, C02, 2024-06-07
Presentation to Hong Kong Competition Commission: "Market power assessment in platform markets"87
Martin Peitz, B05, 2024-06-06
Research visit, European Commission, Directorate General for Economic and Financial Affairs: How to introduce models of the family into models that the Commission uses for policy analysis88
Anne Hannusch, A03, 2024-06-05
Coverage in elEconomista: "Vuelve el fantasma de la rigidez salarial: cuando los sueldos destruyen empleo"89
Effrosyni Adamopoulou, A03, 2024-05-22
Panelist at the annual international Pros and Cons conference of the Swedish Competition Authority90
Martin Peitz, B05, 2024-05-20
Presentation at Europa Union Karlsruhe e.V.: "Die deutsche Wirtschaft und ihr Echo in Europa: Wirtschaftspolitische Entscheidungen im europäischen Kontext"91
Jan Schymik, B06, 2024-05-15
Coverage in Landfrauen: "Früher Fleischmangel wird kompensiert"92
Effrosyni Adamopoulou, A03, 2024-05-15
Participation at German Council of Economic Experts (SVR) Seminar93
Matthias Meier, C05, 2024-05-15
Interview in SWR1: "Was Melkmaschinen und KI in der Arbeitswelt gemein haben"94
Philipp Ager, A03, 2024-05-11
Coverage in Mannheim My Future: "Michèle Tertilt erhält Birgit-Grodal Preis"95
Michèle Tertilt, A03, 2024-05-01
Participant in the Economic Dialogue of the German Ministry of Finance96
Christian Bayer, C05, 2024-04-15
Co-authored article in VoxEU: "Carbon reduction and social justice: A challenge for economic policy"97
Moritz Kuhn, A03, 2024-04-11
Coverage in Kurier: "Kriegskinder: Entbehrungen bei Lebensmitteln wirken ein Leben lang nach"98
Effrosyni Adamopoulou, A03, 2024-04-08
Coverage in Tagesspiegel: "Kriegsgeneration Überkompensiert bei Fleischkonsum"99
Effrosyni Adamopoulou, A03, 2024-04-04
Presentation and Q&A at IMCO meeting of the European Parliament: "Self-preferencing in the DMA"100
Martin Peitz, B05, 2024-04-03
Presentation and expert visit to the Belgian Competition Authority: "Learning from DMA enforcement"101
Martin Peitz, B05, 2024-04-02
Kiel Policy Brief: "Paying Off Populism: EU Regional Policy Decreases Populist Support"102
Jakob Lehr, B07, 2024-04-01
SUERF Policy Brief: "The Status Quo and Belief Polarization of Inattentive Agents: Theory and Experiment"103
Andrei Matveenko, Vladimir Novak, Silvio Ravaioli, B03, 2024-03-28
Coverage in RiffReporter: "Kriegstrauma auf dem Teller"104
Effrosyni Adamopoulou, A03, 2024-03-26
Interview with Natixis CIB Podcast: "Problems with the EU’s Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism"105
Harald Fadinger, B06, 2024-03-22
Co-authored article in VoxEU: "Preserving media pluralism"106
Camille Urvoy, B05, 2024-03-20
Coverage in American Enterprise Institute: "How the Washing Machine Changed the World: The Far-Reaching Impact of Household Appliances"107
Effrosyni Adamopoulou, A03, 2024-03-20
Co-organizers of the MaCCI Annual Conference108
Jens-Uwe Franck, Jacopo Gambato, Martin Peitz, Nicolas Schutz, B03, B04, B05, 2024-03-14
Co-authored article in VoxEU: "A proposal to refocus the EU Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism on preventing carbon leakage"109
Harald Fadinger, Ulrich Wagner, B06, B07, 2024-03-03
Coverage in mdr WISSEN: "Zweifel am Klimawandel: Veräppeln sich die Menschen selbst?"110
Florian Zimmermann, A01, 2024-02-26
Coverage in Tagesspiegel Background: "Freundschaft als Suchtrisiko"111
Effrosyni Adamopoulou, A03, 2024-02-22
Interview in DIE RHEINPFALZ: "Ökonom: Klimaschutz-Debatte ist geprägt von "Wir gegen die!""112
Florian Zimmermann, A01, 2024-02-19
Article in Frankfurter Allgemeine: "Frauenrechte machen Nationen reich"113
Anne Hannusch, Michele Tertilt, Matthias Doepke, Laura Montenbruck, A03, 2024-02-12
Interview with SWR2 Impuls: "Deshalb leugnen Menschen den Klimawandel"114
Florian Zimmermann, A01, 2024-02-09
Coverage in la Repubblica: "Far cambiare idea ai negazionisti climatici è più difficile del previsto"115
Florian Zimmermann, A01, 2024-02-07
Coverage in Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung: "Klimawandelskepsis: Ist die Leugnung der Klimakrise für manche Teil der Identität?"116
Florian Zimmermann, A01, 2024-02-05
Presentation at the European Commission Single Market Conference: "Design of the EU Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism"117
Harald Fadinger, B06, 2024-02-07
Coverage in Westfälische Nachrichten: "Leugnung der Klimakrise gehört für manche zum Selbstbild"118
Florian Zimmermann, A01, 2024-02-02
Coverage in General-Anzeiger: "Nicht jeden plagt ein schlechtes Gewissen"119
Florian Zimmermann, A01, 2024-02-02
Coverage in zeit.de: "Ja zum Klimaschutz, nein zu den Kosten"120
Moritz Kuhn, A03, 2024-01-25
Coverage in Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung: "Zweifel am Klimageld"121
Moritz Kuhn, A03, 2024-01-24
Coverage in Heilbronner Stimme: "Regionale Wirtschaftsvertreter positionieren sich klar gegen rechts"122
Antonio Ciccone, A04, 2024-01-19
Meetings of the Scientific Advisory Council of the German Ministry of Finance123
Klaus Adam, C02, 2024-01-18
Coverage in The New York Times: "Friendship and the Opioid Epidemic"124
Effrosyni Adamopoulou, A03, 2024-01-18
Coverage in Marginal Revolution: "The Role of Friends in the Opioid Epidemic"125
Effrosyni Adamopoulou, A03, 2024-01-16
Presentation at the Digital Economics Workshop at the JRC: "DSA data access for researchers"126
Martin Peitz, B05, 2024-01-15
Co-authored article in VoxEU: "Hawkish or dovish central bankers: Different flocks and fiscal shocks"127
Lukas Hack, Matthias Meier, C05, 2023-12-22
Article in ECB Research Bulletin: "Hawkish or dovish central bankers: Do different flocks matter for fiscal shocks"128
Lukas Hack, Matthias Meier, C05, 2023-12-19
Presentation at the World Trade Organization: "Designing Efficient Carbon Border Adjustment with Minimal Information Requirements"129
Harald Fadinger, B06, 2023-12-12
Coverage in Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung: "Die Schuldenbremse spaltet die deutsche Ökonomenschar"130
Harald Fadinger, B06, 2023-12-08
Interview with Market News (MNI): "German Employment Gains May Prove Fleeting"131
Klaus Adam, C02, 2023-12-06
Interview with Agentur Market News (MNI): "US Soft Landing Key to ECB Easing"132
Klaus Adam, C02, 2023-12-06
Panelist on "From More Economic Approach to Which Economic Approach" at Annual CRA Brussels Conference133
Volker Nocke, B03, 2023-12-06
Expert discussion on competition law, Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action134
Jens-Uwe Franck, B05, 2023-12-04
Presentation at Competition Commission of India (CCI): "Competition Economics of Self-Preferencing"135
Martin Peitz, B05, 2023-12-01
Coverage in IDB: "How Can Public Policies Curb Pandemics?"136
Luiz Brotherhood, Philipp Kircher, Cezar Santos, Michèle Tertilt, A03, 2023-12-01
Presentation at BDI/BDA-Arbeitskreis Statistik: "Auftragsstau oder Auftragspolster"137
Matthias Meier, C05, 2023-11-28
Participant of "Arbeitskreis Wettbewerbsökonomie" at Bundeskartellamt (Federal Cartel Office)138
Volker Nocke, B03, 2023-11-24
Co-organizers of MaCCI Law & Economics Conference on "Media Funding"139
Martin Peitz, Camille Urvoy, B05, 2023-11-23
Coverage in Staatsanzeiger: "Wer auf Kohle setzt, kriegt vom Land kein Geld mehr"140
Karolin Kirschenmann, C03, 2023-11-17
Foreword in special issue of Concurrences: "Mergers in Big Tech: Recent developments in EU and national case law"141
Martin Peitz, B05, 2023-11-16
Panelist at Compass Lexecon Forum for Competition Policy: "An Economic Perspective on the Digital Markets Act"142
Martin Peitz, B05, 2023-11-16
Panelist at Association of Competition Economics (ACE)143
Volker Nocke, B03, 2023-11-16
Presentation at the Japan Fair Trade Commission: "Digital Platforms and Section 19a in the German Competition Law"144
Martin Peitz, B05, 2023-11-01
Interview in Heilbronner Stimme: "Migration hat langfristig positive Effekte"145
Antonio Ciccone, A04, 2023-01-23
Presentation at the European Commission: "Competition Economics of Self-Preferencing"146
Martin Peitz, B05, 2023-10-25
Discussant at 78th Economic Policy Panel147
Katja Kaufmann, C01, 2023-10-19
Lecture at Ringvorlesung Klimawandel, University of Mannheim: "Nachhaltige Finanzmärkte"148
Karolin Kirschenmann, C03, 2023-10-18
ZEW Policy Brief: "Does the European Union need another green bond standard?"149
Karolin Kirschenmann, C03, 2023-10-12
Expert at Meeting of the Federal States’ Broadcasting Officers (at the Ministerpräsidenten-konferenz): "In-depth coordination between the public broadcasters from the perspective of antitrust law"150
Jens-Uwe Franck, B05, 2023-10-12
Panelist at Hochschultage Nachhaltigkeit, University of Mannheim: "Nachhaltigkeit und Finanzsektor"151
Karolin Kirschenmann, C03, 2023-10-10
Article in Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (Ordnung der Wirtschaft): "Deutschland reformieren, die EU stärken"152
Harald Fadinger, Jan Schymik, B06, 2023-10-10
Coverage in Frankfurter Allgemeine: "Ökonomen benoten Ampel nur mit „ausreichend“ "153
Ernst-Ludwig von Thadden, C03, 2023-10-05
Panelist at the Meeting of the Antitrust Law Working Group, Bundeskartellamt (German Cartel Office)154
Martin Peitz, B05, 2023-09-28
Coverage in Frankfurter Allgemeine: "Streit um Industriestrompreis. Ist das schon „Realsatire“? "155
Klaus Adam, C02, 2023-09-26
Panel moderator at MaCCI / Compass Lexecon Conference on "Complex Legal and Economic DMA Issues"156
Jens-Uwe Franck, B05, 2023-09-21
Co-organizer and Panelist at MaCCI / Compass Lexecon Conference on "Complex Legal and Economic DMA Issues"157
Martin Peitz, B05, 2023-09-21
Presentation at Statistisches Bundesamt, Fachausschuss Statistik im Produzierenden Gewerbe: "Auftragsstau oder Auftragspolster"158
Matthias Meier, C05, 2023-09-20
Panelist at CEPR RPN workshop "Beyond Leveraging: Ecosystem Theories of Harm in Digital Mergers"159
Martin Peitz, B05, 2023-09-14
Coverage in Business Wire: "3 Billion People have No Internet Access: Why Teaching Programs Work Better than Subsidies"160
Michelle Sovinsky, A02, 2023-09-12
Co-authored article in VoxEU: "Lessons from the Germany Shock. Consequences of Uncoordinated Policies in a Currency Union"161
Harald Fadinger, Jan Schymik, B06, 2023-09-10
Coverage in Die Zeit: "Wie kommen wir da wieder raus?"162
Moritz Kuhn, A03, 2023-09-09
Presentation on "Occupations Shape Retirement across Countries" at German Federal Statistical Office/Council of Economic Experts163
Arthur Seibold, C01, 2023-09-01
Coverage in Wirtschaftswoche "Wie sich der „Child-Care-Gap“ lösen lässt"164
Christian Zimpelmann, Hans-Martin von Gaudecker, Radost Holler, Lenard Simon, C01, 2023-09-01
Interview in Correctiv Faktencheck: "Bürgergeld: Grafik zu Bezügen von Geflüchteten ist irreführend"165
Moritz Kuhn, A03, 2023-08-31
Coverage in Tagesspiegel Background: "Höhe eines „wettbewerbsfähigen“ Strompreises bleibt ungewiss"166
Kathrine von Graevenitz, B07, 2023-08-29
Coverage in Campus: "Wie das soziale Umfeld die Selbsteinschätzung von Kindern beeinflusst"167
Florian Zimmermann, A01, 2023-08-17
Coverage in WirtschaftsWoche: "So kann die deutsche Wirtschaft zu neuer Stärke finden"168
Kathrine von Graevenitz, B07, 2023-08-10
Media coverage in politico.eu: "Not another American! Meet the new favorite for EU competition economist"169
Martin Peitz, B05, 2023-08-03
Interview in WDR Aktuelle Stunde Thema "Ausbildungsmarkt"170
Amelie Schiprowski, A05, 2023-08-01
Coverage in Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz: Werkstattgespräch zum Gender Pay Gap171
Amelie Schiprowski, A05, 2023-07-25
Media coverage in politico.eu: "Commission to reopen chief economist vacancy after Scott Morton withdraws"172
Martin Peitz, B05, 2023-07-19
Media coverage in politico.eu: "Top US economist quits EU job after Macron speaks out"173
Martin Peitz, B05, 2023-07-19
Media coverage in politico.eu: "Grilled by lawmakers, Vestager defends chief economist appointment"174
Martin Peitz, B05, 2023-07-18
Co-authored article in VoxEU: "Who pays for the tariffs and why: The asymmetric tariff pass-through between China and the US"175
Lei Li, B06, 2023-07-07
Panelist at 75 Jahre Statistisches Bundesamt: "Mangelnde Datenkultur und Datenmangel in Krisenzeiten?"176
Christian Bayer, C05, 2023-07-06
Training of competition practitioners at the European Summer School and Conference on Competition and Regulation (CRESSE): "Economics of Platforms: Competition and Regulation"177
Martin Peitz, B05, 2023-07-04
Interview in Grohe X Podcast: "Together For Sustainability"178
Thomas Dohmen, A05, 2023-07-01
Co-authored article in VoxEU: "Occupations Shape Retirement across Countries"179
Arthur Seibold, C01, 2023-06-30
IWP Dialog: "Chancengleichheit im deutschen Bildungssystem"180
Pia Pinger, A02, 2023-06-28
Talk at the 21. Kölner wirtschaftspolitischer Dialog: Chancengleichheit im deutschen Bildungssystem, Universität zu Köln181
Pia Pinger, A02, 2023-06-28
Coverage in the German magazine Capital: "Amazon könnte mit Prime-Abonnement auch gegen EU-Recht verstoßen"182
Martin Peitz, B05, 2023-06-26
Interview in Spiegel: "Ist es okay, Nein zu sagen, wenn ich einem Bekannten beim Umzug helfen soll?"183
Armin Falk, A01, 2023-06-24
Panelist at the 30 Years IAB Establishment Panel, Nuremberg: "International Workshop on Establishment Panel Analyses"184
Moritz Kuhn, A03, 2023-06-21
Coverage in Harvard Business School Working Knowledge: "Stories, statistics and memory"185
Florian Zimmermann, A01, 2023-06-20
Presentation at Bundeskanzleramt Conference: "Energiepreisschocks und Entlastungsmaßnahmen"186
Christian Bayer, C05, 2023-06-19
Lecture at the VHS Köln by ECONtribute: "Chancengerechtigkeit durch Mentoring"187
Pia Pinger, A02, 2023-06-19
Coverage in Clean Energy Wire: "Q&A – Germany weighs electricity subsidies to shield industry"188
Kathrine von Graevenitz, B07, 2023-06-16
Coverage in Lebensmittelzeitung: "FDP sperrt sich gegen Kartellsrechtsnovelle"189
Martin Peitz, B05, 2023-06-15
Expert hearing at the economics committee of the German parliament on the: 11th amendment of the German Competition Act190
Jens-Uwe Franck, Martin Peitz, B05, 2023-06-14
Coverage in politico.eu newsletter: State Aid Race191
Martin Peitz, B05, 2023-06-12
Presentation at the South Korean Competition Authority (KFTC): "Digital Platforms and the New 19a Tool in the German Competition Act"192
Martin Peitz, B05, 2023-06-07
Coverage in FAZ: "Schaden Märkte der Moral?"193
Armin Falk, A01, 2023-06-02
Coverage in The Economist: "New research helps explain why China’s low birth rates are stuck"194
Michèle Tertilt, Seongeum Kim, Minchul Yum, A03, 2023-06-01
Panel discussion at the Forum Frauenkirche: "Stärkung von Frauenrechten im globalen Süden – eine Voraussetzung für wirtschaftlichen Fortschritt?"195
Michèle Tertilt, A03, 2023-06-01
