EPoS video series

In these videos, CRC researchers explain their latest findings and papers. We thereby intend to spread the output of our work and make transparent what has been achieved so far.

Christian Bayer: Energy Crisis, Government Policy and Energy Prices1
How Should Governments Respond to Energy Crises?
Bernhard Ganglmair: GDPR, Data Privacy, Privacy Policies and Regulation2
Does Vagueness in Regulation Make an Organization Less Likely to Comply?
Michelle Sovinsky: Marijuana, Taxation and Legalization3
Can Taxation be Used to Effectively Limit Young People’s Use of Legalized Marijuana?
Jonas von Wangenheim: Game Theory and Online Shopping4
What are the Strategies pursued by Platforms, Buyers and Sellers in the Online Marketplace?
Andres Espitia: Overconfidence and Employee Behaviour5
Can an Overconfident Employee be an Asset to a Company? 
Wladislaw Mill: Networking, Minority Discrimination, Job Hunting6
How Prevalent is Discrimination in Career Networking?
Anton Sobolev: Ad Blockers and Competition7
How Do Ad Blocking Programs Affect Competition?
Yuliyan Mitkov: Common Ownership and Anticompetitive Practices8
How Does Common Ownership Affect Corporate Conduct?
Volker Nocke: Mergers and Competition9
How Can Competition Authorities Make Sounder Judgments When Considering Prospective Mergers?
Francesc Dilmé: Employee Savings and Employer-Employee Relationship10
How Does the Visibility of Employee Savings Affect the Worker - Employer Relationship?
Yasemin Özdemir: How Pension Policies Counteract Government Goals11
What Are Some Unintended Consequences of Pension Reform?
Luca Henkel: “Wolf of Wall Street” Image Puts People Off Stock Market Investment12
What Prevents People From Investing in the Stock Market?
Helena Perrone: Consumer Behaviour and Product Harm Crisis13
How Do Consumers React to A Product Harm Crisis?
Hendrik Hakenes: Investment and Green Finance14
 What is the Impact of Dollarization in Developing Economies?
Husnu Dalgic: Dollarization and Currency15
What is the Impact of Dollarization in Developing Economies?
Antonio Ciccone: Immigration16
What Are the Economic Consequences of International Migration?
Jonas Radbruch: Hiring Decisions and Human Resources17
Video with Jonas Radbruch: Hiring Decisions and Human Resources
Hannah Illing: Gender Inequality and Job Loss18
Is the Impact of Job Loss Equal for Men and Women?
Andreas Gerster: Smart Meters and Reducing Electricity Consumption19
What Information Should Smart Meters Provide to Effectively Reduce EnergyConsumption?
Christian Zimpelmann: Investment and Stock Market20
How Do Households Invest Their Savings?
Sarah Auster: Auctions and Consumer Behaviour21
How Do People Make Timing Decisions in Situations Where They Have Little Experience and Insufficient Data?
Florian Zimmermann: Belief Formation and Memory22
How Does Associative Recall Shape the Process of Belief Formation?
Han Ye: Pension and Retirement Age23
How Does Additional Pension Benefit Affect Workers’ Retirement Timing?
Effrosyni Adamopoulou: Habit Formation and Overconsumption24
Why Do Individuals Overconsume Unhealthy Foods?
Anne Hannusch: Working Mothers25
Why Do Married Mothers Make Differing Employment Decisions In DifferentCountries?
Sena Coskun: Fertility and Having Children in Recession26
What Is the Relationship Between Gender, Macroeconomic Conditions and FertilityDynamics?
Amelie Schiprowski: Unemployment and Caseworkers27
How Important Are Caseworkers in Helping the Unemployed to Find Work?
Lei Li: Human Capital28
How Does the Importation of Machinery Impact Upon Human Capital Accumulation?
Yuliyan Mitkov: Financial Instability and Income Inequality29
What Is the Relationship Between Regional Inequality and Financial Instability?
Cristina Bellés-Obrero: Child Marriage and Global Poverty30
Can Legal Reforms Effectively Combat the Negative Consequences of Child Marriage?
Hans-Martin von Gaudecker: Coronavirus31
How Is the Coronavirus Pandemic Impacting Human Inequality?
Katja Kaufmann: Inequality32
What Are the Long-Run Effects of Elite Universities on Individuals and Society?
Si Chen: Behavioral Economics33
What Prompts Decision Makers to Stop Collecting Relevant Information?
Thomas Tröger: Voter Participation34
How Can We Best Respond to Low Participation Rates in Elections?
Stephan Lauermann: Election Turnout35
How Can We Assess the Nature and the Effectiveness of Informal Political Processes?
Isabel Schnabel: Banking36
What Is the Relationship Between Asset Price Bubbles and Systemic Risk at Bank Level?
Benny Moldovanu: Parliamentary Voting Procedures37
How Can Parliaments Optimally Organize Voting Procedures?
Martin Peitz: Digital Economy38
Can Multiple Platforms Profitably Co-exist in Digital Markets?
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