Project group B03: Discussion Papers
Organizational Change and Reference-Dependent Preferences
599/2024, B03, Klaus M. Schmidt, Jonas von Wangenheim
Product Recommendations and Price Parity Clauses
595/2024, B03, B04, B05, Martin Peitz, Anton Sobolev. First version: September 2024
Competition with Exclusive Contracts in Vertically Related Markets: An Equilibrium Non-Existence Result
591/2024, B03, Nicolas Schutz
Optimal Disclosure of Private Information to Competitors
578/2024, B03, Rosina Rodríguez Olivera
Geopolitical Risks and Prudential Merger Control
568/2024, B03, B05, Massimo Motta, Volker Nocke, Martin Peitz
Vertical Differentiation Through Product Design
556/2024, B03, Max Riegel
Big Data and Inequality
555/2024, B03, Carl-Christian Groh
Biased Recommendations and Differentially Informed Consumers
554/2024, B03, B04, B05, Martin Peitz, Anton Sobolev
Voting Under Salience Bias and Strategic Extremism
542/2024, A01, B03, Günnur Ege Bilgin, Cavit Görkem Destan
Decentralized Many-to-One Matching with Random Search
541/2024, B03, Günnur Ege Bilgin
Pigou Meets Wolinsky: Search, Price Discrimination, and Consumer Sophistication
527/2024, B03, Carl-Christian Groh, Jonas von Wangenheim
Dynamic Screening with Verifiable Bankruptcy
525/2024, B03, Daniel Krähmer, Roland Strausz
Unidirectional Incentive Compatibility
524/2024, B03, Daniel Krähmer, Roland Strausz
The Hold-up Problem with Flexible Unobservable Investments
523/2024, B03, Daniel Krähmer
Acquihiring for Monopsony Power
500/2024, B03, Heski Bar-Isaac, Justin P. Johnson, Volker Nocke
Merger Analysis with IIA Demand and Type Aggregation
459/2023, B03, Volker Nocke, Nicolas Schutz
Ad Blocking, Whitelisting, and Advertiser Competition
448/2023, B03, B04, B05, Martin Peitz, Anton Sobolev, Paul Wegener
Strategic Incentives and the Optimal Sale of Information
442/2023, B03, Rosina Rodríguez Olivera. Published in American Economic Journal: Microeconomics 16 (2024), 296-353
Approval vs. Participation Quorums
438/2023, B03, Dmitriy Vorobyev, Azamat Valei, Andrei Matveenko
Sparking Curiosity or Tipping the Scales? Targeted Advertising with Consumer Learning
425/2023, B03, Andrei Matveenko, Egor Starkov. Published in Journal of Economics Behavior & Organization
Consumer Search, Steering and Choice Overload
421/2023, B03, Volker Nocke, Patrick Rey
Placement with Assignment Guarantees and Semi-Flexible Capacities
417/2023, B03, Orhan Aygün, Günnur Ege Bilgin
The Status Quo and Belief Polarization of Inattentive Agents: Theory and Experiment
385/2023, B03, Vladimir Novak, Andrei Matveenko, Silvio Ravaioli
Search Disclosure
384/2022, B03, Carl-Christian Groh, Marcel Preuss
Search, Data, and Market Power
383/2022, B03, Carl-Christian Groh
Optimally Biased Expertise
370/2022, B03, Pavel Ilinov, Andrei Matveenko, Maxim Senkov, Egor Starkov
Persuasion without Priors
359/2022, B03, B04, Alexei Parakhonyak, Anton Sobolev
The Wrong Kind of Information
357/2022, B03, Aditya Kuvalekar, João Ramos, Johannes Schneider. Published in RAND Journal of Economics 54 (2023), 360-384
Optimal Information Design of Online Marketplaces with Return Rights
352/2022, B03, Jonas von Wangenheim. First version: June 2022
On Risk and Time Pressure: When to Think and When to Do
342/2022, B03, Christoph Carnehl, Johannes Schneider. Published in Journal of the European Economic Association 21 (2023), 1-47
Inflated Recommendations
336/2022, B03, B04, B05, Martin Peitz, Anton Sobolev. First version: February 2022
Consumer Search and Choice Overload
315/2021, B03, Volker Nocke, Patrick Rey
Dutch vs. First-Price Auctions with Expectations-Based Loss-Averse Bidders