Interview in Zeit Online: "Wer länger arbeitet, stirbt früher"196
Han Ye, C01, 2023-05-31
Coverage in Süddeutsche Zeitung: "Warum der Industriestrompreis so umstritten ist"197
Kathrine von Graevenitz, B07, 2023-05-24
Coverage in Mannheimer Morgen: "ZEW hält nichts vom Preisdeckel auf Industriestrom"198
Kathrine von Graevenitz, B07, 2023-05-24
Interview in HR Info: "Überdruss am Überfluss: Der Wandel unserer Werte"199
Martin Peitz, B05, 2023-05-23
Book review in ÖkonomenBlog: "Die Kosten der Moral"200
Armin Falk, A01, 2023-05-22
Interview in zdf heute: "KI und Fachkräftemangel: So arbeiten wir in der Zukunft"201
Andreas Gulyas, A03, 2023-05-20
Coverage in Zeit Online: "Billiger Strom oder Weltuntergang"202
Kathrine von Graevenitz, B07, 2023-05-17
Interview in SWR Wissen: "Wer länger arbeitet, ist früher tot"203
Han Ye, C01, 2023-05-16
Coverage in Tagesschau: "Späte Rente – früherer Tod?"204
Han Ye, C01, 2023-05-16
Discussion with Lisa Paus (Federal Minister for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth) and colleagues: "Kindergrundsicherung"205
Hans-Martin von Gaudecker, C01, 2023-05-09
Interview in Handelsblatt: Verhaltensökonom Armin Falk "Menschen sind keine moralischen Superhelden"206
Armin Falk, A01, 2023-05-08
ZEW Policy Brief on: "Brückenstrompreis: Fehler aus der Vergangenheit fortführen?"207
Kathrine von Graevenitz, Andreas Gerster, B07, 2023-05
Interview in Deutsche Welle: "Über die Ursachen des Wohlstandes"208
Armin Falk, A01, 2023-04-28
Interview in Deutschlandfunk: "Doppelmoral"209
Florian Zimmermann, A01, 2023-04-23
Presentation at German Federal Ministry of Finance: "Altersgrenzen als Referenzpunkte für Rentenentscheidungen"210
Arthur Seibold, C01, 2023-04-21
Public lecture at Universidad Externado de Colombia: "Plataformas digitales y el futuro de las economías de mercado"211
Martin Peitz, B05, 2023-04-11
Co-authored article in VoxEU: "The role of social effects on lung cancer treatment and innovation adoption"212
Laura Grigolon, A02, 2023-04-02
Moderator, policy panel "Implementing the DMA", MaCCI Annual Conference213
Martin Peitz, B05, 2023-03-24
Coverage in FAZ: "Prämie hilft zum Gaseinsparen kaum"214
Andreas Gerster, B07, 2023-03-19
Coverage in Springer Professional: "Mieses Aktionärsimage senkt Interesse an Wertpapieren"215
Luca Henkel, A01, 2023-03-17
Article in epd: "Balu und Du bringt benachteiligte Kinder mit Studierenden zusammen"216
Armin Falk, A01, 2023-03-10
Interview in Zur Sache Baden-Württemberg: "Warum klappt‘s nicht mit der Gleichberechtigung?"217
Andreas Gulyas, A03, 2023-03-09
Interview in Wirtschafts Woche: "Die meisten denken, Aktionäre seien gierig"218
Luca Henkel, A01, 2023-03-04
Panelist at the 8th National Conference on Economics of Competition Law, New Delhi: "Antitrust and Regulation:Interfaces and Synergies"219
Martin Peitz, B05, 2023-03-03
Coverage in Marketplace Morning Report: "A year on, Germany has cut its dependence on Russian gas"220
Moritz Kuhn, A03, 2023-02-22
Book review in Spektrum.de: "Moralforschung im Fokus"221
Armin Falk, A01, 2023-02-17
Interview in Harvard Business manager: "Macht Geduld reich?"222
Thomas Dohmen, A05, 2023-02-17
Coverage in Stuttgarter Zeitung: "Vertriebene bringen die Wirtschaft voran"223
Antonio Ciccone, A04, 2023-02-16
Video by Econimate: "Moral Universalism and the Structure of Ideology"224
Florian Zimmermann, A01, 2023-02-15
Coverage in Merkur.de: "Preisexplosion bei Döner, Parken, Eis: Wie ist das mit „nur“ 8,7 Prozent Inflation zu erklären?"225
Moritz Kuhn, A03, 2023-02-10
Coverage in Badische Zeitung: "Wie die Vertriebenen nach 1945 in Baden-Württemberg für Wohlstand sorgten"226
Antonio Ciccone, A04, 2023-02-09
Co-authored article in VoxEU: "Stories, statistics and memory"227
Florian Zimmermann, A01, 2023-02-09
Interview in Markenartikel: "Vertrauenskultur, Moral und Führungsqualität"228
Armin Falk, A01, 2023-02-09
Co-authored article in VoxEU: "Privatizing Disability Insurance"229
Arthur Seibold, C01, 2023-02-08
Policy lecture for Economics Network Abu Dhabi: "Digital Gatekeepers and the Future of Retailing"230
Martin Peitz, B05, 2023-02-08
Interview in Utopia: "Menschen sind gut darin, sich selbst zu täuschen"231
Florian Zimmermann, A01, 2023-02-07
Coverage in Südkurier: "Mehr Vertriebene, mehr Wohlstand"232
Antonio Ciccone, A04, 2023-02-04
Interview in WELT: "Selbsttäuschung spielt bei grünem Konsum eine wichtige Rolle"233
Florian Zimmermann, A01, 2023-02-02
Coverage in Redaktions Netzwerk Deutschland: "Klimaschutz: Wie Beschäftigte fast freiwillig auf den Dienstwagen verzichten"234
Ulrich Wagner, B07, 2023-02-01
Coverage in regionalHeute.de: "ZEW-Studie: Arbeitgeber können klimafreundliche Mobilität anregen235
Ulrich Wagner, B07, 2023-02-01
Coverage in SÜDWEST PRESSE: "Müssen alle länger arbeiten, wenn die Baby-Boomer gehen?"236
Teresa Backhaus, C01, 2023-01-31
Presentation at scientific workshop of the National Productivity Dialogue: "Quantifying the Germany Shock: Domestic Reforms, Nominal Rigidities and Trade Spillovers in the Eurozone"237
Harald Fadinger, B06, 2023-01-26
Invited talk at the workshop of the German Council of Economic Experts, National Productivity Dialogue, Berlin: "Do Manufacturing Plants Respond to Exogenous Changes in Electricity Prices?238
Kathrine von Graevenitz, B07, 2023-01-26
Presentation at workshop of National Productivity Dialogue: "Quantifying the Germany Shock: Domestic Reforms, Nominal Rigidities and Trade Spillovers in the Eurozone"239
Harald Fadinger, B06, 2023-01-26
Coverage in Badische Neueste Nachrichten (BNN): "Der Blick zurück zeigt positive Effekte"240
Antonio Ciccone, A04, 2023-01-22
Meeting with leadership of German Finance Ministry241
Klaus Adam, C02, 2023-01-20
Co-authored article in CPI Antitrust Chronicle: "Market Definition and Three 19a Designations Under German Antitrust Law: Alphabet, Meta, and Amazon"242
Jens-Uwe Franck, Martin Peitz, B05, 2023-01-18
Coverage in BBC NEWS BRASIL: "Pais participativos podem aumentar taxas de natalidade, apontam economistas"243
Anne Hannusch, Michèle Tertilt, A03, 2023-01-15
Video presentation on YouTube at a16zcrypto: "The Value of Decentralization Using the Blockchain"244
Marco Reuter, B01, 2023-01-13
Article for a16zcrypto: "When is decentralizing on a blockchain valuable? "245
Marco Reuter, B01, 2023-01-13
Panelist on the Metaverse at 15th Digital Economics Conference, Toulouse246
Martin Peitz, B05, 2023-01-12
Coverage in Heilbronner Stimme: "Mehr Gehalt in Gegenden mit Vertriebenen"247
Antonio Ciccone, A04, 2023-01-11
Presentation at CERRE Conference: "How to Implement the DMA?"248
Martin Peitz, B05, 2023-01-11
Coverage in Rhein-Neckar-Zeitung: "Die Integration von Geflüchteten tat der Wirtschaft gut"249
Antonio Ciccone, A04, 2023-01-08
Co-authored article in VoxEU: "The origins of women's rights"250
Anne Hannusch, Laura Montenbruck, Michèle Tertilt, A03, 2023-01-02
Article in Chrismon: "Hauptsache, es guckt einer"251
Armin Falk, A01, 2023-01-01
Interview in Zeitung für die kommunale Wirtschaft: "Nach der Krise muss es der Markt regeln"252
Christian Bayer, C05, 2023-01-01
Coverage in National Public Radio (NPR): "Facing an energy crisis, Germans stock up on candles"253
Moritz Kuhn, A03, 2022-12-20
Interview in WirtschaftsWoche: "Ich halte den Appell des Kanzlers für blauäugig"254
Moritz Kuhn, A03, 2022-12-14
Presentation at Singapore Competition Commission (CCCS) on developments in digital markets255
Martin Peitz, B05, 2022-12-12
Presentation of research on mergers and their effects on innovation at Competition and Market Authority (CMA), London256
Bernhard Ganglmair, B02, 2022-11-30
Presentation at workshop "Inflation Targeting in a World of Large and Persistent Shocks", National Bank of Ukraine257
Christian Bayer, C05, 2022-11-25
Expert visit to the Autoridade da Concorrencia (Portuguese Competition Authority) for discussions of ongoing competition cases258
Martin Peitz, B05, 2022-11-21
Podcast interview in New Books Network: "The Economics of Platforms: Concepts and Strategy"259
Martin Peitz, B05, 2022-11-21
Panelist at Annual Conference of the Association of Competition Economists (ACE): "Net Neutrality and the Fair Share Debate"260
Martin Peitz, B05, 2022-11-17
Podcast “The Effects of Air Pollution on Knowledge Workers” hosted by The Visible Hand and Spotify261
Beate Thies, B07, 2022-11-16
Co-authored article in FAZ: "Wie die Industrie über den Winter kommt"262
Christian Bayer, C05, 2022-11-16
Panelist at MaCCI Law & Economics Conference "From Sector Inquiries to Market Investigations?"263
Martin Peitz, B05, 2022-11-10
Co-authored article in ifo Schnelldienst: "Gas- statt Preisbremse: Wie die Umsetzung von Unterstützungsprogrammen zum Gassparen für Haushalte und Unternehmen gelingen kann"264
Kathrine von Graevenitz, B07, 2022-11-09
Presentation at an event of Junge Europäer Mannheim/Heidelberg: "Die Marktmacht von Digitalkonzernen und der Digital Markets Act in der EU"265
Martin Peitz, B05, 2022-11-09
Podcast for tws partners: "The 2022 Nobel Prize – Why the Economy Needs banks"266
Karolin Kirschenmann, C03, 2022-11-08
Presentation to the Workgroup Competition Economics at the Bundeskartellamt: "Arbeitskreis Wettbewerbsökonomie diskutiert über Wettbewerbsverhältnisse auf Tankstellen- und Entsorgungsmärkten sowie die Digitalwirtschaft"267
Martin Peitz, B05, 2022-11-04
Release of CERRE Issue Paper: "The Prohibition of Self-Preferencing in the DMA"268
Martin Peitz, B05, 2022-11-01
Co-authored article in FAZ: "So schaffen wir den Spagat aus Entlastung und Gassparen"269
Christian Bayer, C05, 2022-10-31
IAB Forschungsbericht: Geförderte Umschulungen für Personen ohne Berufsabschluss im Rechtskreis SGB III: Kenntnis Teilnahmebereitschaft und Aktivitätskriterien270
Thomas Dohmen, A05, 2022-10-28
Co-authored article in Rheinische Post: "Gaspreisbremse:Unternehmen sind keine Haushalte"271
Ernst-Ludwig von Thadden, C03, 2022-10-28
Presentation of "Gravity with Granularity" at U.S. Bureau of the Census (online)272
Volker Nocke, B03, 2022-10-27
Coverage in EXPANSIÓN (Mexico): "WhatsApp y Netflix, ¿deberían ser reguladas como empresas de telecomunicaciones?"273
Martin Peitz, B05, 2022-10-27
Co-authored article in IAB-Forum: "Die Energiekrise wird manche Regionen härter treffen als andere"274
Kathrine von Graevenitz, B07, 2022-10-26
Panelist at 8th International Forum "Challenges to Competition in the Digital Era 2022", IFT Mexico275
Martin Peitz, B05, 2022-10-25
Panel moderator at ENGAGE.EU workshop "Privacy in digital markets"276
Martin Peitz, B05, 2022-10-24
Moderator at "Inaugural ECGI Responsible Capitalism Summit", Brussels, Belgium277
Ernst-Ludwig von Thadden, C03, 2022-10-21
Panelist at Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften: "Klimakrise(n) – in Russland, den USA und China: Regionaler Fokus und Globale Bedeutung"278
Ernst-Ludwig von Thadden, C03, 2022-10-20
Interview with Agentur Market News (MNI): "Market´s ECB Outlook Too Rosy – Berlin Advisor"279
Klaus Adam, C02, 2022-10-18
Interview with Agentur Market News (MNI): "See German fiscal Curbs Despite Recession Risk"280
Klaus Adam, C02, 2022-10-18
Interview on international climate policy in Austrian radio station Ö1: "Interview on international climate policy"281
Ulrich Wagner, B07, 2022-10-18
Coverage in Handelsblatt: "Die Sache mit der Moral"282
Armin Falk, A01, 2022-10-15
Interview in Deutschlandfunk Nova: "Wir kaufen gerade wenigerein"283
Florian Zimmermann, A01, 2022-10-10
Article in FAZ: "Gemütlich wird der Winter sicherlich nicht"284
Christian Bayer, C05, 2022-10-07
Coverage in Manichi Zeitung (Japan)285
Klaus Adam, C02, 2022-09-30
Coverage in The Economist: "The deadly sins and the workplace"286
Philipp Ager, A03, 2022-09-29
Interview in SWR 1 Leute: "Verhaltensökonom Prof. Armin Falkfragt: Würden Sie für 100 Euro ein Leben retten?"287
Armin Falk, A01, 2022-09-29
Speaker at Latin American and Caribbean Competition Forum on: "Media Mergers"288
Martin Peitz, B05, 2022-09-28
Presentation at the Finnish Economic Association: "Reducing Russian Gas to Zero: From ‘What if‘ to ‘How‘?"289
Christian Bayer, C05, 2022-09-27
Coverage in Frankfurter Allgemeine: "Moral hat ihren Preis"290
Armin Falk, A01, 2022-09-25
Policy proposal: "Rettungsschirm für KMU in Deutschland (KMUR)"291
Moritz Kuhn, Moritz Schularick, Christian Bayer, A03, C02, C05, 2022-09-24
Coverage in IMF Finance & Development: "Hall of Mirrors: How Consumers Think about Inflation"292
Peter Andre, A01, 2022-09-22
Coverage in Allgemeine Zeitung: "Sind wir dazu verdammt,Egoisten zu sein?"293
Armin Falk, A01, 2022-09-22
Interview in WDR 5 Das philosophische Radio: " Wann sind Sieein guter Mensch?"294
Armin Falk, A01, 2022-09-19
Interview in SR 2: "Warum es so schwer ist, ein guter Mensch zusein"295
Armin Falk, A01, 2022-09-18
Interview in Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung (noz): "Wie man einguter Mensch sein kann – und warum das so schwer ist"296
Armin Falk, A01, 2022-09-16
Lecture Series on Digital Platforms at the Philippine Competition Commission297
Martin Peitz, B05, 2022-09-16
Coverage in The Economist: "Richer societies mean fewer babies. Right?"298
Anne Hannusch, Michèle Tertilt, A03, 2022-09-15
Coverage in UTOPIA: "Klimaschutz: Warum es fatal sein kann,andere zu unterschätzen"299
Armin Falk, A01, 2022-09-14
Presentation at online seminar "Wohnen im Alter" of the Verbraucherzentrale Bundesverband: "Immobilienverzehrprodukte - Hemmnisse auf Angebots- und Nachfrageseite und potenzielle Marktgröße"300
Karolin Kirschenmann, C03, 2022-09-14
Speaker in Fairness Community of Practice at the European Commission Joint Research Centre - Monitoring, Indicators and Impact Evaluation Unit Webinar: "The Global Pandemic and Long-term Consequences for Gender Equality in the Labour Market"301
Michèle Tertilt, A03, 2022-09-13
Coverage in Bloomberg: "Burden of Raising Kids Drives KoreanFertility to World’s Lowest"302
Anne Hannusch, Michèle Tertilt, A03, 2022-09-13
Presentation at Verbraucherpolitisches Frühstück der Verbraucherzentrale Hessen: "Aus der Forschung: Umkehrhypothek – die Lösung unter den Immobilienverzehrprodukten?"303
Karolin Kirschenmann, C03, 2022-09-13
Coverage in FAZ: "Einwanderer machen uns alle reicher"304
Philipp Ager, A03, 2022-09-09
Interview in WDR 5 Neugier genügt - Freifläche: "Wie verhalten in der Energiekrise?"305
Florian Zimmermann, A01, 2022-09-02
Co-authored Article in IMF Finance & Development: "The New Economics of Fertility: People and economies will prosper if policymakers help women combine career and family"306
Anne Hannusch, Michèle Tertilt, A03, 2022-09-01
Nominated member of ExpertInnen-Kommission Gas und Wärme307
Christian Bayer, C05, 2022-09-01
Coverage in ZEIT ONLINE: "Bereitschaft zum Klimaschutz: Wirsind besser, als wir glauben!"308
