Project group A03: Policy outreach
Co-authored article in FAZ: "Was von der 1000-Euro-Prämie für Langzeitarbeitslose zu halten ist"
Moritz Kuhn, A03, 2024-10-11
Co-authored article in FAZ: "Die Hintern-Hoch-Prämie aus ökonomischer Sicht"
Moritz Kuhn, A03, 2024-10-11
Coverage in Minneapolis Fed For All: "The geography of unemployment in America"
Moritz Kuhn, A03, 2024-09-25
Coverage in FAZ: "Schlechtere Noten bei gutaussehenden Freunden"
Effrosyni Adamopoulou, A03, 2024-08-21
Coverage in bildungsklick: "Schöne Peers: Schlechtere Schulnoten"
Effrosyni Adamopoulou, A03, 2024-08-20
Coverage in News4Teachers: "Attraktive Mitschüler verringern schulischen Erfolg – allerdings nur von Jungen"
Effrosyni Adamopoulou, A03, 2024-08-20
Interview in STEG: "How will a new malaria vaccine shape Africa’s economic future?"
Minki Kim, A03, 2024-07-30
Interview in Tagesspiegel: "Freundschaft und Rausch: Beliebte Personen haben ein höheres Risiko für Drogenmissbrauch"
Effrosyni Adamopoulou, A03, 2024-07-18
Co-authored article in VoxEU: "Staggered Contracts and Unemployment during Recessions"
Effrosyni Adamopoulou, A03, 2024-07-12
Coverage in KATAPULT: "Aus zu wenig wird zu viel"
Effrosyni Adamopoulou, A03, 2027-07-01
Co-authored article in Nada es Gratis: "Contratos escalonados y desempleo durante las recesiones en España"
Effrosyni Adamopoulou, A03, 2024-07-01
Co-authored article in VoxEU: "Sequential contrast effects in hiring and admission interviews"
Jonas Radbruch, Amelie Schiprowski, A03, 2024-06-30
Interview in Rheinische Post: "Machen Hungerzeiten später dick?"
Effrosyni Adamopoulou, A03, 2024-06-27
TV interview 3sat/nano: "Geburtenrate sinkt weltweit"
Anne Hannusch, A03, 2024-06-24
Co-authored article in Banco de España Research Update: "Staggered Contracts and Unemployment during Recessions"
Effrosyni Adamopoulou, A03, 2024-06-19
Coverage in Mannheimer Morgen: "Wann langfristige Tarifverträge Gift für die Jobs sind"
Effrosyni Adamopoulou, A03, 2024-06-18
Co-authored article in VoxEU: "How public policies can curb pandemics: It's important to take the age composition into account"
Michèle Tertilt, A03, 2024-06-09
Coverage in Welt am Sonntag: "Studie: Lange Tariflaufzeiten gefährden Jobs"
Effrosyni Adamopoulou, A03, 2024-06-09
Research visit, European Commission, Directorate General for Economic and Financial Affairs: How to introduce models of the family into models that the Commission uses for policy analysis
Anne Hannusch, A03, 2024-06-05
Coverage in elEconomista: "Vuelve el fantasma de la rigidez salarial: cuando los sueldos destruyen empleo"
Effrosyni Adamopoulou, A03, 2024-05-22
Coverage in Landfrauen: "Früher Fleischmangel wird kompensiert"
Effrosyni Adamopoulou, A03, 2024-05-15
Interview in SWR1: "Was Melkmaschinen und KI in der Arbeitswelt gemein haben"
Philipp Ager, A03, 2024-05-11
Coverage in Mannheim My Future: "Michèle Tertilt erhält Birgit-Grodal Preis"
Michèle Tertilt, A03, 2024-05-01
Co-authored article in VoxEU: "Carbon reduction and social justice: A challenge for economic policy"
Moritz Kuhn, A03, 2024-04-11
Coverage in Kurier: "Kriegskinder: Entbehrungen bei Lebensmitteln wirken ein Leben lang nach"
Effrosyni Adamopoulou, A03, 2024-04-08
Coverage in Tagesspiegel: "Kriegsgeneration Überkompensiert bei Fleischkonsum"
Effrosyni Adamopoulou, A03, 2024-04-04
Coverage in American Enterprise Institute: "How the Washing Machine Changed the World: The Far-Reaching Impact of Household Appliances"
Effrosyni Adamopoulou, A03, 2024-03-20
Coverage in Tagesspiegel Background: "Freundschaft als Suchtrisiko"
Effrosyni Adamopoulou, A03, 2024-02-22
Article in Frankfurter Allgemeine: "Frauenrechte machen Nationen reich"
Anne Hannusch, Michele Tertilt, Matthias Doepke, Laura Montenbruck, A03, 2024-02-12
Coverage in "Ja zum Klimaschutz, nein zu den Kosten"
Moritz Kuhn, A03, 2024-01-25
Coverage in Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung: "Zweifel am Klimageld"
Moritz Kuhn, A03, 2024-01-24
Coverage in The New York Times: "Friendship and the Opioid Epidemic"
Effrosyni Adamopoulou, A03, 2024-01-18
Coverage in Marginal Revolution: "The Role of Friends in the Opioid Epidemic"
Effrosyni Adamopoulou, A03, 2024-01-16
Coverage in IDB: "How Can Public Policies Curb Pandemics?"
