Project group A01: Discussion papers
Mental Models of the Stock Market
611/2024, A01, Peter Andre, Philipp Schirmer, Johannes Wohlfart
Norms as Obligations
610/2024, A01, Leonard Hoeft, Michael Kurschilgen, Wladislaw Mill
Mental Models in Financial Markets: How Do Experts Reason About the Pricing of Climate Risk?
569/2024, A01, Rob Bauer, Katrin Gödke, Paul Smeets, Florian Zimmermann
Bargaining Under the Threat of a Nuclear Option
559/2024, A01, Franziska Heinicke, Wladislaw Mill, Henrik Orzen
Voting Under Salience Bias and Strategic Extremism
542/2024, A01, B03, Günnur Ege Bilgin, Cavit Görkem Destan
Ends Versus Means: Kantians, Utilitarians, and Moral Decisions
499/2024, A01, Roland Bénabou, Armin Falk, Luca Henkel
Coarse Wage-Setting and Behavioral Firms
492/2024, A01, Germán Reyes
Inequality of Opportunity and Income Redistribution
491/2024, A01, Marcel Preuss, Germán Reyes, Jason Somerville, Joy Wu
Cognitive Endurance, Talent Selection, and the Labor Market Returns to Human Capital
490/2023, A01, Germán Reyes
LinkedOut? A Field Experiment on Discrimination in Job Network Formation
482/2023, A01, A04, B02, Yulia Evsyukova, Felix Rusche, Wladislaw Mill. First version: December 2023
Historical Narratives About the COVID-19 Pandemic are Motivationally Biased
467/2023, A01, Philipp Sprengholz, Luca Henkel, Robert Böhm, Cornelia Betsch
Eliciting Moral Preferences Under Image Concerns: Theory and Evidence
441/2023, A01, Roland Bénabou, Armin Falk, Luca Henkel, Jean Tirole
Experimental Evidence on the Relationship Between Perceived Ambiguity and Likelihood Insensitivity
440/2023, A01, Luca Henkel
Spite in Litigation
401/2023, A01, Wladislaw Mill, Jonathan Stäbler
Proud to Not Own Stocks: How Identity Shapes Financial Decisions
380/2022, A01, C01, Luca Henkel, Christian Zimpelmann
Narratives About the Macroeconomy
350/2022, A01, Peter Andre, Ingar Haaland, Christopher Roth, Johannes Wohlfart
MyPortfolio: The IKEA Effect in Financial Decisions
349/2022, A01, Fabian Brunner, Fabian Gramm, Wladislaw Mill. Published in Journal of Banking & Finance 154 (2023), 106529
Inflation Narratives
325/2021, A01, Peter Andre, Ingar Haaland, Christopher Roth, Johannes Wohlfart
Egocentric Norm Adoption
323/2021, A01, Thomas Neuber
Reference Points and the Tradeoff Between Risk and Incentives
322/2021, A01, Thomas Dohmen, Arjan Non, Tom Stolp
Shallow Meritocracy
318/2021, A01, Peter Andre. Second version: February 2022. First version: September 2021
Fighting Climate Change: The Role of Norms, Preferences, and Moral Values
310/2021, A01, B03, Peter Andre, Teodora Boneva, Felix Chopra, Armin Falk
What’s Worth Knowing? Economists’ Opinions About Economics
308/2021, A01, Peter Andre, Armin Falk
Limited Self-Knowledge and Survey Response Behavior
307/2021, A01, Armin Falk, Thomas Neuber, Philipp Strack
Patience and Comparative Development
293/2021, A01, Uwe Sunde, Thomas Dohmen, Benjamin Enke, Armin Falk, David Huffman, Gerrit Meyerheim. Published in Review of Economic Studies, 89(5): 2806-2840, 2022. First version: April 2021.