Armin Falk, A01, 2022-09-01
Article in taz: "Todesfälle oder Menschenleben"309
Armin Falk, A01, 2022-08-27
Coverage in The Economist: "In rich countries, working womenand more babies go hand in hand"310
Anne Hannusch, Michèle Tertilt, A03, 2022-08-23
Interview in FAZ: "Frauen sind besser als Männer: Armin Falkerklärt, warum es so schwer ist, altruistisch zu handeln"(youtube video)311
Armin Falk, A01, 2022-08-21
Coverage in FAZ: "Alles, bloß nicht bei uns"312
Florian Zimmermann, A01, 2022-08-20
Interview in WDR 2 Sonntagsfragen: "Gute Menschen"313
Armin Falk, A01, 2022-08-19
Coverage in Blick: "Ferien und Flugscham: Kants Toilette"314
Armin Falk, A01, 2022-08-15
Coverage in DERSTANDARD: "Gutes Arbeitsklima bringt höhere betriebliche Leistung"315
Armin Falk, A01, 2022-08-11
Coverage in Markt und Mittelstand: "Warum moralisches Verhalten die Effizienz erhöht"316
Armin Falk, A01, 2022-08-10
Coverage in FAZ: "Auf der schiefen Bahn"317
Klaus Adam, C02, 2022-08-09
Interview in ZDFzoom Grauzone: "Brauchen wir Geld und Luxus, um glücklich zu sein?" (youtube video)318
Armin Falk, A01, 2022-08-06
Interview in Wirtschaft und Wettbewerb (WuW): "Fünf Fragen an Martin Peitz"319
Martin Peitz, B05, 2022-08-05
Presentation at 3. Liebenauer Fachtag "Immobilienverrentung": "Immobilienverzehrprodukte - potenzielle Kunden und Marktgröße"320
Karolin Kirschenmann, C03, 2022-08-02
Coverage in Welt: "Das sind die besten Sachbücher im August"321
Armin Falk, A01, 2022-08-01
Presentation at Südwestmetall event "ESG, Taxonomie und Nachhaltigkeitsberichterstattung - was kommt auf die Unternehmen der Metall- und Elektroindustrie zu?": "EU Taxonomie als neues Steuerungsinstrument für Unternehmen und Kapitalmärkte?"322
Karolin Kirschenmann, C03, 2022-07-22
Coverage in Börsen-Zeitung: "Es ist zu wenig und zu spät"323
Klaus Adam, C02, 2022-07-21
Interview in ARD Tagesschau24: "Staatschulden & Zinsdynamik im Euroraum"324
Klaus Adam, C02, 2022-07-21
Coverage in Börsen-Zeitung: "Was Top-Ökonomen Lagarde & Co. raten"325
Klaus Adam, C02, 2022-07-20
Article in Forschung & Lehre: "Moralische Stolperfallen – Warum wir oft das Gute wollen und es dann doch nicht tun"326
Armin Falk, A01, 2022-07-20
Coverage in Deutschlandfunk Auslese kompakt: "Warum es so schwer ist, ein guter Mensch zu sein"327
Armin Falk, A01, 2022-07-19
Coverage in Frankfurter Rundschau: "Sharing Economy: Kaufen war gestern"328
Martin Peitz, B05, 2022-07-18
Co-authored article in FAZ: "Ein Mehrzweckwerkzeug für das Bundeskartellamt"329
Jens-Uwe Franck, Martin Peitz, B05, 2022-07-15
Coverage in DIE RHEINPFALZ: "Sharing Economy: Gutes Teilen, schlechtes Teilen"330
Martin Peitz, B05, 2022-07-15
Coverage in Weekendavisen: "Rivaler på vingerne"331
Philipp Ager, A03, 2022-07-14
Interview in The Pioneer Briefing podcast: "Der 8. Tag: Warum fällt es uns so schwer, gute Menschen zu sein?"332
Armin Falk, A01, 2022-07-14
Coverage in KURIER: "Sind Menschen wirklich gut?"333
Armin Falk, A01, 2022-07-11
Training of competition practitioners at BSE Digital Economy Summer School: "Economics of Platforms: Concepts and Strategy"334
Martin Peitz, B05, 2022-07-11
German Ministry of Finance, Scientific Advisory Committee Meeting, Berlin335
Klaus Adam, C02, 2022-07-07
Training of competition practitioners at the European Summer School and Conference on Competition and Regulation (CRESSE): "Economics of Platforms: Competition and Regulation"336
Martin Peitz, B05, 2022-07-05
Co-authored article in Competition Policy International: "A Common Charger for Electronic Devices in the EU: Beauty or Beast?"337
Federico Innocenti, Martin Peitz, B05, 2022-07-04
Moderator of policy panel "Interoperability of Platforms and Competition"at the 16th International Conference on Competition and Regulation (CRESSE)338
Martin Peitz, B05, 2022-07-03
Coverage in tagesschau.de: "Kürzer duschen, richtig lüften"339
Lorenz Götte, Anna Schulze Tilling, B07, 2022-07-02
Interview on Radio M94/5: "Supply chain disruptions"340
Harald Fadinger, B06, 2022-07-01
Coverage in Deutschlandfunk Kultur: "Geballtes Nachdenken über Mensch und Natur"341
Armin Falk, A01, 2022-06-29
Coverage in POLITICO: "The ECB is now a prisoner of war"342
Klaus Adam, C02, 2022-06-29
Coverage in ZEIT ONLINE: "Die Sachbuch-Bestenliste für Juli/August“343
Armin Falk, A01, 2022-06-29
Interview in MDR: "Alarmstufe Gas, Personalchaos, Wassermangel"344
Amelie Schiprowski, A05, 2022-06-28
Presentation at the Competition Summer School for Asian officials, European Commission, DG Competition, and College of Europe, Bruges: "Controlling Mergers in the Digital and Green Economies – New Theories of Harm and Remedies"345
Jens-Uwe Franck, B05, 2022-06-27
Moderator of policy panel "Digital Advertising and Online News Media"at 13thWorkshop on the Economics of Advertising and Marketing, City University London:346
Martin Peitz, B05, 2022-06-24
Blog entry on ProMarket.org (Stigler Center, University of Chicago): "Should the European Union Require Tech Firms to Adopt a Common Charger?"347
Federico Innocenti, Martin Peitz, B05, 2022-06-23
CentrePiece article, LSE Centre for Economic Performance: "Young people´s university plans: evidence from German reunification"348
Katja Kaufmann, C01, 2022-06-21
Presentation at "Evidence-Informed Policymaking in Germany and Beyond" (Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab & briq)349
Armin Falk, A01, 2022-06-21
Seminar at the Bundeskartellamt in Bonn: "Concentration Thresholds for Horizontal Mergers"350
Volker Nocke, B03, 2022-06-20
Coverage in Deutschlandfunk Kultur: "Kleine Tricks gegen kleinliche Neigungen"351
Armin Falk, A01, 2022-06-18
Coverage in FINANCIAL TIMES: "Men stepping up at home is key to boosting birth rates"352
Anne Hannusch, Michèle Tertilt, A03, 2022-06-17
Coverage in FAZ: "Duschend Energie sparen"353
Lorenz Götte, Anna Schulze Tilling, B07, 2022-06-15
Release of "Antitrust Markets in the Platform Economy" in the podcast series by Autoridade da Concorrência (Portugal)354
Martin Peitz, B05, 2022-06-14
Interview in hr1: "Der hr1-Talk mit Armin Falk, Verhaltensforscher"355
Armin Falk, A01, 2022-06-12
Co-authored Article in Vox EU: "A new era in the economics of fertility"356
Anne Hannusch, Michèle Tertilt, A03, 2022-06-11
Coverage in Südtiroler Wirtschaftszeitung: "Wie du mir, so ich dir"357
Armin Falk, A01, 2022-06-10
Coverage in Neue Züricher Zeitung: "Die EZB hechelt der Inflation hinterher und vernachlässigt weiterhin sträflich ihre Pflicht zur Wahrung der Preisstabilität"358
Klaus Adam, C02, 2022-06-09
Coverage in FINANCIAL TIMES: "Christine Lagarde in the hot seat as ECB ends easy-money era"359
Klaus Adam, C02, 2022-06-08
Coverage in FAZ: "Die Negativzinsen der EZB sind schlicht nicht mehr vermittelbar"360
Klaus Adam, C02, 2022-06-08
SWR 1 Podcast: "Wie wir ticken"361
Armin Falk, A01, 2022-06-05
Coverage in Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung: "Die Wurzeln der Inflation"362
Armin Falk, A01, 2022-06-05
Coverage in FAZ: "Geschichten von der Inflation"363
Peter Andre, A01, 2022-06-03
Interview in SWR1: "So schaffen wir es, zu besseren Menschen zu werden"364
Armin Falk, A01, 2022-06-03
Training of practitioners from agencies at Instituto Federal de Telecomunicaciones (IFT), (Mexico): "Plataformas y regulación"365
Martin Peitz, B05, 2022-06-02
Article in der Freitag: "Fürchtet euch nicht: Deutschland kann ohne Gas aus Russland zurechtkommen"366
Christian Bayer, C05, 2022-06-01
Moderator of panel "Grüne Geldpolitik" at ZEW workshop "Das EZB-Zielsystem - angemessene Ausdifferenzierung oder drohende Überfrachtung?"367
Karolin Kirschenmann, C03, 2022-05-31
Interview in Süddeutsche Zeitung: "Menschen fühlen sich besser, wenn sie sich an anderen rächen"368
Armin Falk, A01, 2022-05-24
Presentation at the 15thSeminar for National Judges, Florence School of Regulation: "Individual Private Rights of Action under the Platform-to-Business Regulation"369
Jens-Uwe Franck, B05, 2022-05-19
Interview in DER TAGESSPIEGEL: "Gefühle stören nur: Warum es so schwer ist, ein besserer Mensch zu sein"370
Armin Falk, A01, 2022-05-16
Interview in General-Anzeiger Bonn: "Altruismus muss nicht nur wehtun"371
Armin Falk, A01, 2022-05-14
Interview in Together for Fact News: "Unterwegs mit Prof. Dr. Armin Falk" (youtube video)372
Armin Falk, A01, 2022-05-10
Interview in Together for Fact News: "Im Gespräch mit Prof. Dr. Armin Falk"373
Armin Falk, A01, 2022-05-10
Interview in Zeit Online: "Es gibt viele Formen, wie sich Egoismus tarnt"374
Armin Falk, A01, 2022-05-06
Interview in ZDF Aspekte: "Das Dilemma mit der Verantwortung"375
Armin Falk, A01, 2022-05-06
Interview in Open Science Magazine: "Don’t be afraid of public code"376
Hans-Martin von Gaudecker, C01, 2022-05-01
Article in SUERF: "Under Pressure: Credibility of Monetary Policy"377
Antoine Camous, C02, 2022-05-01
Lecture at Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften: "Katalysator oder Karrierebremse – Wie verändert sich die Arbeitswelt von Frauen durch die Coronakrise?"378
Michèle Tertilt, A03, 2022-04-30
Presentation at Autoridade da Concorrência (Portugal): "Antitrust Markets in the Digital Economy"379
Martin Peitz, B05, 2022-04-28
Interview in Mannheimer Morgen: "Warum die Corona-Krise vor allem Frauen im Job ausgebremst hat"380
Michèle Tertilt, A03, 2022-04-28
Public Lecture at FernUniversität in Hagen: "Was handeln wir uns da ein? CO2-Zertifikate, Klimaschutz und Luftverschmutzung in Europa"381
Ulrich Wagner, B07, 2022-04-27
Master Class for practitioners in competition economics and competition law as part of the 2022 Diploma in Competition Policy of the International Chamber of Commerce (Mexico): "Plataformas de multiples lados y la competencia"382
Martin Peitz, B05, 2022-04-27
Article in FAZ: "Die Sehnsucht nach der frühen Rente"383
Arthur Seibold, C01, 2022-04-25
Interview in EnergieWinde: "Auch Klimaskeptiker sind erreichbar"384
Armin Falk, A01, 2022-04-23
EGROW Webinar: "The Impact of the Pandemic Recession on Women's Employment" (video)385
Michèle Tertilt, A03, 2022-04-23
Presentation at Sustainable Science Slam, University of Bonn386
Anna Schulze Tilling, B07, 2022-04-22
Co-authored article in FAZ: "Abhängigkeit von russischem Gas reduzieren, jetzt!"387
Christian Bayer, C05, 2022-04-21
Training of practitioners from competition agencies in Asia at OECD / Korea Policy Center Workshop on Digital Platforms: "Competition Economics of Digital Platforms"388
Martin Peitz, B05, 2022-04-19
Quoted in Financial Times: "Cushioning from price rises is ‘terrible economics’, experts say"389
Klaus Adam, C02, 2022-04-18
Interview in WELT: "Nicht nur Frage des Preises, sondern der Würde. Es geht um unsere nationale Identität"390
Armin Falk, A01, 2022-04-12
Presentation at 2022 international Korean Economic Development and K-Academics conference: “Status Externality in Education and Low Birth Rates in Korea"391
Minchul Yum, A03, 2022-04-08
ZEW Podcast: "Wie lassen sich Immobilien für die Altersvorsorge nutzen?"392
Karolin Kirschenmann, C03, 2022-04-08
Coverage in Allgemeine Zeitung: "Weiter Zapfsäule oder doch lieber Ladekabel?"393
Armin Falk, A01, 2022-04-08
Coverage in The New York Times: "Ordinary People Don’t Think Like Economists. It’s a Problem"394
Armin Falk, A01, 2022-04-06
Interview in WDR 5: "Flüchtlinge gut für die Wirtschaft"395
Antonio Ciccone, Jan Nimczik, A04, 2022-04-05
Coverage in FAZ: "Das sind Alternativen zum Gasembargo"396
Harald Fadinger, Jan Schymik, B06, 2022-04-04
Coverage in Tagesschau.de: "Der Preis eines Energie-Embargos"397
Moritz Kuhn, Moritz Schularick, Christian Bayer, A03, C02, C05, 2022-03-29
Interview in WDR 5: "Neugier genügt – Das Feature: Auf der Suche nach meiner Rente"398
Thomas Dohmen, A05, 2022-03-29
Coverage in FAZ: "Streit über Energie-Embargo: Forscher warnen vor tiefer Rezession in Deutschland"399
Moritz Kuhn, Moritz Schularick, Christian Bayer, A03, C02, C05, 2022-03-29
Coverage in taz: "Bei Energieimport-Stopp aus Russland: Warnung vor Einbruch wie 2020"400
Moritz Schularick, C02, 2022-03-29
Lecture on "Covid19 and Gender Equality in the Workplace" in the Science for Future Lecture Series at University of Mannheim401
Michèle Tertilt, A03, 2022-03-29
Coverage in FAZ: "Wir brauchen das Energie-Embargo"402
Moritz Kuhn, Moritz Schularick, Christian Bayer, A03, C02, C05, 2022-03-28
Coverage in Focus: "Importstopp ja oder nein: Kann Deutschland ohne Gas aus Russland auskommen?"403
Moritz Kuhn, Moritz Schularick, Christian Bayer, A03, C02, C05, 2022-03-28
Interview in FAZ: "Frieden und Freiheit gibt es nicht umsonst"404
Christian Bayer, C05, 2022-03-28
Coverage in Der Standard: "Was geschieht, wenn kein Gas aus Russland kommt?"405
Moritz Kuhn, Moritz Schularick, Christian Bayer, A03, C02, C05, 2022-03-28
Coverage in Deutschlandfunk: "Gas aus Russland – Gewerkschafts-Chef Vassiliadis warnt vor Import-Stopp"406
Moritz Kuhn, Moritz Schularick, Christian Bayer, A03, C02, C05, 2022-03-28
Participant in the ECB Economists' Roundtable with ECB Director Isabel Schnabel407
Klaus Adam, C02, 2022-03-28
Coverage in FAZ: "Ost-Frauen in Führung"408
Barbara Boelmann, A02, 2022-03-27
Coverage in Deutsche Welle: "Importstopp ja oder nein: Kann Deutschland ohne Gas aus Russland auskommen?"409
Moritz Kuhn, Moritz Schularick, Christian Bayer, A03, C02, C05, 2022-03-27
Co-authored article in FAZ: "So sollte die EU mit russischen Energieimporten umgehen"410
Harald Fadinger, Jan Schymik, B06, 2022-03-25
Coverage in FAZ: "Wie lange reicht die Gasversorgung?"411
Armin Falk, A01, 2022-03-25
Coverage in Capital: "Gaslieferungen: Putins Rubeltrick"412
Moritz Schularick, C02, 2022-03-24
Coverage in VDI nachrichten: "Woher die Energie künftig kommen soll"413
Armin Falk, A01, 2022-03-24
Coverage in FAZ: "USA sagt EU mehr Flüssiggas-Lieferungen zu"414
Armin Falk, A01, 2022-03-23
Interview in Handelsblatt: "Energieembargo gegen Russland: Droht Deutschland der wirtschaftliche Niedergang?"415
Moritz Schularick, C02, 2022-03-22
Coverage in Portuguese Economy Research Report: "The experience of losing a job in different countries in Europe"416
Andreas Gulyas, A03, 2022-03-22
Coverage in ntv: "Braucht Putin unsere Gas-Euros überhaupt?"417
Moritz Schularick, C02, 2022-03-22
Presentation at the CBS Week van de Globalisering 2022: "Covid-19 Supply Chain Disruptions"418
Matthias Meier, C05, 2022-03-21
Coverage in WELT: "Nur etwas frieren? Die wahren Folgen des Gas-Embargos macht sich niemand klar"419
Armin Falk, A01, 2022-03-20
Coverage in Domani: "Perdere il lavoro ha un costo molto più alto in Italia perché mancano le politiche attive"420
Andreas Gulyas, A03, 2022-03-19
Interview in NDR Info – Redezeit: "Weg von russischer Energie - Was bringt persönlicher Verzicht?"421
Moritz Kuhn, A03, 2022-03-16