Luiz Brotherhood, Philipp Kircher, Cezar Santos, Michèle Tertilt, A03, 2023-12-01
Coverage in Die Zeit: "Wie kommen wir da wieder raus?"
Moritz Kuhn, A03, 2023-09-09
Interview in Correctiv Faktencheck: "Bürgergeld: Grafik zu Bezügen von Geflüchteten ist irreführend"
Moritz Kuhn, A03, 2023-08-31
Panelist at the 30 Years IAB Establishment Panel, Nuremberg: "International Workshop on Establishment Panel Analyses"
Moritz Kuhn, A03, 2023-06-21
Coverage in The Economist: "New research helps explain why China’s low birth rates are stuck"
Michèle Tertilt, Seongeum Kim, Minchul Yum, A03, 2023-06-01
Panel discussion at the Forum Frauenkirche: "Stärkung von Frauenrechten im globalen Süden – eine Voraussetzung für wirtschaftlichen Fortschritt?"
Michèle Tertilt, A03, 2023-06-01
Interview in zdf heute: "KI und Fachkräftemangel: So arbeiten wir in der Zukunft"
Andreas Gulyas, A03, 2023-05-20
Interview in Zur Sache Baden-Württemberg: "Warum klappt‘s nicht mit der Gleichberechtigung?"
Andreas Gulyas, A03, 2023-03-09
Coverage in Marketplace Morning Report: "A year on, Germany has cut its dependence on Russian gas"
Moritz Kuhn, A03, 2023-02-22
Coverage in "Preisexplosion bei Döner, Parken, Eis: Wie ist das mit „nur“ 8,7 Prozent Inflation zu erklären?"
Moritz Kuhn, A03, 2023-02-10
Coverage in BBC NEWS BRASIL: "Pais participativos podem aumentar taxas de natalidade, apontam economistas"
Anne Hannusch, Michèle Tertilt, A03, 2023-01-15
Co-authored article in VoxEU: "The origins of women's rights"
Anne Hannusch, Laura Montenbruck, Michèle Tertilt, A03, 2023-01-02
Coverage in National Public Radio (NPR): "Facing an energy crisis, Germans stock up on candles"
Moritz Kuhn, A03, 2022-12-20
Interview in WirtschaftsWoche: "Ich halte den Appell des Kanzlers für blauäugig"
Moritz Kuhn, A03, 2022-12-14
Coverage in The Economist: "The deadly sins and the workplace"
Philipp Ager, A03, 2022-09-29
Policy proposal: "Rettungsschirm für KMU in Deutschland (KMUR)"
Moritz Kuhn, Moritz Schularick, Christian Bayer, A03, C02, C05, 2022-09-24
Coverage in The Economist: "Richer societies mean fewer babies. Right?"
