Project group B02: Discussion Papers
An Efficient Dynamic Mechanism with Covert Information Acquisition
616/2024, B02, Vitali Gretschko, Jasmina Simon
Monotone Decision Rules and Supermodularity
567/2024, B02, Gregorio Curello
Incentives for Collective Innovation
566/2024, B02, Gregorio Curello
The Comparative Statics of Persuasion
564/2024, B02, Gregorio Curello, Ludvig Sinander
The Preference Lattice
563/2024, B02, Gregorio Curello, Ludvig Sinander
Screening for Breakthroughs
562/2024, B02, Gregorio Curello, Ludvig Sinander
Do Judicial Assignments Matter? Evidence from Random Case Allocation
561/2024, B02, Bernhard Ganglmair, Christian Helmers, Brian J. Love
Regulatory Compliance with Limited Enforceability: Evidence from Privacy Policies
547/2024, B02, B04, Bernhard Ganglmair, Julia Krämer, Jacopo Gambato. First version: September 2024
Repeated Trade with Imperfect Information About Previous Transactions
538/2024, B02, Francesc Dilmé
Confidence and Organizations
521/2024, B02, Andres Espitia
Bargaining with Binary Private Information
515/2024, B02, Francesc Dilmé
Sequentially Stable Outcomes
511/2024, B02, Francesc Dilmé
LinkedOut? A Field Experiment on Discrimination in Job Network Formation
482/2023, A01, A04, B02, Yulia Evsyukova, Felix Rusche, Wladislaw Mill. First version: December 2023
The Role of Discounting in Bargaining with Private Information
479/2023, B02, Francesc Dilmé
Information Design in Cheap Talk
470/2023, B02, Qianjun Lyu, Wing Suen
Sequentially Stable Outcomes
463/2023, B02, Francesc Dilmé
Timing Decisions Under Model Uncertainty
460/2023, B02, Sarah Auster, Christian Kellner
Persuasion with Limited Data: A Case-Based Approach
443/2023, B02, Shiri Alon, Sarah Auster, Gabi Gayer, Stefania Minardi
Agenda-Manipulation in Ranking
369/2022, B02, Gregorio Curello, Ludvig Sinander
Prolonged Learning and Hasty Stopping: The Wald Problem with Ambiguity
366/2022, B02, Sarah Auster, Yeon-Koo Che, Konrad Mierendorff. Published in American Economic Review 114 (2024), 426-461
Screening with Frames: Implementation in Extensive Form
364/2022, B02, Franz Ostrizek, Denis Shishkin
Sorting Versus Screening in Decentralized Markets with Adverse Selection
362/2022, B02, Sarah Auster, Piero Gottardi
Vague by Design: Performance Evaluation and Learning from Wages
358/2022, B02, Franz Ostrizek
Acquisition, (Mis)use and Dissemination of Information: The Blessing of Cursedness and Transparency
348/2022, B02, Franz Ostrizek, Elia Sartori
Strategic Communication with a Small Conflict of Interest
344/2022, B02, Francesc Dilmé. Published in Games and Economic Behavior 134 (2022), 1-19
Simultaneous Search and Adverse Selection
329/2022, B02, Sarah Auster, Piero Gottardi, Ronald Wolthoff. First version: January 2022
Bayesian Persuasion with Costly Information Acquisition
296/2021, B02, Ludmila Matysková, Alfonso Montes
Representation Is Not Sufficient For Selecting Gender Diversity
284/2021, B02, Justus Baron, Bernhard Ganglmair, Nicola Persico, Timothy Simcoe, Emanuele Tarantino
Markups for Consumers
282/2021, B02, Bernhard Ganglmair, Alexander Kann, Ilona Tsanko. Published in Jahrbücher für Nationalökonomie und Statistik 241 (2021), 701-734
Optimal Delegation and Information Transmission Under Limited Awareness
256/2021, B02, Sarah Auster, Nicola Pavoni. Second version: July 2021. First version: January 2021. Published in Theoretical Economics 19 (2024), 245-284
Sequential Trading with Coarse Contingencies