Coverage in FAZ: "Mehrheit zu höheren Energiepreisen bereit"422
Armin Falk, A01, 2022-03-16
Co-authored article in DIE ZEIT: "Importstopp für russisches Gas: Das Zaudern kostet viel mehr"423
Moritz Kuhn, Moritz Schularick, Christian Bayer, A03, C02, C05, 2022-03-14
Interview in RBB24 Inforadio: "ESMT-Studie: Geflüchtete erhöhen Produktivität"424
Antonio Ciccone, Jan Nimczik, A04, 2022-03-14
Coverage in THE CONVERSATION: "Los trabajadores del sur de Europa pierden más que el empleo cuando son despedidos"425
Andreas Gulyas, A03, 2022-03-13
Coverage in WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM: "How the cost of losing a job varies across different countries"426
Andreas Gulyas, A03, 2022-03-11
Coverage in Bayerischer Rundfunk: "Studie: Mädchen halten sich für weniger talentiert"427
Armin Falk, A01, 2022-03-11
Co-authored article in Vox EU: "The unequal cost of job loss across countries"428
Andreas Gulyas, A03, 2022-03-11
Coverage in lavoce.info: "L´impatto del licenziamento non è uguale per tutti"429
Andreas Gulyas, A03, 2022-03-11
Coverage in VDI nachrichten: "Mädchen profitieren besonders von Mentorenprogrammen"430
Armin Falk, A01, 2022-03-10
Coverage in responsesource, ECONOMY STANDARD, Corporate INTL and WEALTHTHRIBUNE: "Accepting refugees has long-term benefits to the economy – according to evidence from Germany 75 years after intake"431
Antonio Ciccone, A04, 2022-03-10
Coverage in DIE ZEIT: "Gas aus Russland: Ein Gasembargo wäre machbar"432
Moritz Kuhn, Moritz Schularick, Christian Bayer, A03, C02, C05, 2022-03-08
Coverage in FAZ: "Warum Deutschland ohne russisches Öl und Gas auskommen kann"433
Moritz Kuhn, Moritz Schularick, Christian Bayer, A03, C02, C05, 2022-03-08
Coverage in Handelsblatt: "Es gehen hier nicht die Lichter aus: Forscher halten Embargo auf russische Energie für verkraftbar"434
Moritz Kuhn, Moritz Schularick, Christian Bayer, A03, C02, C05, 2022-03-08
Coverage in Süddeutsche Zeitung: "Deutschland kann auf Gas und Öl aus Russland verzichten"435
Moritz Kuhn, Moritz Schularick, Christian Bayer, A03, C02, C05, 2022-03-08
Coverage in Mannheimer Morgen: "Zäher Kampf der Frauen gegen die Lohnlücke"436
Andreas Gulyas, A03, 2022-03-07
Coverage in Harvard Business manager: "Als wären es gute Freunde"437
Suanna Oh, A01, 2022-02-28
Moderator of panel "Employee of the Month: Labour Mobility, Knowledge Flows, and Innovation" at online symposium "Trade Secrets for Scholars and Practitioners"438
Bernhard Ganglmair, B02, 2022-02-24
Coverage in Chinese Social Sciences Today: "Improving the applicability of economic research"439
Armin Falk, A01, 2022-02-23
Panelist at OECD Competition Open Day, panel "Competition, Media and Digital Platforms" (youtube video)440
Martin Peitz, B05, 2022-02-23
Coverage in THE CONVERSATION: "Female business travelers pay less than their male colleagues because they tend to book earlier"441
Armin Falk, A01, 2022-02-17
Co-organizer and moderator of CEPR/MaCCI virtual event: "Regulating ecommerce platforms? Economics and Policy"442
Martin Peitz, B05, 2022-02-17
Coverage in ORF: "Equal Pay Day: Lohntransparenz brachte nichts"443
Andreas Gulyas, A03, 2022-02-15
Coverage in Die Presse: "Studie: Lohntransparenz in Firmen vermindert Einkommensschere nicht"444
Andreas Gulyas, A03, 2022-02-15
Coverage in DER STANDARD: "Equal-Pay-Day: Lohntransparenz in Firmen war laut Studie erfolglos"445
Andreas Gulyas, A03, 2022-02-15
Coverage in KRONEN Zeitung: "Lohntransparenz in Firmen laut Studie erfolglos"446
Andreas Gulyas, A03, 2022-02-15
Speaker at "Euro 50 Group" in London on ECB policy447
Klaus Adam, C02, 2022-02-04
Coverage in NPR: "How Poverty Makes Workers Less Productive"448
Suanna Oh, A01, 2022-02-02
Article in Concurrences: "Reinforcing the Digital Markets Act: Merger Control and Structural Remedies"449
Jens-Uwe Franck, Martin Peitz, B05, 2022-02-01
Co-signatory of Amicus Brief to the District of Columbia Circuit: State of New York et al. v. Facebook450
Martin Peitz, B05, 2022-01-28
Coverage in Reuters: "Seeking to strengthen pay equity laws in New York"451
Michèle Tertilt, A03, 2022-01-27
Article in TechREG Chronicle, Competition Policy International: "The Prohibition of Price Parity Clauses and the Digital Markets Act"452
Martin Peitz, B05, 2022-01-26
Presentation in Global Lecture Series on Chinese Economy: "Understanding the US-China Trade Dispute: Causes and Consequences"453
Lei Li, B06, 2022-01-25
Coverage in DIE ZEIT: "Ideen gegen die Ungleichheit"454
Armin Falk, A01, 2022-01-24
ECONtribute Wirtschaftspodcast: "#Arbeit 1: Die Jobmaschinerie"455
Moritz Kuhn, A03, 2022-01-14
Energy for Growth HUB Memo: "A Power and Economic Dual Crisis: Lebanon's Electricity Sector"456
Dana Kassem, B07, 2022-01-10
Coverage in econimate: "Financial Strain and Worker Productivity" (youtube video)457
Suanna Oh, A01, 2022-01-04
Coverage in Badische Neueste Nachrichten: "Warum Deutschland auseinandersdriftet - und wie wir die Spaltung der Gesellschaft überwinden"458
Armin Falk, A01, 2021-12-31
Coverage in Vox EU: "Inflation narratives"459
Peter Andre, Ingar Haarland, Chris Roth, Johannes Wohlfart, A01, 2021-12-23
Coverage in web.de: "Triage: Was entscheidet über Leben und Tod? Welche Rolle spielt der Impfstatus?"460
Armin Falk, A01, 2021-12-23
Coverage in FAZ: "522 Gründe für eine Impfpflicht"461
Armin Falk, A01, 2021-12-18
Coverage in Deutschlandfunk Kultur: "Allein gegen den Klimawandel?"462
Armin Falk, A01, 2021-12-09
Speaker at the China Woche 2021 on International Economic Cooperation of the TU Clausthal China Kompetenzzentrum: "Understanding the US-China Trade Dispute" (video)463
Lei Li, B06, 2021-12-08
Interview in brand eins (bkk classic - Gesundheit in Zahlen): "Geld allein reicht nicht"464
Armin Falk, A01, 2021-12-01
Three lectures and one policy session in the Barcelona BSE executive course "Competition in Digital Markets" for competition practitioners465
Martin Peitz, B05, 2021-11-30
Lecture series on digital platforms at Superintendencia de Industria y Comercio (antitrust department) in Bogota, Colombia466
Martin Peitz, B05, 2021-11-24
Coverage in FAZ: "Schüler brauchen jetzt Mentoren"467
Armin Falk, A01, 2021-11-20
Coverage in Neue Züricher Zeitung: "Warum ist Moralisierung so attraktiv? Weil sie so wenig kostet"468
Armin Falk, A01, 2021-11-20
Coverage in Washington Post: "Authers' Notes: Benjamin Ho on 'Why Trust Matters'"469
Armin Falk, A01, 2021-11-18
Coverage in Financial Times: "The return of inflation: crunch time for the European Central Bank"470
Klaus Adam, C02, 2021-11-15
Speaker at ECB Forum on Central Banking Conference: "Monetary Policy Challenges from Falling Natural Interest Rates"471
Klaus Adam, C02, 2021-11-12
Lecture and one-to-one meetings at Banco de la Republica (Colombian National Bank) in Cali, Colombia472
Martin Peitz, B05, 2021-11-11
Coverage in OÖ Nachrichten: "Rezessionen trafen bisher Männer härter als Frauen: Corona war anders"473
Michèle Tertilt, A03, 2021-11-11
Interview in Mannheimer Morgen: "Inflation wird wahrscheinlich sinken"474
Matthias Meier, C02, 2021-11-09
Presentation at Stiftung Pfalzmetall, Lehrerfortbildung Physik: "Anwendungen der Spieltheorie in sozialen Konfliktsituationen"475
Thomas Tröger, B01, 2021-11-05
Interview in Leben mit Krebs: "Stigmatisierung bei Lungenkrebs - die Auswirkungen auf die Patienten sind gravierend"476
Laura Grigolon, A02, 2021-10-27
Interview with Deutschlandfunk on carbon pricing477
Ulrich Wagner, B07, 2021-10-25
Coverage in The Print: "A payment before end of contract can boost poor worker's productivity by 13%, study shows"478
Suanna Oh, A01, 2021-10-23
Statement in Tagesschau: "Bundesbank-Präsident Weidmann kündigt Rücktritt an"479
Klaus Adam, C02, 2021-10-20
Presentation at the 10th Annual Conference of Banque de France & CompNet: "Covid-19 Supply Chain Disruptions"480
Matthias Meier, C02, 2021-10-14
Panelist at Webinar of the Energy and Economic Growth Applied Research Programme: "Does energy access promote economic growth? A look at the evidence"481
Dana Kassem, B07, 2021-10-13
Coverage in Deutschlandfunk: "Was die kostenlosen Bürgertests gebracht haben"482
Hans-Martin von Gaudecker, C01, 2021-10-10
Lecture to the Working Group on Cartel Law at the Bundeskartellamt (Professorentagung): "Big Tech, Antitrust und Regulierung digitaler Märkte in den Vereinigten Staaten"483
Jens-Uwe Franck, B05, 2021-10-08
Speaker at the IV Workshop of the Spanish Macroeconomics Network: "This Time it's Different: The Role of Women's Employment in a Pandemic Recession"484
Michèle Tertilt, A03, 2021-10-07
Coverage in www.lemonde.fr: "Les femmes qui peuvent télétravailler, mêmelorsqu’elles ont des enfants, s’en sortent mieuxéconomiquement"485
Michèle Tertilt, A03, 2021-10-06
Coverage in BIB Fair Banking: "Wie viel ist uns die Zukunft wert?"486
Armin Falk, A01, 2021-10-06
Article in atlantico.fr: "Une vaste étude révèle ce que 10.000 économistes jugent qu’il est important d’étudier en économie"487
Peter Andre, A01, 2021-10-03
Presentation of the Legal Opinion Commissioned by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy on "Article 114 TFEU as a Legal Basis for Strengthened Control of Acquisitions by Digital Gatekeepers"488
Jens-Uwe Franck, B05, 2021-10-01
Radio interview in BBC Radio 4 "Bringing Up Britain": "Single Sex Education – is it right for my child?"489
Katja Kaufmann, C01, 2021-09-29
Webinar at Coffee Break Briefings of the Energy for Growth Hub: "Electrification and Industrial Development in Indonesia"490
Dana Kassem, B07, 2021-09-29
Panelist at Annual Conference of the German Economic Association: "International Emissions Markets"491
Ulrich Wagner, B07, 2021-09-29
OECD Webinar on COVID-19 & Inequality: "Gender Inequalities during the Covid-19 Pandemic"492
Michèle Tertilt, A03, 2021-09-29
Interdisciplinary Lunch Time Seminar, Institute for Employment Research (IAB): "Staggered Contracts and Unemployment During Recessions"493
Effrosyni Adamopoulou, A03, 2021-09-27
Coverage in WELT am Sonntag: "Wie viel Ego ist noch gesund?"494
Florian Zimmermann, A01, 2021-09-26
Article in the LSE Impact Blog: "Policy relevant, multidisciplinary, disruptive: What kind of research do economists want?"495
Peter Andre, Armin Falk, A01, 2021-09-24
Panelist at ZEW Panel Discussion on Sustainable Finance: "Kann Klimaschutz durch ein nachhaltiges Finanzsystem gelingen?"496
Karolin Kirschenmann, C03, 2021-09-22
Coverage in Süddeutsche Zeitung: "Das Patriarchat schlägt zurück"497
Michèle Tertilt, A03, 2021-09-21
Panelist at the Plan W Congress of the Süddeutsche Zeitung: "Eine Krise der Frauen"498
Michèle Tertilt, A03, 2021-09-21
Co-authored Legal Opinion Commissioned by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy on "Article 114 TFEU as a Legal Basis for Strengthened Control of Acquisitions by Digital Gatekeepers"499
Jens-Uwe Franck, B05, 2021-09-20
Online panel discussion on the study "Consumer Protection for Online Markets and Large Digital Platforms" of the Tobin Center Yale500
Bernhard Ganglmair, B02, 2021-09-20
Lecture at Statistik-Tagung der Deutschen Rentenversicherung: "Altersgrenzen als Referenzpunkte für individuelle Rentenentscheidungen"501
Arthur Seibold, C01, 2021-09-15
Co-organizer and co-moderator of MaCCI/CompassLexecon virtual workshop: "Vertically Integrated Platforms"502
Martin Peitz, B05, 2021-09-14
Co-authored article in Ökonomenstimme: "Was sollen wir erforschen? Wie ÖkonomInnen über Ökonomik denken"503
Peter Andre, Armin Falk, A01, 2021-09-10
Coverage in Vox EU: "What’s worth knowing in economics? A global survey among economists"504
Peter Andre, Armin Falk, A01, 2021-09-07
Training of competition practitioners on "Economics of Platforms: Competition and Regulation" at the European Summer School and Conference in Competition and Regulation (CRESSE)505
Martin Peitz, B05, 2021-09-07
Co-authored article in the Verfassungsblog: "How to Challenge Big Tech"506
Jens-Uwe Franck, Martin Peitz, B05, 2021-09-06
Panelists in policy session "Screens, Presumption and Efficiencies in Merger Review" at the 15th International Conference on Competition and Regulation (CRESSE)507
Volker Nocke, Martin Peitz, B03, B05, 2021-09-05
Jean-Jacques Laffont keynote lecture at the 15th International Conference on Competition and Regulation (CRESSE): "Concentration Thresholds for Horizontal Mergers"508
Volker Nocke, B03, 2021-09-05
Moderator of policy panel "Digital Markets: Big Data, Privacy Protection and AI" at the 15th International Conference on Competition and Regulation (CRESSE)509
Martin Peitz, B05, 2021-09-04
Co-authored article in the London School of Economics EUROPP - European Politics and Policy blog: "Evidence from East Germany: How young people’s education plans are shaped by their environment"510
Katja Kaufmann, C01, 2021-09-02
Coverage in FAZ: "Die Macht der Gene"511
Armin Falk, A01, 2021-08-30
Co-authored article in Ökonomenstimme: "Bereit zum Klimaschutz? Soziale Normen sind entscheidend"512
Peter Andre, Felix Chopra, Armin Falk, A01, B03, 2021-08-26
Coverage in FAZ: "Bankenflucht aus Osteuropa hat weitreichende Folgen"513
Karolin Kirschenmann, C03, 2021-08-25
Coverage in FAZ: "1,1 bis 1,7 Prozent wären optimal"514
Klaus Adam, C02, 2021-08-18
Interview in the LISER-MEGA Series on Gender Dimensions of the COVID-19 Pandemic: "Unemployment and working hours of women and men during the pandemic" (video)515
Sena Coskun, David Koll, Michèle Tertilt, A03, 2021-08-17
Interview in the LISER-MEGA Series on Gender Dimensions of the COVID-19 Pandemic: "Unemployment and working hours of women and men during the pandemic" (video)516
Sena Coskun, David Koll, Michèle Tertilt, A03, 2021-08-17
Interview in Harvard Business manager: "Bewerbungsgespräche: Scheitern an der Startnummer"517
Amelie Schiprowski, B04, 2021-08-10
Coverage in courage: "Die Karriere muss warten"518
Michèle Tertilt, A03, 2021-08-02
Co-authored article in Wirtschaftsdienst: "Versorgungsengpässe während einer Pandemie und was dagegen getan werden kann"519
Martin Peitz, B05, 2021-08-01
Coverage in International Finance: "How can the world get back on its feet?"520
Harald Fadinger, B06, 2021-07-30
Interview in FAZ: "Klappe halten, impfen lassen"521
Armin Falk, A01, 2021-07-29
Lecture at course for lawyers on "Competition Policy & High-Tech Markets", College of Europe522
Martin Peitz, B05, 2021-07-12
Coverage in FAZ: "Das kalte Herz der Kapitalisten"523
Armin Falk, A01, 2021-07-11
Co-authored article in Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung: "Steuervorbild Schweden"524
Michèle Tertilt, A03, 2021-07-06
Coverage in FAZ: "Solidarität mit dem SOEP"525
Armin Falk, A01, 2021-07-05
Research Development Advisor of the IMF in a joint project with the National Bank of Ukraine on "Foreign cash, business cycle propagation, and policy implications"526