Interview Sequences and the Formation of Subjective Assessments
268/2021, A01, B04, Jonas Radbruch, Amelie Schiprowski. First version: March 2021
Competition Between Friends and Foes
242/2020, A01, Wladislaw Mill, John Morgan. Published in European Economic Review 147 (2022), 104171
The Cost of a Divided America: An Experimental Study Into Destructive Behavior
238/2020, A01, Wladislaw Mill, John Morgan. Published in Experimental Economics 25 (2022), 974-1001
Fishing for Good News: Motivated Information Acquisition
223/2020, A01, B03, Si Chen, Carl Heese. First version: October 2020
How People Know Their Risk Preference
217/2020, A01, Ruben C. Arslan, Martin Brümmer, Thomas Dohmen, Johanna Drewelies, Ralph Hertwig, Gert G. Wagner. Published in Scientifc Reports, 10(15365): 1-14, 2020
Mentoring and Schooling Decisions: Causal Evidence
186/2020, A01, A02, Armin Falk, Fabian Kosse, Pia Pinger
Self-Assessment: The Role of the Social Environment
172/2020, A01, Armin Falk, Fabian Kosse, Hannah Schildberg-Hörisch, Florian Zimmermann. Published in Journal of Public Economics 223 (2023), 104908
Experimental Evidence on Misguided Learning
170/2020, A01, B07, Lorenz Götte, Marta Kozakiewicz
Associative Memory and Belief Formation
148/2020, A01, Benjamin Enke, Frederik Schwerter, Florian Zimmermann
Self-Selection of Peers and Performance
121/2019, A01, A02, Lukas Kiessling, Jonas Radbruch, Sebastian Schaube. First version: August 2019. Published in Management Science, 68(11): 7793-8514, 2022
Socio-Economic Status and Inequalities in Children’s IQ and Economic Preferences
111/2019, A01, A02, Armin Falk, Fabian Kosse, Pia Pinger, Hannah Schildberg-Hörisch, Thomas Deckers. Published in Journal of Political Economy, 129(9): 2504-2545, 2021
Mission of the Company, Prosocial Attitudes and Job Preferences: A Discrete Choice Experiment
100/2019, A01, Arjan Non, Ingrid Rohde, Andries de Grip, Thomas Dohmen. Published in Labour Economics 74 (2022), 102087
(Not) Everyone Can Be a Winner - The Role of Payoff Interdependence for Redistribution
097/2019, A01, Sebastian Schaube, Louis Strang
Motivated by Others’ Preferences? An Experiment on Imperfect Empathy
096/2019, A01, Jana Hofmeier, Thomas Neuber
The Dynamics of Motivated Beliefs
073/2019, A01, Florian Zimmermann. Published in American Economic Review, 110(2): 337-361, 2020
Determinants of Trust: The Role of Personal Experiences
072/2019, A01, Frederik Schwerter, Florian Zimmermann. Published in Games and Economic Behavior, 122: 413-425, 2020
Relationship of Gender Differences in Preferences to Economic Development and Gender Equality
071/2019, A01, Armin Falk, Johannes Hermle. Published in Science, 362(6412), 2018
Narratives, Imperatives, and Moral Reasoning
070/2019, A01, Roland Bénabou, Armin Falk, Jean Tirole
Willingness to Take Risk: The Role of Risk Conception and Optimism
023/2018, A01, Thomas Dohmen, Simone Quercia, Jana Willrodt. Published in Journal of Risk and Uncertainty 67 (2023), 193-214
Parental Involvement and the Intergenerational Transmission of Economic Preferences and Attitudes
022/2018, A01, Maria Zumbuehl, Thomas Dohmen, Gerard Pfann. Published in Economic Journal 131 (638), 2642-2670
The Formation of Prosociality: Causal Evidence on the Role of Social Environment
013/2018, A01, A02, Fabian Kosse, Thomas Deckers, Pia Pinger, Hannah Schildberg-Hörisch, Armin Falk. Published in Journal of Political Economy, 128(2): 434-467, 2020
Affirmative Action and Retaliation in Experimental Contests
012/2018, A01, Francesco Fallucchi, Simone Quercia. Published in Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 156: 23-40, 2018
On the Relationship Between Cognitive Ability and Risk Preference
006/2018, A01, Thomas Dohmen, Armin Falk, David Huffman, Uwe Sunde. Published in Journal of Economic Perspectives, 32(2): 115-134, 2018
Global Evidence on Economic Preferences
005/2018, A01, Armin Falk, Anke Becker, Thomas Dohmen, Benjamin Enke, David Huffman, Uwe Sunde. Published in Quarterly Journal of Economics, 133(4): 1645-1692, 2018