254/2021, B02, Sarah Auster, Jeremy Kettering, Asen Kochov. First version: January 2021
Limited Awareness and Financial Intermediation
252/2020, B02, Sarah Auster, Nicola Pavoni. First version: December 2020
Persuading an Informed Committee
230/2020, B02, Nina Bobkova, Saskia Klein
Does Open Source Pay off in the Plug-in Hybrid and Electric Vehicle Industry? A Study of Tesla's Open-Source Initiative
218/2020, B02, Yihan Yan
The Economics of Decoupling
201/2020, B02, B05, Andre Speit, Paul Voss
Shareholder Votes on Sale
200/2020, B02, B05, Andre Speit, Paul Voss
The Effect of Patent Litigation Insurance: Theory and Evidence from NPEs
196/2020, B02, Bernhard Ganglmair, Christian Helmers, Brian J. Love. Published in Journal of Law, Economics and Organization 38 (2022), 741-773
Strategic Information Transmission and Efficient Corporate Control
180/2020, B02, Paul Voss, Marius Kulms. Published as "Separating Ownership and Information" in American Economic Review 112 (2022), 3039-3062
"No Man Is an Island": An Empirical Study on Team Formation and Performance
174/2020, B02, Alessandra Allocca
Optimal Pricing, Private Information and Search for an Outside Offer
151/2020, B02, Sarah Auster, Nenad Kos, Salvatore Piccolo. First version: April 2020. Published in RAND Journal of Economics 52 (2021), 758-777
Bargaining and Delay in Thin Markets
133/2019, B02, Francesc Dilmé. Published as "Bargaining in Small Dynamic Markets" in Journal of Economic Theory, 207: 105589, 2023
Relational Contracts: Public Versus Private Savings
132/2019, B02, Francesc Dilmé, Daniel Garrett. Published in Econometrica, 91(3): 1025-1075, 2023
Visibility of Technology and Cumulative Innovation: Evidence from Trade Secrets Laws
119/2019, B02, Bernhard Ganglmair, Imke Reimers. First version: August 2019. Second version: May 2021
Habits as Adaptations: An Experimental Study
113/2019, B02, Ludmila Matysková, Brian Rogers, Jakub Steiner, Keh-Kuan Sun. Published in Games and Economic Behavior 122 (2020), 391-406
Revenue Management without Commitment: Dynamic Pricing and Periodic Flash Sales
083/2019, B02, Francesc Dilmé, Fei Li. Published in Review of Economic Studies, 86(5): 1999-2034, 2019
Pre-Trade Private Investments
078/2019, B02, Francesc Dilmé. Published in Games and Economic Behavior, 117: 89-119, 2019
Cheap Trade Credit and Competition in Downstream Markets
062/2018, B02, Mariassunta Giannetti, Nicolas Serrano-Velarde, Emanuele Tarantino. Published in Journal of Political Economy, 129(6): 1744-1796
Patent Pools, Vertical Integration, and Downstream Competition
057/2018, B02, Markus Reisinger, Emanuele Tarantino. Published in RAND Journal of Economics, 50(1): 168-200, 2019
The Effect of Horizontal Mergers, When Firms Compete in Prices and Investments
056/2018, B02, Massimo Motta, Emanuele Tarantino
Regulating Cancellation Rights with Consumer Experimentation
045/2018, B02, Florian Hoffmann, Roman Inderst, Sergey Turlo
Learning When to Quit: An Empirical Model of Experimentation in Standards Development
041/2018, B02, Bernhard Ganglmair, Timothy Simcoe, Emanuele Tarantino
Expectations of Reciprocity and Feedback When Competitors Share Information: Experimental Evidence
040/2018, B02, Bernhard Ganglmair, Alex Holcomb, Noah Myung. Published as "Expectations of Reciprocity When Competitors Share Information: Experimental Evidence" in Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 170: 244-267, 2020
Skewed Information Transmission
033/2018, B02, Francesc Dilmé