Matthias Meier, C02, 2021-07-05
Inclusive Productivity Blog, Bertelsmann Stiftung: "Wachsende Marktmacht in Deutschland: Schlecht für Produktivität und Verbraucher:innen"527
Bernhard Ganglmair, B02, 2021-07-02
Op-Ed in DIE ZEIT: "Im Land der Kleinmütigen"528
Armin Falk, A01, 2021-06-30
Speaker at the symposium of the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities: "Pandemien – was kann man (ökonomisch) in der Zukunft besser machen?"529
Martin Peitz, B05, 2021-06-29
Coverage on ntv: "Mütter landen beruflich auf dem Abstellgleis"530
Sena Coskun, David Koll, Michèle Tertilt, A03, 2021-06-25
Presentation of the CRC-funded research network EPREE to OECD delegates and academics: "Environmental Performance and Regulation of Enterprises in Europe"531
Ulrich Wagner, B07, 2021-06-21
Lecture to the Mexican competition authority COFECE: "Propuestas regulatorias actuales sobre los mercados digitales en Europa"532
Martin Peitz, B05, 2021-06-21
Coverage of Leopoldina paper in Der Tagesspiegel: "Leopoldina empfiehlt Präsenzbetrieb in Schulen"533
Armin Falk, Pia Pinger, A01, A02, 2021-06-21
Presentation to OECD delegates and academics: "Carbon Footprints of European Manufacturing Jobs"534
Dana Kassem, B07, 2021-06-21
Coverage of Leopoldina paper in FAZ: "Psychosoziale Folgen für Kinder stärker berücksichtigen"535
Armin Falk, Pia Pinger, A01, A02, 2021-06-21
Panelist at workshop of the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung: "Im Osten viel Neues"536
Barbara Boelmann, A02, 2021-06-19
Coverage in Bloomberg: "The Return to the Office Is Pushing Even More Women Out of Work"537
Michèle Tertilt, A03, 2021-06-16
Coverage in BBC Science Focus Magazine: "Top 10 – Most patient countries"538
Armin Falk, A01, 2021-06-08
Statement in ZDF Terra X: "Wem gehört die Welt? – Eine Geschichte des Reichtums – Part 3"539
Armin Falk, A01, 2021-06-07
Interview in WDR 5 - Politikum: "Impfpflicht oder Impfanreiz?"540
Armin Falk, A01, 2021-06-02
Co-authored Leopoldina paper: "Kinder und Jugendliche in der Coronavirus‐Pandemie: psychosoziale und edukative Herausforderungen und Chancen"541
Armin Falk, Pia Pinger, A01, A02, 2021-06-01
Coverage in Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung: „Schluss mit der Bequemlichkeit“542
Ernst-Ludwig von Thadden, C03, 2021-05-30
Statement in ZDF Terra X: "Wem gehört die Welt? – Eine Geschichte des Reichtums – Part 2"543
Armin Falk, A01, 2021-05-30
Keynote Speaker at Essen Health Conference: "Behavioral Models of Epidemics: Applications to HIV and COVID19"544
Michèle Tertilt, A03, 2021-05-29
Discussion in Deutschlandfunk: "Mehr als Gewinn – Wie finden wir ein neues Wertesystem für eine globalisierte Wirtschaft?"545
Armin Falk, A01, 2021-05-28
Coverage in The New York Times: "Covid Shuttered Schools Everywhere. So Why Was the ‘She-cession’ Worse in the U.S.?"546
Michèle Tertilt, A03, 2021-05-28
Panelist on Deutschlandfunk: "Auf den Punkt: 81. ZEIT-Forum Wissenschaft. Mehr als Gewinn – Wie finden wir ein neues Wertesystem für eine globalisierte Wirtschaft?"547
Armin Falk, A01, 2021-05-28
Coverage in Newsweek Magazine: "Pandemic Could Cost Typical American Woman Nearly $600,000 in Lifetime Income"548
Michèle Tertilt, A03, 2021-05-26
Statement in ZDF Terra X: "Wem gehört die Welt? – Eine Geschichte des Reichtums – Part 1"549
Armin Falk, A01, 2021-05-23
Coverage in The Economist: "How the pandemic has upended the lives of working parents"550
Sena Coskun, David Koll, Michèle Tertilt, A03, 2021-05-22
Panelist at Concurrences International Mergers Conference: "Challenges For Mergers In The Digital Economy"551
Martin Peitz, B05, 2021-05-20
Coverage in Nada es Gratis: "Newsletter COSME: COVID-19 y Género"552
Michèle Tertilt, A03, 2021-05-20
Presentation of the paper "Markups for Consumers" at conference "Should Wealth and Income Inequality Be a Competition Law Concern?" organized by Amsterdam Centre for European Law and Governance553
Bernhard Ganglmair, B02, 2021-05-20
Presentation at the US Government Accountability Office (GAO): "The Covid-19 Shecession: Evidence and Implications"554
Michèle Tertilt, A03, 2021-05-19
Article in ZEWnews Magazine: "Haushalte lassen für die Altersvorsorge Chancen von Umkehrhypotheken ungenutzt"555
Karolin Kirschenmann, C03, 2021-05-18
Article in ZEWnews Magazine: "Rückstellungen für Unternehmenskredite bei deutschen Banken erforderlich"556
Karolin Kirschenmann, C03, 2021-05-18
Article in the newspaper Oικονομικός Tαχυδρόμος (in Greek)557
Effrosyni Adamopoulou, A03, 2021-05-15
Article in Mannheimer Morgen: "Mannheimer Ökonomin: So hat sich die Vereinbarkeit von Familie und Beruf gewandelt"558
Anne Hannusch, A03, 2021-05-14
Speaker at the Heller-Hurwicz Economics Institute's (University of Minnesota) virtual spring roundtable: "The Economics of COVID-19" (youtube video)559
Michèle Tertilt, A03, 2021-05-12
Keynote at Concurrences Roundtable: "Will A One-Size-Fits-All Digital Markets Act Deliver For Consumers?"560
Martin Peitz, B05, 2021-05-11
Presentation of "Corporate Debt Maturity Matters for Monetary Policy" at "The Policy Toolkit for a World in Flux" organized by the National Bank of Ukraine and the National Bank of Poland561
Matthias Meier, Joachim Jungherr, Timo Reinelt, Immo Schott, C02, 2021-05-10
Coverage in Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung: "Mit dieser Industriestrategie soll Europa aufholen"562
Harald Fadinger, B06, 2021-05-05
Coverage in WELT: "Der gebrochene Megatrend"563
Sena Coskun, David Koll, Michèle Tertilt, A03, 2021-05-05
Co-authored article in Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung: "Das Dilemma der EZB"564
Klaus Adam, C02, 2021-05-02
EconPol Policy Report: "Is There a Need for Reverse Mortgages in Germany? Empirical Evidence and Policy Implications"565
Karolin Kirschenmann, C03, 2021-04-28
Coverage in markenartikel: Das Magazin für Markenführung: "Verbraucherpreisaufschläge in Deutschland"566
Bernhard Ganglmair, B02, 2021-04-28
Coverage in Gießener Anzeiger: "Umkehrhypothek als Rententurbo"567
Karolin Kirschenmann, C03, 2021-04-28
Coverage in Spiegel Online: "Verbraucherpreisaufschläge in Deutschland"568
Bernhard Ganglmair, B02, 2021-04-27
Coverage in White House Press Briefing: "Biden-Harris Administration Issues an Executive Order to Raise the Minimum Wage to $15 for Federal Contractors"569
Armin Falk, A01, 2021-04-27
Interview in WDR 5 - Mittagsecho: Impfskepsis: "Risiken gut erklären"570
Florian Zimmermann, A01, 2021-04-26
Coverage in The Academic Times: "Unlike past recessions, pandemic hit women hardest"571
Sena Coskun, Michèle Tertilt, A03, 2021-04-25
Interview with Deutschlandfunk: "Niemand weiß, wie hoch der Preis des Lebens wirklich ist"572
Armin Falk, A01, 2021-04-22
Interview with VoxUkraine: "Subsidizing Childcare Is Profitable For Governments"573
Michèle Tertilt, A03, 2021-04-19
Coverage in Süddeutsche Zeitung: "Immobilienverrentung: Zur Hälfte verkauft"574
Karolin Kirschenmann, C03, 2021-04-16
NDR podcast "Wirtschaft in Zeiten von Corona – alles ist anders"575
Michèle Tertilt, A03, 2021-04-14
Virtual presentation at the Bank of Greece: "The Long Run Earnings Effects of a Credit Market Disruption"576
Effrosyni Adamopoulou, A03, 2021-04-08
Keynote speaker at KSE conference: "Rethinking Gender: Economic and Social Costs of Gender Inequality"577
Michèle Tertilt, A03, 2021-04-08
Co-authored article in Ökonomenstimme: "Die „She-cession“ von 2020: Ursachen und Folgen"578
Michèle Tertilt, A03, 2021-04-06
Paper featured on EEA Website as research highlight: "This Time It's Different: The Role of Women's Employment in a Pandemic Recession"579
Michèle Tertilt, A03, 2021-04-01
Virtual short course for the Canadian Competition Bureau: "Market Definition in Platform Markets"580
Martin Peitz, B05, 2021-04-01
Article in DIE ZEIT: "Wie viel Lockdown ist ein Leben wert?"581
Armin Falk, A01, 2021-03-31
Coverage in CEPR Women in Economics podcast: "Gender Equality and the COVID-19 Crisis"582
Michèle Tertilt, A03, 2021-03-29
Presentation at DG Comp, European Commission: “Market definition in the platform economy”583
Jens-Uwe Franck, Martin Peitz, B05, 2021-03-25
Virtual Presentation at European Commission, DG Comp: "Market Definition in the Platform Economy"584
Jens-Uwe Franck, Martin Peitz, B05, 2021-03-24
Coverage in aerzteblatt.de: "Stigmatisierung von Lungenkrebs könnte Therapien hemmen"585
Laura Grigolon, A02, 2021-03-23
Article in Antitrust Chronicle 3(1), Competition Policy International: "Section 19a of the Reformed German Competition Act: A (Too) Powerful Weapon to Tame Big Tech?"586
Jens-Uwe Franck, Martin Peitz, B05, 2021-03-19
Panelist at Digital Markets Competition Forum, Copenhagen Business School: "Tipping in Digital Markets: When to Intervene ex-ante and What Are the Principles for Intervention"587
Martin Peitz, B05, 2021-03-18
Release of co-authored CERRE report "EU Liability Rules for the Age of Artificial Intelligence", with reporting in politico.eu588
Martin Peitz, B05, 2021-03-18
Press release University of Mannheim: "Social Stigma Burdens Innovative Lung Cancer-Therapies, Study Says"589
Laura Grigolon, A02, 2021-03-18
Presentation of the book "Freakonomics" at an online event hosted by Ateneu Barcelonès, a Catalan Cultural Association590
Francesc Dilmé, B02, 2021-03-17
Article in DER STANDARD: "Gender-Pay-Gap: Ein bisserl Zwang muss sein"591
Andreas Gulyas, A03, 2021-03-12
Interview in Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger: "Verhaltensökonom über Corona: Geimpfte müssen sofort alle Grundrechte zurückbekommen"592
Armin Falk, A01, 2021-03-11
Video in Econofact: "COVID-19 and the Female Employment Crisis"593
Michèle Tertilt, A03, 2021-03-05
Coverage in Buisness Insider: "Jobkrise: Wie die Pandemie Frauen ins Abseits drängt — und was ihre Situation sofort beflügeln könnte"594
Michèle Tertilt, A03, 2021-03-04
Coverage in Süddeutsche Zeitung on the Munich Economic Debate: "Wer nicht präsent ist, kann keine Karriere machen"595
Michèle Tertilt, A03, 2021-03-03
Research featured in "Neunter Familienbericht der Bundesregierung" (page 368)596
Armin Falk, A01, 2021-03-03
Coverage in Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung: "Haltung der Ökonomen zur Corona-Politik kippt"597
Lorenz Götte, Volker Nocke, B03, B07, 2021-03-02
Coverage in UCLA Anderson Forecast: "The Differential Impacts of the Pandemic Recession on Women and Men's Employment and Roles"598
Michèle Tertilt, A03, 2021-03-01
Statement in WirtschaftsWoche: "Whatever it Pieks: In fünf Schritten zur erfolgreichen Impfkampagne"599
Armin Falk, A01, 2021-03-01
Panelist at Munich Economic Debate on "Catalyst or Career Brake - How Is the Working Environment of Women Changing Due to the Coronavirus Crisis?"600
Michèle Tertilt, A03, 2021-03-01
Blog entry in the Oxford Business Law Blog (OBLB): "Taming Big Tech: What Can We Expect From Germany’s New Antitrust Tool?"601
Jens-Uwe Franck, Martin Peitz, B05, 2021-02-22
Coverage in Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntags-Zeitung: "Trittbrettfahren unerwünscht"602
Armin Falk, A01, 2021-02-21
Presentation at working group meeting of the CEPS Task Force on EU Industrial Policy after the pandemic: "M&A and Industrial Policy"603
Martin Peitz, B05, 2021-02-16
Article in DIE ZEIT: "Solidarisch aus Eigennutz"604
Armin Falk, A01, 2021-02-11
Presentation at virtual roundtable with industry representatives: "CO2-Preise, transparente Klimabilanzen, Border Carbon Adjustments – Welche Rolle spielen sie für den Klimaschutz europäischer Unternehmen?"605
Ulrich Wagner, B07, 2021-02-09
Article in Ökonomenstimme: "Wer hat Angst vor den Robotern?"606
Harald Fadinger, B06, 2021-02-08
Blog entry on PROMARKET.org (Stigler Center, University of Chicago): "Taming Big Tech: What Can We Expect From Germany’s New Antitrust Tool?"607
Jens-Uwe Franck, Martin Peitz, B05, 2021-02-07
Interview in Deutschlandfunk: "Woran arbeiten Sie gerade? Kinder langfristig fördern"608
Armin Falk, A01, 2020-12-30
Coverage in Wiener Zeitung: "Heimarbeit ist Frauensache"609
Michèle Tertilt, A03, 2020-12-28
Coverage in IZA Newsroom: "Individuelles Verhalten entscheidend für das weitere Infektionsgeschehen"610
Janos Gabler, Hans-Martin von Gaudecker, Klara Röhrl, A02, C01, 2020-12-21
Coverage in eldiario.es: "Los inmigrantes aportan más de lo que reciben"611
Effrosyni Adamopoulou, A03, 2020-12-19
Comment in Mannheimer Morgen: "Faule Kredite bergen Risiken für Banken"612
Karolin Kirschenmann, C03, 2020-12-15
Coverage in General-Anzeiger: "Oft zitierte Bonner Forscher: Die Einflussreichsten ihrer Fächer"613
Armin Falk, A01, 2020-12-15
Coverage by dpa, published in Rhein-Zeitung ("Impfbereitschaft bei Corona - wovon hängt sie ab?"), Aachener Zeitung, Frankfurter Neue Presse, ZEIT ONLINE, WELT, Süddeutsche Zeitung, General Anzeiger, FOCUS Online, FAZ.NET, Radio Bonn/Rhein-Sieg614
Florian Zimmermann, A01, 2020-12-11
Coverage in stern.de: "Ängste und Falschinformationen: Viele Menschen wollen sich nicht impfen lassen - wie kann man das ändern?"615
Florian Zimmermann, A01, 2020-12-11
Panelist at the AASLE Job Market 2020: "COVID19 and Higher Education" (video)616
Michèle Tertilt, A03, 2020-12-10
Employment Agency Hagen: Talk about the effectiveness of caseworker meetings617
Amelie Schiprowski, B04, 2020-12-10
Coverage in SWR Odysso: "Wer profitiert von der Abschaffung des Bargeldes?"618
Armin Falk, A01, 2020-12-10
Coverage in General Anzeiger: "Deshalb zahlen wir auf dem Weihnachtsmarkt gerne mehr"619
Armin Falk, A01, 2020-12-06
Coverage on Yahoo!Money: "2020 could set women’s wages back 20 years, study finds"620
Michèle Tertilt, A03, 2020-11-28
Coverage in Business Insider: "UK government announces plans to write a 'conduct' code for Facebook and Google, starting in April 2021, but doesn't offer an enforcement timeline"621
Martin Peitz, B05, 2020-11-27
Co-authored article in ifo Schnelldienst Digital: "Wenn Menschen (keine) Menschen treffen: Simulation der Auswirkungen von Politikmaßnahmen zur Eindämmung der zweiten Covid-19-Welle"622
Janos Gabler, Hans-Martin von Gaudecker, Klara Röhrl, A02, C01, 2020-11-25
Participation at the Fourth Annual Workshop of the ESCB Research Cluster 2 and Presentation by a Co-Author of the Paper: "Wage determination and the bite of collective contracts in Italy and Spain: Evidence from the metalworking industry"623
Effrosyni Adamopoulou, A03, 2020-11-23
Coauthored article in VoxEU: "Gravity with Granularity"624
Harald Fadinger, Volker Nocke, Nicolas Schutz, B03, B06, 2020-11-21
Panelist at Association of Competition Economics (ACE) virtual conference on "State Aid: Lufthansa"625
Martin Peitz, B05, 2020-11-19
Coverage in Saporta Report: "Women’s disproportionate setbacks in Covid economy subject of ATL Fed’s webinar"626
Michèle Tertilt, A03, 2020-11-19
