Project B02: Publications

Francesc Dilmé1 [Project B022]
Repeated Trade with Imperfect Information about Previous Transactions
Theoretical Economics (forthcoming)

Francesc Dilmé1 [Project B022]
Sequentially Stable Outcomes
Econometrica (forthcoming)

Yulia Evsyukova3, Felix Rusche4, Wladislaw Mill5 [Project A016, A047, B022]
LinkedOut? A Field Experiment on Discrimination in Job Network Formation
Quarterly Journal of Economics (forthcoming)

Bernhard Ganglmair8, Timothy Simcoe, Emanuele Tarantino [Project B022]
Learning When to Quit: An Empirical Model of Experimentation in Standards Development
American Economic Journal: Microeconomics (forthcoming)

Justus Baron, Bernhard Ganglmair8, Nicola Persico, Timothy Simcoe, Emanuele Tarantino [Project B022]
Representation is Not Sufficient for Selecting Gender Diversity9
Research Policy 53 (2024), 6, 104994

Sarah Auster10, Yeon-Koo Che, Konrad Mierendorff [Project B022]
Prolonged Learning and Hasty Stopping: The Wald Problem With Ambiguity11
American Economic Review 114 (2024), 426-461

Sarah Auster10, Nicola Pavoni [Project B022]
Optimal Delegation and Information Transmission Under Limited Awareness12
Theoretical Economics 19 (2024), 245-284

Justus Baron, Bernhard Ganglmair8, Nicola Persico, Timothy Simcoe, Emanuele Tarantino [Project B022]
Representation Is Not Sufficient for Selecting Gender Diversity13
Research Policy 53 (2024), 104994

Francesc Dilmé1 [Project B022]
Bargaining in Small Dynamic Markets14
Journal of Economic Theory 207 (2023), 105589

Francesc Dilmé1 [Project B022]
Communication Between Unbiased Agents15
Games and Economic Behavior 142 (2023), 613-622

Francesc Dilmé1, Daniel Garrett [Project B022]
Relational Contracts: Public Versus Private Savings16
Econometrica 91 (2023), 1025-1075

Franz Ostrizek17, Denis Shishkin [Project B022]
Screening with Frames: Implementation in Extensive Form18
Review of Economic Studies 90 (2023), 2042-2082

Sarah Auster10, Christian Kellner [Project B022]
Robust Bidding and Revenue in Descending Price Auctions19
Journal of Economic Theory 19 (2022), 105072

Francesc Dilmé1 [Project B022]
Strategic Communication with a Small Conflict of Interest20
Games and Economic Behavior 134 (2022), 1-19

Bernhard Ganglmair8, Christian Helmers, Brian J. Love [Project B022]
The Effect of Patent Litigation Insurance: Theory and Evidence From NPEs21
Journal of Law, Economics and Organization 38 (2022), 741-773

Paul Voss17, Marius Kulms [Project B022]
Separating Ownership and Information22
American Economic Review 112 (2022), 3039-3062

Sarah Auster10, Nenad Kos, Salvatore Piccolo [Project B022]
Optimal Pricing, Private Information and Search for an Outside Offer23
RAND Journal of Economics 52 (2021), 758-777

Bernhard Ganglmair8, Alexander Kann, Ilona Tsanko [Project B022]
Markups for Consumers24
Jahrbücher für Nationalökonomie und Statistik 241 (2021), 701-734

Mariassunta Giannetti, Nicolas Serrano-Velarde, Emanuele Tarantino17 [Project B022]
Cheap Trade Credit and Competition in Downstream Markets25
Journal of Political Economy 129 (2021), 1744-1796

Luke Froeb, Bernhard Ganglmair8, Steven Tschantz, Gregory Werden [Project B022]
Technology Economics: Innovation, Licensing, and Antitrust26
Global Antitrust Institute Report on the Digital Economy 6 (2020), 192-219

Bernhard Ganglmair8, Alex Holcomb, Noah Myung [Project B022]
Expectations of Reciprocity When Competitors Share Information: Experimental Evidence27
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 170 (2020), 244-267

Ludmila Matysková17, Brian Rogers, Jakub Steiner, Keh-Kuan Sun [Project B022]
Habits as Adaptations: An Experimental Study28
Games and Economic Behavior 122 (2020), 391-406

Francesc Dilmé1 [Project B022]
Pre‐Trade Private Investments29
Games and Economic Behavior 117 (2019), 98-119

Francesc Dilmé1 [Project B022]
Reputation Building Through Costly Adjustment30
Journal of Economic Theory 181 (2019), 586-626

Francesc Dilmé1, Fei Li [Project B022]
Revenue Management Without Commitment: Dynamic Pricing and Periodic Flash Sales31
Review of Economic Studies 86 (2019), 1999-2034

Markus Reisinger, Emanuele Tarantino17 [Project B022]
Patent Pools, Vertical Integration, and Downstream Competition32
RAND Journal of Economics 50 (2019), 168-200

Giacomo Rodano, Nicolas Serrano-Velarde, Emanuele Tarantino17 [Project B022]
Lending Standards Over the Credit Cycle33
Review of Financial Studies 31 (2018), 2943-2982

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