Anne Hannusch, Michèle Tertilt, A03, 2022-09-15
Speaker in Fairness Community of Practice at the European Commission Joint Research Centre - Monitoring, Indicators and Impact Evaluation Unit Webinar: "The Global Pandemic and Long-term Consequences for Gender Equality in the Labour Market"
Michèle Tertilt, A03, 2022-09-13
Coverage in Bloomberg: "Burden of Raising Kids Drives KoreanFertility to World’s Lowest"
Anne Hannusch, Michèle Tertilt, A03, 2022-09-13
Coverage in FAZ: "Einwanderer machen uns alle reicher"
Philipp Ager, A03, 2022-09-09
Co-authored Article in IMF Finance & Development: "The New Economics of Fertility: People and economies will prosper if policymakers help women combine career and family"
Anne Hannusch, Michèle Tertilt, A03, 2022-09-01
Coverage in The Economist: "In rich countries, working womenand more babies go hand in hand"
Anne Hannusch, Michèle Tertilt, A03, 2022-08-23
Coverage in Weekendavisen: "Rivaler på vingerne"
Philipp Ager, A03, 2022-07-14
Coverage in FINANCIAL TIMES: "Men stepping up at home is key to boosting birth rates"
Anne Hannusch, Michèle Tertilt, A03, 2022-06-17
Co-authored Article in Vox EU: "A new era in the economics of fertility"
Anne Hannusch, Michèle Tertilt, A03, 2022-06-11
Lecture at Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften: "Katalysator oder Karrierebremse – Wie verändert sich die Arbeitswelt von Frauen durch die Coronakrise?"
Michèle Tertilt, A03, 2022-04-30
Interview in Mannheimer Morgen: "Warum die Corona-Krise vor allem Frauen im Job ausgebremst hat"
Michèle Tertilt, A03, 2022-04-28
EGROW Webinar: "The Impact of the Pandemic Recession on Women's Employment" (video)
Michèle Tertilt, A03, 2022-04-23
Presentation at 2022 international Korean Economic Development and K-Academics conference: “Status Externality in Education and Low Birth Rates in Korea"
Minchul Yum, A03, 2022-04-08
Coverage in "Der Preis eines Energie-Embargos"
Moritz Kuhn, Moritz Schularick, Christian Bayer, A03, C02, C05, 2022-03-29
Coverage in FAZ: "Streit über Energie-Embargo: Forscher warnen vor tiefer Rezession in Deutschland"
Moritz Kuhn, Moritz Schularick, Christian Bayer, A03, C02, C05, 2022-03-29
Lecture on "Covid19 and Gender Equality in the Workplace" in the Science for Future Lecture Series at University of Mannheim
Michèle Tertilt, A03, 2022-03-29
Coverage in FAZ: "Wir brauchen das Energie-Embargo"
Moritz Kuhn, Moritz Schularick, Christian Bayer, A03, C02, C05, 2022-03-28
Coverage in Focus: "Importstopp ja oder nein: Kann Deutschland ohne Gas aus Russland auskommen?"
Moritz Kuhn, Moritz Schularick, Christian Bayer, A03, C02, C05, 2022-03-28
Coverage in Der Standard: "Was geschieht, wenn kein Gas aus Russland kommt?"
Moritz Kuhn, Moritz Schularick, Christian Bayer, A03, C02, C05, 2022-03-28
Coverage in Deutschlandfunk: "Gas aus Russland – Gewerkschafts-Chef Vassiliadis warnt vor Import-Stopp"
Moritz Kuhn, Moritz Schularick, Christian Bayer, A03, C02, C05, 2022-03-28
Coverage in Deutsche Welle: "Importstopp ja oder nein: Kann Deutschland ohne Gas aus Russland auskommen?"
Moritz Kuhn, Moritz Schularick, Christian Bayer, A03, C02, C05, 2022-03-27
Coverage in Portuguese Economy Research Report: "The experience of losing a job in different countries in Europe"
Andreas Gulyas, A03, 2022-03-22
Coverage in Domani: "Perdere il lavoro ha un costo molto più alto in Italia perché mancano le politiche attive"
Andreas Gulyas, A03, 2022-03-19
Interview in NDR Info – Redezeit: "Weg von russischer Energie - Was bringt persönlicher Verzicht?"