Coverage in ZEIT ONLINE: "Wenn ich heute dranbleibe, ist morgen der Erfolg größer"627
Armin Falk, A01, 2020-11-17
Presentation on "Underlying theories of harm behind the new legislative proposal" at EUI Conference "The Digital Markets Act: EU Competition Policy at a Crossroad"628
Martin Peitz, B05, 2020-11-16
Coverage in FAZ: "Die Geldpolitik stößt an Grenzen"629
Klaus Adam, C02, 2020-11-12
Presentation on "Monetary Policy Challenges from Falling Natural Rates of Interest" at ECB Forum on Central Banking630
Klaus Adam, C02, 2020-11-11
Coverage in The Telegraph: "Eurozone recovery depends on speed of vaccine rollout, Lagarde warns"631
Klaus Adam, C02, 2020-11-11
Coverage in Bloomberg: "ECB Told Home Prices, Fiscal Spending Key as Strategy Reviewed"632
Klaus Adam, C02, 2020-11-10
Coverage in REUTERS: "Central bankers seek new role in brave new world"633
Klaus Adam, C02, 2020-11-10
Research Development Advisor of the IMF in a joint project with the National Bank of Ukraine on "Foreign cash, business cycle propagation, and policy implications"634
Matthias Meier, C02, 2020-11-09
Lecture series at the Institut für Wirtschaftspolitik, University of Cologne: "Chancengleichheit im deutschen Bildungssystem"635
Pia Pinger, A02, 2020-11-02
Co-authored CEPR Policy Insight: "Preparing for the next crisis: How to secure the supply of essential goods and services"636
Martin Peitz, B05, 2020-11-01
Coverage in Deutschlandfunk: "Ländervergleich: Geduldige Menschen verdienen mehr"637
Armin Falk, A01, 2020-10-30
Presentation and panelist at the webinar of the Association of Korean Economic Studies on social protection during the CoViD-19 crisis: "A view from Western Europe: Implementation of the inclusive social protection scheme in an era of COVID-19 pandemic"638
Hans-Martin von Gaudecker, C01, 2020-10-28
Coverage in BBC: "Why this recession disproportionately affects women"639
Michèle Tertilt, A03, 2020-10-27
Coverage in The Wall Street Journal: "Covid Pushed These Dads to Pause Their Careers for Full-Time Parenting"640
Michèle Tertilt, A03, 2020-10-25
Coverage in Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung: "Sozialenzyklika des Papstes: Armut für alle?"641
Armin Falk, A01, 2020-10-10
Speaker at Franco-German Fiscal Policy Seminar: "My home is my castle - The benefits of working from home during a pandemic crisis: Evidence from Germany"642
Jan Schymik, B06, 2020-10-08
Radio interview in WDR5: "Homeoffice als Chance für Frauen"643
Michèle Tertilt, A03, 2020-10-08
Keynote Speaker at Franco-German Fiscal Policy Seminar: "This Time it's Different: The Role of Women's Employment in a Pandemic Recession"644
Michèle Tertilt, A03, 2020-10-08
Release of co-authored study "Intervention triggers and underlying theories of harm – expert advice for the Impact Assessment of a New Competition Tool", commissioned by the European Commission645
Martin Peitz, B05, 2020-10-07
Presentation at Erstsemesterakademie BaWü at University of Mannheim: "Klimawandel und Umweltökomomik"646
Andreas Gerster, B07, 2020-10-06
Coverage in The New York Times: "Why Did Hundreds of Thousands of Women Drop Out of the Workforce?"647
Michèle Tertilt, A03, 2020-10-03
Presentation on New Competition Tool at meeting of the European Competition Network (ECN)648
Martin Peitz, B05, 2020-10-02
Podcast in n-tv: "Lieber stur als aufgeschlossen: Warum strafen wir neue Meinungen ab?"649
Florian Zimmermann, A01, 2020-10-01
Co-authored article in ZEW policy brief: "COVID-19 and Inequality"650
Michèle Tertilt, A03, 2020-10-01
Coverage in Bloomberg: "The First Female Recession Threatens to Wipe Out Decades of Progress for U.S. Women"651
Michèle Tertilt, A03, 2020-09-30
Press release Reinhard Selten Institute: "Vom Pandemieschock in die Rezession: Veränderung der Arbeitsstunden spiegelt Entwicklung der Corona-Krise wider"652
Hans-Martin von Gaudecker, C01, 2020-09-30
Co-authored article in VoxEU and CEPR Policy Insight: "Google/Fitbit will monetise health data and harm consumers", with reporting in Financial Times, FAZ, and politico.eu653
Michelle Sovinsky, Nicolas Schutz, Martin Peitz, A02, B03, B05, 2020-09-30
Coverage in l'Opinion "Aides d’Etat: l’Allemagne fausse-t-elle la concurrence?"654
Martin Peitz, B05, 2020-09-29
Panelist at Public Panel in Karlsruhe, Südwerk, Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften: "Wie wird Corona unseren Alltag verändern?"655
Ernst-Ludwig von Thadden, C03, 2020-09-28
Co-authored article in VoxEU: "The shecession (she-recession) of 2020: Causes and consequences"656
Michèle Tertilt, A03, 2020-09-22
Coverage in Market Watch: "‘There’s so much financial turmoil right now:’ More married millennials are keeping their finances separate"657
Michèle Tertilt, A03, 2020-09-17
Co-authored article in VoxEU: "Building a strategy for resilience"658
Martin Peitz, B05, 2020-09-16
Article in CEPR Covid Economics (issue 48): "Covid-19 Supply Chain Disruptions"659
Matthias Meier, C02, 2020-09-10
Reference to guest post in ÖkonomenBlog: "Wie sich ein Mentorenprogramm auf die Schulwahl auswirkt"660
Armin Falk, Pia Pinger, A01, A02, 2020-09-10
Guest post in Ökonomenstimme: "Chancengleichheit im Bildungssystem: Wie sich ein Mentorenprogramm auf die Schulwahl auswirkt"661
Armin Falk, Pia Pinger, A01, A02, 2020-09-09
Coverage in CNBC: "Two kids, no support system and $167 in unemployment benefits: One single mom’s plight in the age of Covid-19"662
Michèle Tertilt, A03, 2020-09-05
Speaker at Fifth ECB Annual Research Conference: "This time it's different: the role of women's employment in the Great Lockdown"663
Michèle Tertilt, A03, 2020-09-03
Coverage in ZEIT ONLINE : "Wie du mir, so ich dir"664
Armin Falk, A01, 2020-09-02
Article in EAERE Magazine: "Health, Labor, and Environmental Regulation in Post-Industrial Europe"665
Ulrich Wagner, B07, 2020-09-01
Co-authored article in VoxEu: "The Federal Reserve and quantitative easing: A boost for investment, a burden on inflation"666
Gregor Böhl, C01, 2020-08-30
Interview in Mannheimer Morgen: "Bargeld ist nicht umsonst"667
Karolin Kirschenmann, C03, 2020-08-29
Co-authored article in Econofact: "Impact of the Covid-19 Crisis on Women’s Employment"668
Michèle Tertilt, A03, 2020-08-27
Presentation at CASE Online Summit Workshop "Forschung trifft Praxis": "Geschlechtsunterschiede in subjektiven Bewertungen: Was wissen wir?"669
Amelie Schiprowski, B04, 2020-08-26
Co-authored article in VoxEu: "On concentration screens in horizontal merger review"670
Volker Nocke, B03, 2020-08-26
Coverage in National Public Radio: "How The Pandemic Is Making The Gender Pay Gap Worse"671
Michèle Tertilt, A03, 2020-08-18
Coverage in The Christian Science Monitor: "For working women, a recession like no other"672
Michèle Tertilt, A03, 2020-08-14
Article in FORUM, Magazine of the University of Mannheim: "Betreuungsnot: Starker Rückgang bei der Arbeitszeit von Eltern erwartet"673
Michèle Tertilt, A03, 2020-08-01
Coverage in China Daily: "Women in US lost more jobs than men from virus"674
Michèle Tertilt, A03, 2020-07-31
Interview with LISER: "The Role of Gender, Household Behaviour and Family Economics"675
Michèle Tertilt, A03, 2020-07-30
TV-Interview in SWR Aktuell: "Beschäftigungsgarantien"676
Andreas Gulyas, A03, 2020-07-28
Co-authored article in the Cardiff Business School blog: "Legal status, work permits, and the consumption response of immigrant households"677
Effrosyni Adamopoulou, A03, 2020-07-21
Coverage in manager magazine: "In der Gruppe sinken die Skrupel"678
Armin Falk, A01, 2020-07-21
Contribution to Ökonomenstimme Blog (with Torben Stühmeier): "Marktmacht und Produktivität der Unternehmen in Deutschland"679
Bernhard Ganglmair, B02, 2020-07-17
Interview with Brigitte (16/2020): "Das Positive kann überwiegen"680
Michèle Tertilt, A03, 2020-07-15
Co-authored article in Ökonomenstimme.org: "Homeoffice – ein Allheilmittel in der Coronakrise und auch danach?"681
Harald Fadinger, Jan Schymik, B06, 2020-07-09
Study: "Price Markups, Innovation and Productivity: Evidence from Germany" at Bertelsmann Stiftung, Gütersloh682
Bernhard Ganglmair, B02, 2020-07-09
Speaker at virtual event of the Inter-American Development Bank: "EconNet: This Time It's Different: The Role of Women's Employment in the Great Lockdown"683
Michèle Tertilt, A03, 2020-07-07
Interview with finanzen.de: "Eltern - von der Politik in der Corona-Krise vergessen?"684
Michèle Tertilt, A03, 2020-07-02
Speaker at John Hopkins University's Modeling & Policy Hub: "Modeling COVID from the Society to the Individual: Weighing the Tradeoffs"685
Michèle Tertilt, A03, 2020-07-01
Coverage in General-Anzeiger: "Lockerheit und Lockdown in den Niederlanden"686
Hans-Martin von Gaudecker, C01, 2020-07-01
Central Bank of Chile: Course on Monetary Policy687
Klaus Adam, C02, 2020-06-30
Presentation at the UK Department for International Development (DIFD)688
Dana Kassem, B07, 2020-06-29
Research Development Advisor of the IMF in a joint project with the National Bank of Ukraine on "Foreign cash savings, business cycle propagation, and policy implications"689
Matthias Meier, C02, 2020-06-29
Panelist at the EALE-SOLE-AASLE Conference: "Covid-19 and the Female Labor Market"690
Michèle Tertilt, A03, 2020-06-26
Coverage in WOZ: "Die perfide Logik des Lockdowns"691
Michèle Tertilt, A03, 2020-06-25
Coverage in Bloomberg: "A Central Pillar of the EU Is Under Threat"692
Martin Peitz, B05, 2020-06-23
Webinar presentation of Bertelsmann productivity study at the Economic Policy Department at the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy693
Bernhard Ganglmair, B02, 2020-06-23
Co-authored article in FAZ: "Ab ins Homeoffice!"694
Harald Fadinger, Jan Schymik, B06, 2020-06-22
Coverage in Forbes: "In Business, As In Life, The Greatest Risk Is Doing Nothing"695
Armin Falk, A01, 2020-06-22
Coverage in THE WALL STREET JOURNAL: "Women's Job Losses From Pandemic Aren't Good for Economic Recovery"696
Michèle Tertilt, A03, 2020-06-21
Coverage in Deutschlandfunk: "Gehaltsunterschiede machen krank"697
Armin Falk, A01, 2020-06-21
Coverage in The New York Times: "The Pandemic Has Reshaped American Fatherhood. Can It Last?"698
Michèle Tertilt, A03, 2020-06-21
Podcast in Deutschlandfunk: "Alles ist Vergleich. Vergleich ist alles"699
Armin Falk, A01, 2020-06-21
Speaker at ZEW Policy Discussion: "COVID-19 and Inequality: Research Perspectives on the Worldwide Effects of the Pandemic on Economic and Social Inequality"700
Michèle Tertilt, A03, 2020-06-19
Coverage in The Guardian: "An unexpected upside to lockdown: men have discovered housework"701
Michèle Tertilt, A03, 2020-06-17
Authored Article in ENERGY FOR GROWTH HUB: "How Electrification Causes Industrialization: Lessons From Indonesia"702
Dana Kassem, B07, 2020-06-16
Co-authored article in the Italian interdisciplinary blog Neodemos: "Status giuridico e permessi di lavoro: consumi degli immigrati e domanda aggregata del paese ospitante"703
Effrosyni Adamopoulou, A03, 2020-06-16
Co-authored article in the Spanish economics blog Nada es Gratis: "Estatus jurídico y permisos de trabajo: el consumo de los inmigrantes y la demanda agregad"704
Effrosyni Adamopoulou, A03, 2020-06-15
Coverage in Mannheimer Morgen: "Forscher: Kosten der Schließungen sind gewaltig"705
Michèle Tertilt, A03, 2020-06-13
Co-authored article in VoxEU: "The importance of testing and age-specific policies during the COVID-19 pandemic"706
Michèle Tertilt, A03, 2020-06-12
Coverage in IZA World of Labor: "Labor markets in the Covid-19 pandemic: Western Europe and the US"707
Hans-Martin von Gaudecker, C01, 2020-06-11
Coverage in Handelsblatt: "Zeit für mehr Vielfalt: Warum die Corona-Pandemie eine Chance für Frauen ist"708
Michèle Tertilt, A03, 2020-06-11
Coverage in Rhein-Neckar-Zeitung: "Wegen geschlossener Kitas und Schulen fehlen Eltern bei der Arbeit"709
Michèle Tertilt, A03, 2020-06-09
Coverage in IL FOGLIO: "La Germania mostra all’Europa come si fa un piano per il rilancio"710
Martin Peitz, B05, 2020-06-06
Coverage in Ärztezeitung: "In Umweltzonen wird weniger für Asthma- und Herz-Mittel ausgegeben"711
Felix Holub, B07, 2020-06-05
Coverage "Studie zu Arbeitsausfall wegen Schul- und Kita-Schließung" in: Süddeutsche Zeitung, Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger, Die Rheinpfalz, Westdeutsche Zeitung, Finanzen100, Nau.ch, General Anzeiger, Freie Presse712
Michèle Tertilt, A03, 2020-06-05
Coverage in Mannheimer Morgen: "Mit 130 Milliarden Euro gegen die Corona-Krise"713
Michèle Tertilt, A03, 2020-06-05
Coverage in Teller Report: "Study: School and daycare closings lead to loss of work"714
Michèle Tertilt, A03, 2020-06-05
Interview with der Freitag: "Es wird mehr moderne Paare geben als bisher"715
Michèle Tertilt, A03, 2020-06-04
Expert at 3D Seminar series of the University of Goettingen: "COVID-19 and Gender Equality"716
Michèle Tertilt, A03, 2020-06-04
Coverage in Mannheimer Morgen: "Homeoffice - Chance und Gefahr"717
Michèle Tertilt, A03, 2020-06-04
Coverage in The New York Times: "Pandemic Could Scar a Generation of Working Mothers"718
Michèle Tertilt, A03, 2020-06-03
Coverage in The Economist: "Downturns tend to reduce gender inequality. Not under covid-19"719
Michèle Tertilt, A03, 2020-06-02
Co-authored article in Intereconomics 55(4): "State Aid Policies in Response to the COVID-19 Shock: Observations and Guiding Principles" (also appeared as CRC discussion paper 179/2020)720
Martin Peitz, B05, 2020-06-01
Co-authored article in VoxEU: "The short-run macro implications of school and childcare closures"721
Michèle Tertilt, A03, 2020-05-30
Coverage in Bayern 2 Radio: "Weniger Feinstaub, gesündere Anwohner - Umweltzonen senken den Arzneiverbrauch"722
Felix Holub, B07, 2020-05-29
Coverage in Bayerischer Rundfunk: "Umweltzonen: Weniger Feinstaub senkt Ausgaben für Medikamente"723
Felix Holub, B07, 2020-05-28
Coverage in General-Anzeiger on his presentation at the Dies Academicus of the University of Bonn: "Positive Bilanz nach virtuellen Fachvorträgen"724
Hans-Martin von Gaudecker, C01, 2020-05-27
Coverage regarding "maischberger. die woche"725
Andreas Gulyas, A03, 2020-05-27
Coverage in The Telegraph: "The lockdown gender gap: seven things that are harming women"726
Michèle Tertilt, A03, 2020-05-27
Coverage in Ärzteblatt: "Studie: Städtische Umweltzonen senken Ausgaben für Herzmedikamente und Asthmasprays"727
Felix Holub, B07, 2020-05-26
Coverage in Economic and Political Weekly: "What Does Work-From-Home Mean for Women?"728
Michèle Tertilt, A03, 2020-05-23
Presentation of "Monetary Policy, Markup Dispersion, and Aggregate TFP" (joint with Timo Reinelt) at "Inflation: drivers and dynamics 2020" organized by the ECB and the Cleveland Fed729
Matthias Meier, C02, 2020-05-21
CEPR Webinar: "How Covid-19 affects women"730
