Project group B01: Discussion papers
Partisan Voting under Uncertainty
574/2024, B01, Lily Ling Yang
Optimal Disclosure Mandate in Supply Chains
560/2024, B01, Tsz-Ning Wong, Lily Ling Yang, Andrey Zhukov
Optimal Testing in Disclosure Games
543/2024, B01, B04, Avi Lichtig, Helene Mass
Information Design with Costly State Verification
502/2024, B01, Lily Ling Yang
The Multiple-Volunteers Principle for Assigning Unpleasant and Pleasant Tasks
464/2023, B01, Susanne Goldlücke, Thomas Tröger
Optimal Security Design for Risk-Averse Investors
452/2023, B01, Alex Gershkov, Benny Moldovanu, Philipp Strack, Mengxi Zhang
Voting with Interdependent Values: The Condorcet Winner
414/2023, B01, Alex Gershkov, Andreas Kleiner, Benny Moldovanu, Xianwen Shi
Order Independence in Sequential, Issue-by-Issue Voting
413/2023, B01, Alex Gershkov, Benny Moldovanu, Xianwen Shi
Information Transmission in Voluntary Disclosure Games
405/2023, B01, Avi Lichtig, Ran Weksler
Endogenous Lemon Markets: Risky Choices and Adverse Selection
404/2023, B01, Avi Lichtig, Ran Weksler
Optimal Insurance: Dual Utility, Random Losses and Adverse Selection
399/2023, B01, Alex Gershkov, Benny Moldovanu, Philipp Strack, Mengxi Zhang. Published in American Economic Review 113 (2023), 2581-2614
Revenue Maximization with Partially Verifiable Information
395/2023, B01, Marco Reuter
The Value of Decentralization Using the Blockchain
394/2023, B01, Marco Reuter
Full Surplus Extraction from Colluding Bidders
392/2023, B01, Daniil Larionov
First Best Implementation with Costly Information Acquisition
377/2022, B01, Daniil Larionov, Hien Pham, Takuro Yamashita, Shuguang Zhu
Voting to Persuade
354/2022, B01, Tsz-Ning Wong, Lily Ling Yang, Xin Zhao
Monotonic Norms and Orthogonal Issues in Multidimensional Voting
290/2021, B01, Alex Gershkov, Benny Moldovanu, Xianwen Shi
Voting Agendas and Preferences on Trees: Theory and Practice
289/2021, B01, Andreas Kleiner, Benny Moldovanu
Extreme Points and Majorization: Economic Applications
288/2021, B01, Andreas Kleiner, Benny Moldovanu, Philipp Strack. Published in Econometrica, 89(4): 1557-1593, 2021
The Multiple-Volunteers Principle
251/2020, B01, Susanne Goldlücke, Thomas Tröger
Optimal Testing and Social Distancing of Individuals with Private Health Signals
229/2020, B01, Thomas Tröger
Optimal Voting Mechanisms on Generalized Single-Peaked Domains
214/2020, B01, Tobias Rachidi. First version: September 2020
Committee Search Design
203/2020, B01, Christina Luxen, Tobias Rachidi. First version: August 2020
Polls and Elections: Strategic Respondents and Turnout Implications
199/2020, B01, Christina Luxen
Optimal Auctions with Signaling Bidders
158/2020, B01, Olivier Bos, Martin Pollrich
Optimal Contests with Incomplete Information and Convex Effort Costs
156/2020, B01, Mengxi Zhang. First version: February 2020
The Balance Condition in Search-and-Matching Models
120/2019, B01, B04, Stephan Lauermann, Georg Nöldeke, Thomas Tröger. Published in Econometrica, 88(2): 595-618, 2020
On Selecting the Right Agent
116/2019, B01, Geoffroy de Clippel, Kfir Eliaz, Daniel Fershtman, Kareen Rozen
Efficient Sequential Screening
104/2019, B01, Boaz Zik. Published in Economic Theory 75 (2023), 567-590
Fake Experts
093/2019, B01, Patrick Lahr, Justus Winkelmann
Steady States in Search-and-Matching Models
055/2018, B01, B04, Stephan Lauermann, Georg Nöldeke, Thomas Tröger
Auctions vs. Negotiations: Optimal Selling Mechanism with Endogenous Bidder Values
054/2018, B01, Mengxi Zhang. Published in Journal of Political Economy 129 (2021), 1011-1051
Buyer-Optimal Robust Information Structures
034/2018, B01, Stefan Terstiege, Cédric Wasser
A Nazi "Killer" Amendment
032/2018, B01, Andreas Kleiner, Benny Moldovanu. Published as "The Failure of a Nazi "Killer" Amendment" in Public Choice, 183: 133-149, 2020
A Theory of Auctions with Endogenous Valuations
031/2018, B01, Alex Gershkov, Benny Moldovanu, Philipp Strack. Published in Journal of Political Economy, 129(4): 1011-1051, 2021
The Multiplier Effect in Two-Sided Markets with Bilateral Investments
030/2018, B01, Deniz Dizdar, Benny Moldovanu, Nora Szech. Published as "The Feedback Effect in Two‐Sided Markets With Bilateral Investments" in Journal of Economic Theory, 182: 106-142, 2019
The Dimensions of Consensus
029/2018, B01, Paul Belleflamme, Martin Peitz. Published in Journal of Economics and Management Strategy, 28: 5-22, 2019
Dynamic Expert Incentives: Complementarity and Substitutability in Information Acquisition
026/2018, B01, Tsz-Ning Wong, Lily Ling Yang. Published as "Dynamic Expert Incentives in Teams" in Games and Economic Behavior, 125: 27-47, 2020
Relevant Decision Problems and Value of Information
025/2018, B01, Lily Ling Yang
Sweet Lemons: Mitigating Collusion in Organizations
019/2018, B01, Colin von Negenborn, Martin Pollrich. First version: May 2018. Published in Journal of Economic Theory, 189: 105-174, 2020
Assigning an Unpleasant Task without Payment
003/2018, B01, Susanne Goldlücke, Thomas Tröger
Linear Voting Rules
002/2018, B01, Hans Peter Grüner, Thomas Tröger. Published in Econometrica, 87(6): 2037-2077, 2019