Moritz Kuhn, A03, 2022-03-16
Co-authored article in DIE ZEIT: "Importstopp für russisches Gas: Das Zaudern kostet viel mehr"
Moritz Kuhn, Moritz Schularick, Christian Bayer, A03, C02, C05, 2022-03-14
Coverage in THE CONVERSATION: "Los trabajadores del sur de Europa pierden más que el empleo cuando son despedidos"
Andreas Gulyas, A03, 2022-03-13
Coverage in WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM: "How the cost of losing a job varies across different countries"
Andreas Gulyas, A03, 2022-03-11
Co-authored article in Vox EU: "The unequal cost of job loss across countries"
Andreas Gulyas, A03, 2022-03-11
Coverage in "L´impatto del licenziamento non è uguale per tutti"
Andreas Gulyas, A03, 2022-03-11
Coverage in DIE ZEIT: "Gas aus Russland: Ein Gasembargo wäre machbar"
Moritz Kuhn, Moritz Schularick, Christian Bayer, A03, C02, C05, 2022-03-08
Coverage in FAZ: "Warum Deutschland ohne russisches Öl und Gas auskommen kann"
Moritz Kuhn, Moritz Schularick, Christian Bayer, A03, C02, C05, 2022-03-08
Coverage in Handelsblatt: "Es gehen hier nicht die Lichter aus: Forscher halten Embargo auf russische Energie für verkraftbar"
Moritz Kuhn, Moritz Schularick, Christian Bayer, A03, C02, C05, 2022-03-08
Coverage in Süddeutsche Zeitung: "Deutschland kann auf Gas und Öl aus Russland verzichten"
Moritz Kuhn, Moritz Schularick, Christian Bayer, A03, C02, C05, 2022-03-08
Coverage in Mannheimer Morgen: "Zäher Kampf der Frauen gegen die Lohnlücke"
Andreas Gulyas, A03, 2022-03-07
Coverage in ORF: "Equal Pay Day: Lohntransparenz brachte nichts"
Andreas Gulyas, A03, 2022-02-15
Coverage in Die Presse: "Studie: Lohntransparenz in Firmen vermindert Einkommensschere nicht"
Andreas Gulyas, A03, 2022-02-15
Coverage in DER STANDARD: "Equal-Pay-Day: Lohntransparenz in Firmen war laut Studie erfolglos"
Andreas Gulyas, A03, 2022-02-15
Coverage in KRONEN Zeitung: "Lohntransparenz in Firmen laut Studie erfolglos"
Andreas Gulyas, A03, 2022-02-15
Coverage in Reuters: "Seeking to strengthen pay equity laws in New York"
Michèle Tertilt, A03, 2022-01-27
ECONtribute Wirtschaftspodcast: "#Arbeit 1: Die Jobmaschinerie"
Moritz Kuhn, A03, 2022-01-14
Coverage in OÖ Nachrichten: "Rezessionen trafen bisher Männer härter als Frauen: Corona war anders"
Michèle Tertilt, A03, 2021-11-11
Speaker at the IV Workshop of the Spanish Macroeconomics Network: "This Time it's Different: The Role of Women's Employment in a Pandemic Recession"
Michèle Tertilt, A03, 2021-10-07
Coverage in "Les femmes qui peuvent télétravailler, mêmelorsqu’elles ont des enfants, s’en sortent mieuxéconomiquement"
Michèle Tertilt, A03, 2021-10-06
OECD Webinar on COVID-19 & Inequality: "Gender Inequalities during the Covid-19 Pandemic"
Michèle Tertilt, A03, 2021-09-29
Interdisciplinary Lunch Time Seminar, Institute for Employment Research (IAB): "Staggered Contracts and Unemployment During Recessions"
Effrosyni Adamopoulou, A03, 2021-09-27
Coverage in Süddeutsche Zeitung: "Das Patriarchat schlägt zurück"
Michèle Tertilt, A03, 2021-09-21
Panelist at the Plan W Congress of the Süddeutsche Zeitung: "Eine Krise der Frauen"
Michèle Tertilt, A03, 2021-09-21
Interview in the LISER-MEGA Series on Gender Dimensions of the COVID-19 Pandemic: "Unemployment and working hours of women and men during the pandemic" (video)
Sena Coskun, David Koll, Michèle Tertilt, A03, 2021-08-17
Interview in the LISER-MEGA Series on Gender Dimensions of the COVID-19 Pandemic: "Unemployment and working hours of women and men during the pandemic" (video)
Sena Coskun, David Koll, Michèle Tertilt, A03, 2021-08-17
Coverage in courage: "Die Karriere muss warten"
Michèle Tertilt, A03, 2021-08-02
Co-authored article in Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung: "Steuervorbild Schweden"
Michèle Tertilt, A03, 2021-07-06
Coverage on ntv: "Mütter landen beruflich auf dem Abstellgleis"
Sena Coskun, David Koll, Michèle Tertilt, A03, 2021-06-25
Coverage in Bloomberg: "The Return to the Office Is Pushing Even More Women Out of Work"
Michèle Tertilt, A03, 2021-06-16
Keynote Speaker at Essen Health Conference: "Behavioral Models of Epidemics: Applications to HIV and COVID19"
Michèle Tertilt, A03, 2021-05-29
Coverage in The New York Times: "Covid Shuttered Schools Everywhere. So Why Was the ‘She-cession’ Worse in the U.S.?"
