Project group A04: Discussion papers
Market Size and Spatial Growth—Evidence from Germany’s Post-war Population Expulsions: A Comment
579/2024, A04, Antonio Ciccone, Jan Nimczik
Efficiency and Equity of Education Tracking: A Quantitative Analysis
546/2024, A03, A04, Suzanne Bellue, Lukas Mahler
Aggregate and Distributional Effects of School Closure Mitigation Policies: Public versus Private Education
539/2024, A04, Lukas Mahler, Minchul Yum
LinkedOut? A Field Experiment on Discrimination in Job Network Formation
482/2023, A01, A04, B02, Yulia Evsyukova, Felix Rusche, Wladislaw Mill. First version: December 2023
Auerbach, Lotka, Zipf – Pioneers of Power-Law City-Size Distributions
424/2023, A04, Diego Rybski, Antonio Ciccone
The Economics of Woman's Rights: The Mary Paley and Alfred Marshall Lecture
372/2022, A03, A04, Michele Tertilt, Matthias Doepke, Anne Hannusch, Laura Montenbruck. Published in Journal of the European Economic Association, 20: 6, 2271-2316, 2023
The Long-Run Effects of Immigration: Evidence Across a Barrier to Refugee Settlement
345/2022, A04, Antonio Ciccone, Jan Nimczik
Gibrat's Law for Cities: Evidence from World War I Casualties
286/2021, A04, Antonio Ciccone
Nonparametric Estimation of Truncated Conditional Expectation Functions
244/2020, A04, Tomasz Olma
Gender Gaps and the Role of Bosses
237/2020, A04, B07, Moritz Drechsel-Grau, Felix Holub
Falling Behind: Has Rising Inequality Fueled the American Debt Boom?
159/2020, A04, C02, Moritz Drechsel-Grau, Fabian Greimel. First version: March 2020
Estimating Cross-Industry Cross-Country Interaction Models Using Benchmark Industry Characteristics
088/2019, A04, Antonio Ciccone, Elias Papaioannou. Published in Economic Journal 133 (649), 130-158
The Human Capital Stock: A Generalized Approach: Comment
086/2019, A04, Francesco Caselli, Antonio Ciccone. Published in American Economic Review 109 (3), 1155-1174