Michèle Tertilt, A03, 2020-05-20
Interview with Deutschlandfunk: "Am Ende ist es wahrscheinlich ganz einfach die Angst"731
Armin Falk, A01, 2020-05-17
Co-authored article in VOX: "Democratic tipping points"732
Antonio Ciccone, A04, 2020-05-17
Co-authored article in EL PAIS: "Una oportunidad para recuperar Europa"733
Martin Peitz, B05, 2020-05-14
Radio interview with NDR Info: "Wie gerecht läuft es in Corona-Zeiten zu Hause?"734
Michèle Tertilt, A03, 2020-05-13
Authored article in FAZ: "Das Empathie-Experiment"735
Armin Falk, A01, 2020-05-11
Radio report in Bayern2: "Corona und Eltern"736
Michèle Tertilt, A03, 2020-05-05
Coverage by the UN Developement Program for Latin America and the Caribbean: "The impact of COVID-19 on gender equality"737
Michèle Tertilt, A03, 2020-05-04
Coverage in Verslo žinios: "Ekonomikos skatinimas ES kompetencijos ribose: kaip veikti?"738
Martin Peitz, B05, 2020-05-04
Coverage in IL FOGLIO: "La Germania punta tutto sugli aiuti di stato. L’Italia non ha soldi"739
Martin Peitz, B05, 2020-05-01
Podcast "The Oxford Union: The Economics of COVID-19" at Spotify & Apple Podcasts740
Michèle Tertilt, A03, 2020-05-01
Co-authored article in VoxEU: "The EU Recovery Fund: An Opportunity for Change"741
Martin Peitz, B05, 2020-04-30
Interview with Bayern2 radioWelt on state support for Lufthansa742
Martin Peitz, B05, 2020-04-30
Interview in Tagesschau24: "The initial impact of the CoViD-19 crisis on labor markets"743
Hans-Martin von Gaudecker, C01, 2020-04-28
Coverage in The Sidney Morning Herald: "There's a silver lining for fathers in the COVID crisis"744
Michèle Tertilt, A03, 2020-04-26
Coverage in Lietuvos nacionalinis radijas ir televizija "COVID-19 apnuogino nelygybę: kam kirto skaudžiau – vyrams ar moterims?"745
Michèle Tertilt, A03, 2020-04-26
Coverage of Nature comment, in Spiegel Online: "Der unerwartet hohe Preis des Autofahrens"746
Andreas Gerster, B07, 2020-04-24
Authored article in Covid Economics, Issue 9: "The Costs and Benefits of Home Office during the Covid-19 Pandemic: Evidence from infections and an input-output model for Germany"747
Harald Fadinger, Jan Schymik, B06, 2020-04-24
Coverage of Nature comment, in TAZ: "Rechenschwach am Steuer"748
Andreas Gerster, B07, 2020-04-24
Coverage in ARD Tagesschau: "Hilfsoptionen für Airline: Staat und Lufthansa - Kann das gut gehen?" on partial state ownership of Lufthansa749
Martin Peitz, B05, 2020-04-24
Coverage of Nature comment, in Süddeutsche Zeitung: "(Sehr viel) teurer als man denkt"750
Andreas Gerster, B07, 2020-04-22
Discussion paper (in Czech), Institute for Democracy & Economic Analysis (IDEA), Prague: "Serological tests for Covid-19 antibodies: What could they be good for?"751
Ludmila Matyskova, B02, 2020-04-22
Coverage in Knowledge@Wharton: "Why the U.S. Economic Downturn Could Hurt Women More"752
Michèle Tertilt, A03, 2020-04-21
Coverage in Süddeutsche Zeitung: "Als Gesellschaft können wir es nicht mehr lange stemmen"753
Michèle Tertilt, A03, 2020-04-20
Coverage in PULS, Bayerischer Rundfunk: "Wie sich Corona auf Gender Equality auswirken könnte"754
Michèle Tertilt, A03, 2020-04-20
Interview with DER SPIEGEL online: "Corona: Warum die Krise langfristig gut für die Gleichstellung sein könnte"755
Michèle Tertilt, A03, 2020-04-20
Co-authored article in VoxEU: "The impact of the coronavirus pandemic on gender equality"756
Michèle Tertilt, A03, 2020-04-19
Co-authored article in VoxEU: “EU state aid policies in the time of COVID-19”757
Martin Peitz, B05, 2020-04-18
Co-authored article in Le Monde: "Les 101 romans des lecteurs du «Monde»: Comment refléter au mieux les choix des (é)lecteurs ?"758
Tobias Rachidi, B01, 2019-12-27
Coverage in Spektrum der Wissenschaft: “Der Marshmallow‐Test: Vorboten für ein gutes Leben“759
Armin Falk, Fabian Kosse, Pia Pinger, A01, A02, 2019-12-24
Interview with the Spanish radio station “capital radio” on "Mercados de carbono: negocio o solución al cambio climático?" (Cabon Markets: Business or Solution to Climate Change?)760
Ulrich Wagner, B07, 2019-12-16
Short Course at the Brazilian competition authority CADE on “The Economics of Platforms”761
Martin Peitz, B05, 2019-12-10
Lecture on “Antitrust in the Attention Economy” and panelist on “What has been learned about digital markets?”at the second Rio Conference on Advances in Competition Policy Analysis762
Martin Peitz, B05, 2019-12-05
Presentation at the meeting of the Board and Representatives of the German State Pension Fund (Vertreterversammlung der Deutschen Rentenversicherung) on "Referenzpunkte für individuelle Rentenentscheidungen"763
Arthur Seibold, C01, 2019-12-04
Presentation on "Monetary Policy, Markup Dispersion, and Aggregate TFP" at the first CompNet, EBRD and IWH Conference on "Finance and Produktivity" at the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development764
Matthias Meier, C02, 2019-12-03
Participation at the 15th Joint ECB/CEPR Labour Market Workshop on “Labour market adjustments” and presentation (by a co‐author) of the paper “The Long‐Run Earnings Effects of a Credit Market Disruption"765
Effrosyni Adamopoulou, A03, 2019-12-02
Authored article in DIE ZEIT: “Klimaschutz - Ich und das Klima“766
Armin Falk, A01, 2019-11-21
Three lectures and panel contribution in the Barcelona GSE executive course “Competition in Digital Markets” for competition practitioners767
Martin Peitz, B05, 2019-11-20
Interview with Vox CEPR Policy Portal: “Where do we stand in the fight against HIV?“768
Michèle Tertilt, A03, 2019-11-19
Contribution to the plenary panel “Reflections on the Need for a Reform of Merger Rules – Increased Concentration and Digital Mergers” and analysis of the German Facebook case at the Annual Conference of the Association of Competition Economists (ACE)769
Martin Peitz, B05, 2019-11-14
Interview with Mannheim Stadt im Quadrat: “Ich bin eine leidenschaftliche Forscherin“770
Michèle Tertilt, A03, 2019-11-06
Presentation at the CRC TR 224 Research and Policy Workshop “Bildungs- und familienpolitische Maßnahmen – Potentiale ausschöpfen, Ungleichheit verringern“: “Die Auswirkung von familienpolitischen Maßnahmen auf Anreize und die Verteilung in (und nach) der Ehe“771
Michèle Tertilt, A03, 2019-11-04
Presentation at the Directorate‐General for Competition of the European Commission: “Internet (Power) to the People: The Impact of Demand‐Side Subsidies in Colombia“772
Michelle Sovinsky, A02, 2019-11-04
Presentation at the CRC TR 224 Research and Policy Workshop “Bildungs- und familienpolitische Maßnahmen – Potentiale ausschöpfen, Ungleichheit verringern“: “Wie beeinflusst Familienpolitik das Arbeitsverhalten von Frauen?“773
Anne Hannusch, A03, 2019-11-04
Presentation at the CRC TR 224 Research and Policy Workshop “Bildungs- und familienpolitische Maßnahmen – Potentiale ausschöpfen, Ungleichheit verringern“: “Der Effekt eines Mentoren‐Programms auf die soziale und kognitive Entwicklung von Kindern und Jugendlichen“774
Florian Zimmermann, A01, 2019-11-04
Coverage in ZEIT Online: “Die Fragen, die Deutschland spalten“775
Armin Falk, A01, 2019-10-30
Coverage in ZEIT Online: “Lassen Sie es fetzen. Streiten Sie“776
Armin Falk, A01, 2019-10-30
Coverage in FAZ: “Jung gegen Alt statt Ost gegen West“777
Armin Falk, A01, 2019-10-30
Portrait in CEPR/UBS Series on Women in Economics778
Michèle Tertilt, A03, 2019-10-28
Coverage in Sächsische Zeitung: “Wenn zwei sich streiten…“779
Armin Falk, A01, 2019-10-25
Contribution to the panel “When Data Affects Industrial Policy – Do We Need To Rethink Merger Control?” at the European Data Summit of the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung (KAS)780
Martin Peitz, B05, 2019-10-23
Presentation at the Bureau for Economic Policy Analysis of the Netherlands: “A Setback Set Right? Unfortunate Timing of Family Distress and Educational Outcomes”781
Renske Stans, A02, 2019-10-08
Talk at the interdisciplinary workshop “Eating Meat 2019 - Determinants, Consequences, and Interventions” at DIW Berlin: “Eating Habits: The Role of Early Life Experiences and Intergenerational Transmission”782
Effrosyni Adamopoulou, A03, 2019-10-08
Presentation at the National Bank of Ukraine: "Monetary Policy, Markup Dispersion, and Aggregate TFP"783
Matthias Meier, C02, 2019-09-27
Comment in the fact checking for the television broadcast Maischberger: "Kann Armut jeden treffen?"784
Andreas Gulyas, A03, 2019-09-25
Talk at the Twelfth Annual Conference on Antitrust Economics and Competition Policy in Chicago on "Merger Remedies in Multimarket Oligopoly"785
Volker Nocke, B03, 2019-09-20
Presentation at the 7th CBRT-ECB Joint Conference "Firm Dynamics, International Trade, Finance and Growth": Monetary Policy, Markup Dispersion, and Aggregate TFP"786
Timo Reinelt, Matthias Meier, C02, 2019-09-19
Co-authored article in Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung: "Europas Einlagensicherung neu gedacht"787
Klaus Adam, C02, 2019-09-16
Presentation to policymakers on "Reference Points for Retirement Behavior: Evidence from German Pension Discontinuities" at pension policy workshop "Séminaire sur la Microsimulation des retraites", Institut des Politiques Publiques, Paris788
Arthur Seibold, C01, 2019-09-10
Coverage in Süddeutsche Zeitung: “Die Lohnlücke in den Köpfen“789
Pia Pinger, A02, 2019-08-26
Comment in WirtschaftsWoche: “Wohin mit dem Geld?”790
Armin Falk, A01, 2019-08-23
Blog post on Handelsblatt Rechtsboard: “Gegen gesetzgeberischen Minimalismus bei Related Party Transactions“791
Andreas Engert, C04, 2019-08-16
Interview with ZEIT Online: "Improving Social Cohesion, One discussion at a Time"792
Armin Falk, A01, 2019-08-15
Interview with ZEIT Online: "Zuhören ist wichtiger als Reden"793
Armin Falk, A01, 2019-08-15
Presentation at the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco: "Monetary Policy, Markup Dispersion, and Aggregate TFP"794
Matthias Meier, C02, 2019-08-12
Authored article in VoxDev: "What caused the HIV/AIDS decline in Africa? Anti-retroviral therapy or better information?"795
Michèle Tertilt, A03, 2019-08-09
Presentation at the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis: "Monetary Policy, Markup Dispersion, and Aggregate TFP"796
Matthias Meier, C02, 2019-08-08
Authored article in VoxDev: "Electricity grid expansion and firm turnover in Indonesia"797
Dana Kassem, B07, 2019-07-31
Authored article in Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung: "Wege aus der Brexit-Sackgasse"798
Ernst-Ludwig von Thadden, C03, 2019-07-27
Interview with MANNHEIMER MORGEN for the article "Stresstest für Tarifpartner" on wage negotiations in the metals and electrical industry799
Andreas Gulyas, A03, 2019-07-24
Training of competition practitioners on "Economics of Platforms: Competition and Regulation" at the European Summer School and Conference in Competition and Regulation (CRESSE)800
Martin Peitz, B05, 2019-07-09
Panelist in policy session “The Role of Industrial Policy in Competition Law Enforcement: Lessons from Siemens/Alstom” at the 14th International Conference on Competition and Regulation, CRESSE801
Martin Peitz, B05, 2019-07-07
Blog post on Handelsblatt Rechtsboard: “Kleine Änderungen, große Wirkung: Wie viele Unternehmen betreffen die neuen Regelungen zu Related Party Transactions?“802
Andreas Engert, C04, 2019-07-05
Coverage in Barcelona GSE Focus: “Mothers’ Care: Early Childhood Health Shocks and Parental Investment”803
Cristina Bellés-Obrero, A02, 2019-06-27
Co-authored article in Vox CEPR Policy Portal: "The people's will"804
Ernst-Ludwig von Thadden, C03, 2019-06-21
Presentation at the IZA/DFID G2LM/LIC Launch Workshop on Jobs, Gender and Poverty in London: "Is Women’s Empowerment Good for Development?"805
Michèle Tertilt, A03, 2019-06-19
Presentation at the ECB Forum on Central Banking in Sintra, Portugal: “Superstar firms and spatial agglomeration: An exploration of effects in Europe”806
Harald Fadinger, B06, 2019-06-17
Coverage in Bloomberg: “Superstar Firms, Aging and Euro Success in Vogue at ECB Retreat”807
Harald Fadinger, B06, 2019-06-17
Presentation at Conference on Capital Markets Union and European Integration, London School of Economics and Polit: "Legal Frictions for Third Country Banking Transactions in the EU"808
Ernst-Ludwig von Thadden, C03, 2019-06-14
Poster presentation at the Kick-off Conference of the Dialogue on the Economics of Climate Change: "Evaluating Policy Instruments for the Transformation to a Low Carbon Economy - Causal Evidence from Administrative Microdata (TRACE)"809
Andreas Gerster, Ulrich Wagner, B07, 2019-06-12
Coverage in The Economist: “Advertising may make people miserable, but it still has its uses”810
Michelle Sovinsky, A02, 2019-06-06
Expert at the Digital Clearinghouse Roundtable for Regulators, European Policy Center, Brussels811
Jens-Uwe Franck, B05, 2019-06-05
Coverage in Handelszeitung: “Ökonomen vermuten: Werbung macht unglücklich.“812
Michelle Sovinsky, A02, 2019-06-01
Co-authored article on Oxford Business Law Blog: “Digital platforms: Market definition and market power”813
Jens-Uwe Franck, Martin Peitz, B05, 2019-05-29
Co-authored article on VOX CEPR Policy Portal: “Advertising as a Major Source of Human Dissatisfaction: Cross-National Evidence on One Million Europeans”814
Michelle Sovinsky, A02, 2019-05-27
Presentation at Banco de España: “The Bite of Collective Contracts in Italy and Spain: Evidence from the Metalworking Industry”815
Effrosyni Adamopoulou, A03, 2019-05-22
Interview with SWR1 Leute: "Verhaltensökonom Prof. Armin Falk: Erforscht, wie wir uns in unserem wirtschaftlichen und finanziellen Leben positionieren"816
Armin Falk, A01, 2019-05-20
Presentation at the 1st University of Cambridge Symposium on Competition Policy: “Merger Remedies in Multimarket Oligopoly”817
Volker Nocke, B03, 2019-05-17
Presentation at University Day Mannhei: “HIV/AIDS in Afrika: Eine ökonomische Perspektive”818
Michèle Tertilt, A03, 2019-05-16
Presentations at the Workshop "Evaluating Policy Instruments for the Transformation to a Low Carbon Economy", ZEW Mannheim: "Unternehmenserfolg unter EHS und EEG: Wirkung auf Umsätze, Beschäftigung und Energieverbrauch" and "Firm performance under the ETS and the Renewable Energy Levy - Effects on sales, employment, and energy use"819
Ulrich Wagner, B07, 2019-05-09
Report at the Centre on Regulation in Europe (CERRE): “Market Definition and Market Power in the Platform Economy”820
Jens-Uwe Franck, Martin Peitz, B05, 2019-05-08
Press coverage in The Economist: “New research traces the intricate links between policy and politics”821
Katja Kaufmann, C01, 2019-05-05
Co-authored article in ifo Schnelldienst "Zäsur in der europäischen wettbewerbs- und Industriepolitik: Freie Fahrt für europäische Champions?": “Gute europäische Champions und böse Funktionskontrolle?“822