314/2021, B03, Benjamin Balzer, Antonio Rosato, Jonas von Wangenheim. Published in Journal of Economic Theory 205 (2022), 105545
English Versus Vickrey Auctions with Loss-Averse Bidders
313/2021, B03, Jonas von Wangenheim. Published in Journal of Economic Theory 197 (2021), 105328
School Choice and Loss Aversion
312/2021, B03, Vincent Meisner, Jonas von Wangenheim. Published in Journal of Economic Theory 207 (2023), 105588
Information Nudges and Self-Control
311/2021, B03, Thomas Mariotti, Nikolaus Schweizer, Nora Szech, Jonas von Wangenheim
Fighting Climate Change: The Role of Norms, Preferences, and Moral Values
310/2021, A01, B03, Peter Andre, Teodora Boneva, Felix Chopra, Armin Falk
Collective Brand Reputation
281/2021, B03, Volker Nocke, Roland Strausz. Published in Journal of Political Economy 131 (2023), 101086
Competitive Price Discrimination, Imperfect Information, and Consumer Search
280/2021, B03, Carl-Christian Groh
The Welfare Effects of Early Termination Fees in the US Wireless Industry
247/2020, B03, Joseph Cullen, Nicolas Schutz, Oleksandr Shcherbakov
Gravity with Granularity
236/2020, B03, B06, Holger Breinlich, Harald Fadinger, Volker Nocke, Nicolas Schutz
Mechanism Design for Unequal Societies
228/2020, B03, Marco Reuter, Carl-Christian Groh
Fishing for Good News: Motivated Information Acquisition
223/2020, A01, B03, Si Chen, Carl Heese. First version: October 2020
Social Learning with State-Dependent Observations
222/2020, B03, Carl Heese
Inducing Effort Through Grades
221/2020, B03, David Rodina, John Farragut
Information Design and Career Concerns
220/2020, B03, David Rodina
Voter Attention and Distributive Politics
209/2020, B03, Carl Heese
Concentration Screens for Horizontal Mergers
190/2020, B03, Volker Nocke, Michael D. Whinston. Published in American Economic Review 112 (2022), 1915-1948
Do People Value More Informative News?
155/2020, B03, Felix Chopra, Ingar Haaland, Christopher Roth
Persuasion and Information Aggregation in Large Elections
128/2019, B03, B04, Carl Heese, Stephan Lauermann. First version: September 2019
Blurred Boundaries: A Flexible Approach for Segmentation Applied to the Car Market
127/2019, B03, Laura Grigolon. Published in Quantative Economics 12 (2021), 1273-1305
Anticompetitive Vertical Merger Waves
084/2019, B03, Johan Hombert, Jerome Pouyet, Nicolas Schutz. Published in Journal of Industrial Economics, 67(3-4): 484-514, 2019
Merger Policy in a Quantitative Model of International Trade
039/2018, B03, Holger Breinlich, Volker Nocke, Nicolas Schutz. Published in Economic Journal, 130(626): 393-421, 2020
Internal Versus External Growth in Industries with Scale Economies: A Computational Model of Optimal Merger Policy
038/2018, B03, Ben Mermelstein, Volker Nocke, Mark A. Satterthwaite, Michael D. Whinston. Published in Journal of Political Economy, 128(1): 301-341, 2020
An Aggregative Games Approach to Merger Analysis in Multiproduct-Firm Oligopoly
024/2018, B03, Volker Nocke, Nicolas Schutz
All-Pay Oligopolies: Price Competition with Unobservable Inventory Choices
020/2018, B03, Joao Montez, Nicolas Schutz. Published in Review of Economic Studies, 88(5): 2407-2438, 2021
Deception and Competition in Search Markets
014/2018, B03, Tobias Gamp, Daniel Krähmer. Published as "Competition in Search Markets with Naive Consumers" in RAND Journal of Economics, 53(2): 356-385, 2022
Full Surplus Extraction in Mechanism Design with Information Disclosure
011/2018, B03, Daniel Krähmer. Published as "Information Disclosure and Full Surplus Extraction in Mechanism Design" in Journal of Economic Theory, 187: 105020, 2020