Michèle Tertilt, A03, 2021-05-28
Coverage in Newsweek Magazine: "Pandemic Could Cost Typical American Woman Nearly $600,000 in Lifetime Income"
Michèle Tertilt, A03, 2021-05-26
Coverage in The Economist: "How the pandemic has upended the lives of working parents"
Sena Coskun, David Koll, Michèle Tertilt, A03, 2021-05-22
Coverage in Nada es Gratis: "Newsletter COSME: COVID-19 y Género"
Michèle Tertilt, A03, 2021-05-20
Presentation at the US Government Accountability Office (GAO): "The Covid-19 Shecession: Evidence and Implications"
Michèle Tertilt, A03, 2021-05-19
Article in the newspaper Oικονομικός Tαχυδρόμος (in Greek)
Effrosyni Adamopoulou, A03, 2021-05-15
Article in Mannheimer Morgen: "Mannheimer Ökonomin: So hat sich die Vereinbarkeit von Familie und Beruf gewandelt"
Anne Hannusch, A03, 2021-05-14
Speaker at the Heller-Hurwicz Economics Institute's (University of Minnesota) virtual spring roundtable: "The Economics of COVID-19" (youtube video)
Michèle Tertilt, A03, 2021-05-12
Coverage in WELT: "Der gebrochene Megatrend"
Sena Coskun, David Koll, Michèle Tertilt, A03, 2021-05-05
Coverage in The Academic Times: "Unlike past recessions, pandemic hit women hardest"
Sena Coskun, Michèle Tertilt, A03, 2021-04-25
Interview with VoxUkraine: "Subsidizing Childcare Is Profitable For Governments"
Michèle Tertilt, A03, 2021-04-19
NDR podcast "Wirtschaft in Zeiten von Corona – alles ist anders"
Michèle Tertilt, A03, 2021-04-14
Virtual presentation at the Bank of Greece: "The Long Run Earnings Effects of a Credit Market Disruption"
Effrosyni Adamopoulou, A03, 2021-04-08
Keynote speaker at KSE conference: "Rethinking Gender: Economic and Social Costs of Gender Inequality"
Michèle Tertilt, A03, 2021-04-08
Co-authored article in Ökonomenstimme: "Die „She-cession“ von 2020: Ursachen und Folgen"
Michèle Tertilt, A03, 2021-04-06
Paper featured on EEA Website as research highlight: "This Time It's Different: The Role of Women's Employment in a Pandemic Recession"
Michèle Tertilt, A03, 2021-04-01
Coverage in CEPR Women in Economics podcast: "Gender Equality and the COVID-19 Crisis"
Michèle Tertilt, A03, 2021-03-29
Article in DER STANDARD: "Gender-Pay-Gap: Ein bisserl Zwang muss sein"
Andreas Gulyas, A03, 2021-03-12
Video in Econofact: "COVID-19 and the Female Employment Crisis"
Michèle Tertilt, A03, 2021-03-05
Coverage in Buisness Insider: "Jobkrise: Wie die Pandemie Frauen ins Abseits drängt — und was ihre Situation sofort beflügeln könnte"
Michèle Tertilt, A03, 2021-03-04
Coverage in Süddeutsche Zeitung on the Munich Economic Debate: "Wer nicht präsent ist, kann keine Karriere machen"
Michèle Tertilt, A03, 2021-03-03
Coverage in UCLA Anderson Forecast: "The Differential Impacts of the Pandemic Recession on Women and Men's Employment and Roles"
Michèle Tertilt, A03, 2021-03-01
Panelist at Munich Economic Debate on "Catalyst or Career Brake - How Is the Working Environment of Women Changing Due to the Coronavirus Crisis?"