Martin Peitz, B05, 2019-04-25
Interview with Handelsblatt: “Niemand weiß, welche Risiken in der Deutschen Bank schlummern”823
Isabel Schnabel, C04, 2019-04-25
Interview with Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung: Bankenfusion - “Das Scheitern ist eine gute Nachricht”824
Isabel Schnabel, C04, 2019-04-24
Co-authored article on Oxford Business Law Blog: “Regulating Related Party Transactions in Continental Europe: Evidence from Germany“825
Andreas Engert, C04, 2019-04-18
Co-authored article “Challenges for EU Merger Control” published in Concurrences, special issue “Which Competition and Industrial Policies for the new EU Commission after Siemens/Alstom?”; press coverage in politico.eu826
Martin Peitz, B05, 2019-04-16
Authored article in DIE ZEIT: “Das Gesicht der Verlierer”827
Harald Fadinger, B06, 2019-04-11
Co-authored article in IOP Science Portal: “How effective is the European Union energy label? Evidence from a real-stakes experiment”; press coverage in Welt: “EU-Energielabel für Haushaltsgeräte verfehlt sein Ziel“828
Lorenz Götte, Andreas Gerster, B07, 2019-03-20
Interview with ma vie "Die Frage ist nicht, wer uns lässt": "Moderne Gesellschaften bieten Frauen neue Ausdrucksformen"829
Armin Falk, A01, 2019-03-15
Interview with Mannheimer Morgen: "Männer können immer Vollzeit arbeiten - Kind hin oder her"830
Michèle Tertilt, A03, 2019-03-09
Interview with econo magazine: "Zwischen Arbeitsteilung und Chancengleichheit"831
Michèle Tertilt, A03, 2019-03-01
Co-authored article in the Vox CEPR Policy Portal: “Competition Policy and European Firms’ Competitiveness”832
Martin Peitz, B05, 2019-02-20
Presentation “Beyond Rational Expectations: Theory and Applications to Asset Pricing and Business Cycles” at the Bank of England833
Klaus Adam, C02, 2019-02-15
Interview with Der Spiegel: "Warum gönnen wir Deutschen anderen nichts?"834
Armin Falk, A01, 2019-02-09
Co-signatories of open letter "More, not less competition is needed in Europe", published in Les Echos (France), El Pais (Spain), De Standaard (Belgium), De Tijd (Belgium), Expresso (Portugal), Finans (Denmark), Politico.eu with reporting by dpa, ZEIT, FAZ (all Germany) and iL Sole 24 ORE (Italy)835
Volker Nocke, Martin Peitz, Nicolas Schutz, Konrad Stahl, Emanuele Tarantino, B02, B03, B04, B05, 2019-02-01
Presentations "Public Policy in Big Data Markets" and "Digital Platforms: Reviews, Ratings and Recommendations" at the Argentinian competition branch, Comisión Nacional de la Defensa de la Competencia (CNDC)836
Martin Peitz, B05, 2019-01-23
Short course at the Chilean competition authority Fiscalía Nacional Económica (FNE): "Competition Economics of Platform Markets"837
Martin Peitz, B05, 2019-01-17
Authored article in Gallup News: "Global Evidence on Economic Preferences"838
Armin Falk, A01, 2019-01-10
Video contribution on VoxDev: "Are women better for development?"839
Michèle Tertilt, A03, 2019-01-09
Coverage in Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung: "Auf die Frauen kommt es an"840
Michèle Tertilt, A03, 2018-12-23
Talk at the "Monetary Policy and Financial Stability" conference of the European Central Bank in Frankfurt: "Leaning Against Housing Prices as Robustly Optimal Monetary Policy"841
Klaus Adam, C02, 2018-12-18
Radio interview with Radio Regenbogen842
Michèle Tertilt, A03, 2018-12-06
Presentation at the Hearing of the economic committee of the parliament of the State of Schleswig-Holstein843
Martin Peitz, B05, 2018-12-04
Plenary talk at the Florence School of Regulation Annual Climate Conference, EUI, Florence: "Emissions Trading and Firm Behavior: Evidence from European Firms“844
Ulrich Wagner, B07, 2018-11-27
Public lecture on "Mal gut, mal böse: zur Veränderlichkeit moralischen Verhaltens"845
Armin Falk, A01, 2018-11-22
Public lecture at Capitol, Mannheim: "Häusliche Gewalt kommt uns teuer zu stehen" (in cooperation with Mannheimer Frauenhaus)846
Michèle Tertilt, A03, 2018-11-22
Interview with Finance News TV on YouTube: "Es steht nicht gut mit Europas Banken"847
Isabel Schnabel, C04, 2018-11-21
Coverage in WELT: "Mit dem Wohlstand kamen die Rechte"848
Michèle Tertilt, A03, 2018-11-11
Interview with Der Spiegel: "Weltweit sehen wir wachsende Risiken"849
Isabel Schnabel, C04, 2018-11-11
Public lecture as part of the Hambacher Gespräche: "Der Westen - (noch) Gemeinschaft der Weltmarktführer?"850
Harald Fadinger, B06, 2018-11-07
Presentation of the Annual Report 2018 of the German Council of Economic Experts to Chancellor Merkel851
Isabel Schnabel, C04, 2018-11-07
Co-Organizer of the "Arbeitstreffen zu Umweltökonomischen Analysen mit amtlichen Firmendaten für Deutschland", ZEW Mannheim852
Ulrich Wagner, B07, 2018-10-11
Public lecture on "Energiesparen leicht gemacht! Die Rolle von Echtzeit-Feedback im Umweltschutz" at Altes Rathaus Bonn853
Lorenz Götte, B07, 2018-10-10
Co-authored article in VOX CEPR Political Portal: "You Can't Always Get What you Want: The Real Exchange Rate and Manufacturing Performance in a World of Global Value Chains"854
Harald Fadinger, Yanping Liu, B06, 2018-10-02
Co-authored article in VOX CEPR Policy Portal: "Ownership and Power Structure: Together at Last"855
Harald Fadinger, B06, 2018-09-26
Talk at the 11th Annual Searle Center Conference on Antitrust Economics and Competition Policy, Chicago: "An Aggregative Games Approach to Merger Analysis in Multiproduct-Firm Oligopoly"856
Volker Nocke, B03, 2018-09-21
Co-authored report at the Centre on regulation in Europe (CERRE): "Liability of Online Hosting Platforms: Should Exceptionalism End?"857
Miriam Buiten, Martin Peitz, B05, 2018-09-13
Co-Organizer of the "Workshop on Challenges and Opportunities for Low Carbon Mobility", ZEW Mannheim858
Ulrich Wagner, B07, 2018-09-13
Presentation at the OECD in Paris, on "The Uses of combined Environmental and Economic and Performance Datasets at the Micro Level"859
Ulrich Wagner, B07, 2018-07-10
Presentation at the Directors & Officers Day of Thümmel, Schütze & Partner on the proper legal policy regarding manager liability in the financial industry860
Andreas Engert, C04, 2018-07-07
Four hour course from competition agencies and consultancies on "Economics of Platform Markets for Competition Policy" at the CRESSE Summer School, furthermore plenary talk on "The Role of Multihoming in Platform Markets" and presentation in the plenary panel on "Foreclosure in Platform Markets" both also at the "CRESSE 2018"861
Martin Peitz, B05, 2018-06-29
Presentation at the IZA Policy Event "Ungleichheit und Arbeitsmärkte": "Umverteilung und soziale Mobilität: Erkenntnisse aus der Verhaltensökonomik"862
Thomas Dohmen, A01, 2018-06-27
Co-authored article in Vox CEPR Policy Portal: "Imperfect Substitution and Development Accounting"863
Antonio Ciccone, A04, 2018-06-09
Talk at the Chief Competition Economists' Meeting of the Euorpean Competition Network (ECN), held at the European Commission in Brussels, on "Mergers and Investment"864
Volker Nocke, B03, 2018-06-07
Co-authored article in Vox CEPR Policy Portal: "Completing Europe’s Banking Union means breaking the bank-sovereign vicious circle"865
Isabel Schnabel, C04, 2018-05-16
Presentation at the Antitrust Division of the U.S. Department of Justice in Washington, D.C.: "An Aggregative Games Approach to Merger Analysis in Multiproduct-Firm Oligopoly"866
Volker Nocke, B03, 2018-05-07
Presentation at the Regulation Practitioner Event organized by Deloitte on "Effectiveness of Compensation Regulation in the Financial Industry"867
Andreas Engert, C04, 2018-05-07
Presentation at the second Interntional Conference on Globalization and Development at the Georg-August University Göttingen: "Female Empowerment and Economic Developement"868
Michèle Tertilt, A03, 2018-05-03
Co-authored article on Vox CEPR Policy Portal: "Breaking the stalemate on European deposit insurance"869
Isabel Schnabel, C04, 2018-04-06
Co-authored policy report with Jan Krähmer, University of Passau for the Centre on Regulation in Europe (CERRE): "A Fresh Look at Zero-Rating"870
Martin Peitz, B05, 2018-03-28
Presentation at the European Commission's Directorate-General for Competition on "Public Policy in Big Data Markets"871
Martin Peitz, B05, 2018-03-26
Presentation at the conference "A New Economy for Middle East and North Africa Countries: Youth, Technology and Finance" in Algiers, organized by the World Bank, on "Regulation as a Catalyst for Innovation"872
Martin Peitz, B05, 2018-03-26
Consultant for a new module on the green economy, Business Environment and Enterprise Performance Survey, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development873
Ulrich Wagner, B07, 2018-03-01
Presentation on "International Financial Integration in a Changing Policy Context – the End of an Era?"(European Commission, CEPR, Brussels)874
Isabel Schnabel, C04, 2018-03-01
Presentation at the National Environment Agency in Singapore on "Keeping Singapore Clean"875
Lorenz Goette, B07, 2018-01-18
Co-authored article on "How to reconcile risk sharing and market discipline in the euro area" in the Vox CEPR Policy Portal876
Isabel Schnabel, C04, 2018-01-17
Co-authored article on "Reconciling risk sharing with market discipline: A constructive approach to euro area reform" in the CEPR Policy Insight No. 91877
Isabel Schnabel, C04, 2018-01-17
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- https://www.crctr224.de/newsroom/policy-outreach-in-the-press/pool/co-authored-article-in-faz-was-von-der-1000-euro-pramie-fur-langzeitarbeitslose-zu-halten-ist
- https://www.crctr224.de/newsroom/policy-outreach-in-the-press/pool/co-authored-article-in-faz-die-hintern-hoch-pramie-aus-okonomischer-sicht
- https://www.crctr224.de/newsroom/policy-outreach-in-the-press/pool/coverage-in-el-pais-europa-quiere-dejar-de-ser-un-pigmeo-en-un-mundo-de-gigantes-como-crear-superempresas-para-competir-con-ee-uu-y-china
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- https://www.crctr224.de/newsroom/policy-outreach-in-the-press/pool/coverage-in-minneapolis-fed-for-all-the-geography-of-unemployment-in-america-1
- https://www.crctr224.de/newsroom/policy-outreach-in-the-press/pool/co-authored-article-in-faz-wie-objektiv-sind-bewerbungs-gesprache
- https://www.crctr224.de/newsroom/policy-outreach-in-the-press/pool/co-authored-article-in-voxeu-the-impact-of-de-risking-by-correspondent-banks-on-international-trade
- https://www.crctr224.de/newsroom/policy-outreach-in-the-press/pool/presentation-at-competition-conference-of-the-faroese-competition-authority-the-market-investigation-tool
- https://www.crctr224.de/newsroom/policy-outreach-in-the-press/pool/co-authored-article-in-voxeu-draghi-is-right-on-many-issues-but-he-is-wrong-on-telecoms
- https://www.crctr224.de/newsroom/policy-outreach-in-the-press/pool/presentation-at-research-meeting-on-active-labor-market-policies-ifau-sweden-201ccommittee-deliberation-and-gender-differences-in-influence201d
- https://www.crctr224.de/newsroom/policy-outreach-in-the-press/pool/participation-at-hitachi-finance-day-mannheim
- https://www.crctr224.de/newsroom/policy-outreach-in-the-press/pool/co-authored-article-in-handelsblatt-deutschland-blockiert-sich-selbst
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- https://www.crctr224.de/newsroom/policy-outreach-in-the-press/pool/participant-at-central-bankers-course-foundation-of-the-swiss-national-bank
- https://www.crctr224.de/newsroom/policy-outreach-in-the-press/pool/coverage-in-faz-homeoffice-verandert-vaterrolle
- https://www.crctr224.de/newsroom/policy-outreach-in-the-press/pool/coverage-in-faz-schlechtere-noten-bei-gutaussehenden-freunden
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- https://www.crctr224.de/newsroom/policy-outreach-in-the-press/pool/coverage-in-news4teachers-attraktive-mitschuler-verringern-schulischen-erfolg-2013-allerdings-nur-von-jungen
- https://www.crctr224.de/newsroom/policy-outreach-in-the-press/pool/co-authored-article-in-ifo-schnelldienst-steuern-mit-der-lohnsteuer-2013-arbeitsanreiz-und-verteilungseffekte-des-deutschen-lohnsteuerklassensystem
- https://www.crctr224.de/newsroom/policy-outreach-in-the-press/pool/coverage-in-sudwest-presse-was-wirklich-hinter-der-reform-der-steuerklassen-iii-und-v-steckt
- https://www.crctr224.de/newsroom/policy-outreach-in-the-press/pool/co-authored-zew-policy-brief-24-13-towards-a-more-realistic-view-on-the-market-potential-of-eu-securitizations
- https://www.crctr224.de/newsroom/policy-outreach-in-the-press/pool/interview-in-steg-how-will-a-new-malaria-vaccine-shape-africa2019s-economic-future
- https://www.crctr224.de/newsroom/policy-outreach-in-the-press/pool/coverage-in-faz-motivationskiller-steuerklasse-5
- https://www.crctr224.de/newsroom/policy-outreach-in-the-press/pool/presentation-at-the-city-cma-workshop-on-economics-of-competition-and-regulation-product-recommendations-and-price-parity
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- https://www.crctr224.de/newsroom/policy-outreach-in-the-press/pool/interview-in-tagesspiegel-freundschaft-und-rausch-beliebte-personen-haben-ein-hoheres-risiko-fur-drogenmissbrauch
- https://www.crctr224.de/newsroom/policy-outreach-in-the-press/pool/coverage-in-munchner-merkur-and-sudkurier-grossmutter-arbeiten-auf-kosten-der-tochter
- https://www.crctr224.de/newsroom/policy-outreach-in-the-press/pool/presentation-at-bmwk-female-economists-network
- https://www.crctr224.de/newsroom/policy-outreach-in-the-press/pool/coverage-in-suddeutsche-zeitung-das-imperium-schlagt-zuruck
- https://www.crctr224.de/newsroom/policy-outreach-in-the-press/pool/co-authored-article-in-voxeu-staggered-contracts-and-unemployment-during-recessions
- https://www.crctr224.de/newsroom/policy-outreach-in-the-press/pool/participant-at-ecb-forum-on-central-banking-monetary-policy-in-an-era-of-transformation
- https://www.crctr224.de/newsroom/policy-outreach-in-the-press/pool/coverage-in-katapult-aus-zu-wenig-wird-zu-viel
- https://www.crctr224.de/newsroom/policy-outreach-in-the-press/pool/co-authored-article-in-nada-es-gratis-contratos-escalonados-y-desempleo-durante-las-recesiones-en-espana
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- https://www.crctr224.de/newsroom/policy-outreach-in-the-press/pool/co-authored-article-in-voxeu-sequential-contrast-effects-in-hiring-and-admission-interviews
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- https://www.crctr224.de/newsroom/policy-outreach-in-the-press/pool/interview-in-rheinische-post-machen-hungerzeiten-spater-dick
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- https://www.crctr224.de/newsroom/policy-outreach-in-the-press/pool/coverage-in-minneapolis-fed-for-all-the-geography-of-unemployment-in-america
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