Michèle Tertilt, A03, 2021-03-01
Coverage in Wiener Zeitung: "Heimarbeit ist Frauensache"
Michèle Tertilt, A03, 2020-12-28
Coverage in "Los inmigrantes aportan más de lo que reciben"
Effrosyni Adamopoulou, A03, 2020-12-19
Panelist at the AASLE Job Market 2020: "COVID19 and Higher Education" (video)
Michèle Tertilt, A03, 2020-12-10
Coverage on Yahoo!Money: "2020 could set women’s wages back 20 years, study finds"
Michèle Tertilt, A03, 2020-11-28
Participation at the Fourth Annual Workshop of the ESCB Research Cluster 2 and Presentation by a Co-Author of the Paper: "Wage determination and the bite of collective contracts in Italy and Spain: Evidence from the metalworking industry"
Effrosyni Adamopoulou, A03, 2020-11-23
Coverage in Saporta Report: "Women’s disproportionate setbacks in Covid economy subject of ATL Fed’s webinar"
Michèle Tertilt, A03, 2020-11-19
Coverage in BBC: "Why this recession disproportionately affects women"
Michèle Tertilt, A03, 2020-10-27
Coverage in The Wall Street Journal: "Covid Pushed These Dads to Pause Their Careers for Full-Time Parenting"
Michèle Tertilt, A03, 2020-10-25
Radio interview in WDR5: "Homeoffice als Chance für Frauen"
Michèle Tertilt, A03, 2020-10-08
Keynote Speaker at Franco-German Fiscal Policy Seminar: "This Time it's Different: The Role of Women's Employment in a Pandemic Recession"
Michèle Tertilt, A03, 2020-10-08
Coverage in The New York Times: "Why Did Hundreds of Thousands of Women Drop Out of the Workforce?"
Michèle Tertilt, A03, 2020-10-03
Co-authored article in ZEW policy brief: "COVID-19 and Inequality"
Michèle Tertilt, A03, 2020-10-01
Coverage in Bloomberg: "The First Female Recession Threatens to Wipe Out Decades of Progress for U.S. Women"
Michèle Tertilt, A03, 2020-09-30
Co-authored article in VoxEU: "The shecession (she-recession) of 2020: Causes and consequences"
Michèle Tertilt, A03, 2020-09-22
Coverage in Market Watch: "‘There’s so much financial turmoil right now:’ More married millennials are keeping their finances separate"
Michèle Tertilt, A03, 2020-09-17
Coverage in CNBC: "Two kids, no support system and $167 in unemployment benefits: One single mom’s plight in the age of Covid-19"
Michèle Tertilt, A03, 2020-09-05
Speaker at Fifth ECB Annual Research Conference: "This time it's different: the role of women's employment in the Great Lockdown"
Michèle Tertilt, A03, 2020-09-03
Co-authored article in Econofact: "Impact of the Covid-19 Crisis on Women’s Employment"
Michèle Tertilt, A03, 2020-08-27
Coverage in National Public Radio: "How The Pandemic Is Making The Gender Pay Gap Worse"
Michèle Tertilt, A03, 2020-08-18
Coverage in The Christian Science Monitor: "For working women, a recession like no other"
Michèle Tertilt, A03, 2020-08-14
Article in FORUM, Magazine of the University of Mannheim: "Betreuungsnot: Starker Rückgang bei der Arbeitszeit von Eltern erwartet"
Michèle Tertilt, A03, 2020-08-01
Coverage in China Daily: "Women in US lost more jobs than men from virus"
Michèle Tertilt, A03, 2020-07-31
Interview with LISER: "The Role of Gender, Household Behaviour and Family Economics"
Michèle Tertilt, A03, 2020-07-30
TV-Interview in SWR Aktuell: "Beschäftigungsgarantien"
Andreas Gulyas, A03, 2020-07-28