Project group B04: Discussion papers
Product Recommendations and Price Parity Clauses
595/2024, B03, B04, B05, Martin Peitz, Anton Sobolev. First version: September 2024
Biased Recommendations and Differentially Informed Consumers
554/2024, B03, B04, B05, Martin Peitz, Anton Sobolev
Regulatory Compliance with Limited Enforceability: Evidence from Privacy Policies
547/2024, B02, B04, Bernhard Ganglmair, Julia Krämer, Jacopo Gambato. First version: September 2024
Optimal Testing in Disclosure Games
543/2024, B01, B04, Avi Lichtig, Helene Mass
Learning from Online Ratings
532/2024, B04, Xiang Hui, Tobias J. Klein, Konrad Stahl
Trust in Vertical Relations
530/2024, B04, Giacomo Calzolari, Leonardo Felli, Johannes Koenen, Giancarlo Spagnolo, Konrad Stahl
A Dynamic Model of Predation
529/2024, B04, Patrick Rey, Yossi Spiegel, Konrad Stahl
Auctions with Frictions: Recruitment, Entry, and Limited Commitment
519/2024, B04, Stephan Lauermann, Asher Wolinsky
Transparency in Sequential Common-Value Trade
487/2023, B04, Justus Preusser, Andre Speit
Simple Allocation with Correlated Types
486/2023, B04, Axel Niemeyer, Justus Preusser
Mechanisms without Transfers for Fully Biased Agents
485/2023, B04, Deniz Kattwinkel, Axel Niemeyer, Justus Preusser, Alexander Winter
Shaking Up the System: When Populism Disciplines Elite Politicians
473/2023, B04, Emmanuelle Auriol, Nicolas Bonneton, Mattias Polborn
Platform-Enabled Information Disclosure
468/2023, B04, B05, Jacopo Gambato, Martin Peitz
Non-Stationary Search and Assortative Matching
465/2023, B04, Nicolas Bonneton, Christopher Sandmann
Digital Linkage Between Markets: Does Emergence of an Informed Insurer Cause Consumer Harm?
462/2023, B04, Claudia Herresthal, Tatiana Mayskaya, Arina Nikandrova
Ad Blocking, Whitelisting, and Advertiser Competition
448/2023, B03, B04, B05, Martin Peitz, Anton Sobolev, Paul Wegener
Worst-Case Equilibria in First-Price Auctions
434/2023, B04, Vitali Gretschko, Helene Mass
Two-Dimensional Information Acquisition In Social Learning
433/2023, B04, Nina Bobkova, Helene Mass
Existence of a Non-Stationary Equilibrium in Search-And-Matching Models: TU and NTU
427/2023, B04, Christopher Sandmann, Nicolas Bonneton
The Market for Ethical Goods
426/2023, B04, Nicolas Bonneton
Persuasion without Priors
359/2022, B03, B04, Alexei Parakhonyak, Anton Sobolev
Inflated Recommendations
336/2022, B03, B04, B05, Martin Peitz, Anton Sobolev. First version: February 2022
Voting with Endogenous Timing
328/2022, B04, Finn Schmieter
Partnership Dissolution in a Search Market with On-The-Match Learning
327/2022, B04, Finn Schmieter
Relational Contracts and Trust in a High-Tech Industry
316/2021, B04, Giacomo Calzolari, Leonardo Felli, Johannes Koenen, Giancarlo Spagnolo, Konrad O. Stahl
Strategic Pricing and Ratings
303/2021, B04, C03, Anton Sobolev, Konrad Stahl, André Stenzel, Christoph Wolf
Relational Enforcement
295/2021, B04, Peter Wagner, Jan Knoepfle
Interview Sequences and the Formation of Subjective Assessments
268/2021, A01, B04, Jonas Radbruch, Amelie Schiprowski. First version: March 2021
When and Why Do Buyers Rate in Online Markets?
267/2021, B04, Xiang Hui, Tobias J. Klein, Konrad Stahl. First version: March 2021
Information Exchange and Consumer Search
246/2020, B04, Anton Sobolev
Allocation with Correlated Information: Too Good to Be True
227/2020, B04, Deniz Kattwinkel
Imitation Perfection - A Simple Rule to Prevent Discrimination in Procurement
225/2020, B04, Nicolas Fugger, Vitali Gretschko, Helene Mass, Achim Wambach. First version: October 2020. Published in American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, 12(3): 189-245, 2020.
Dynamic Competition for Attention
219/2020, B04, Jan Knoepfle
The Role of Caseworkers in Unemployment Insurance: Evidence from Unplanned Absences
165/2020, B04, Amelie Schiprowski. Published in Journal of Labor Economics, 38(4): 1189-1225, 2020
Benefit Duration, Job Search Behavior and Re-Employment
164/2020, B04, Andreas Lichter, Amelie Schiprowski. First version: March 2020. Published in Journal of Public Economics, 193: 104326, 2021
Strategies Under Strategic Uncertainty
157/2020, B04, Helene Mass
Robust Bidding and Revenue in Descending Price Auctions
146/2020, B04, Sarah Auster, Christian Kellner. Published in Journal of Economic Theory 199 (2022), 105072
Hidden Testing and Selective Disclosure of Evidence
145/2020, B04, Claudia Herresthal. First version: January 2020
Bidding in Common-Value Auctions with an Uncertain Number of Competitors
136/2019, B04, B05, Stephan Lauermann, Andre Speit. Published in Econometrica 91 (2023), 493-527
Overcoming Free-Riding in Bandit Games
135/2019, B04, Johannes Hörner, Nicolas Klein, Sven Rady. First version: November 2019. Published in Review of Economic Studies, 89(4): 1948-1992, 2022
Undiscounted Bandit Games
130/2019, B01, Godfrey Keller, Sven Rady. First version: October 2019. Published in Games and Economic Behavior, 124: 43-61, 2020
Persuasion and Information Aggregation in Large Elections
128/2019, B03, B04, Carl Heese, Stephan Lauermann. First version: September 2019
Information Aggregation in Poisson-Elections
125/2019, B04, Mehmet Ekmekci, Stephan Lauermann. Published in Theoretical Economics 17 (2022), 1-23
Probabilistic Verification in Mechanism Design
124/2019, B04, Ian Ball, Deniz Kattwinkel
The Balance Condition in Search-and-Matching Models
120/2019, B01, B04, Stephan Lauermann, Georg Nöldeke, Thomas Tröger. Published in Econometrica, 88(2): 595-618, 2020
Costless Information and Costly Verification: A Case for Transparency
114/2019, B04, Deniz Kattwinkel, Jan Knoepfle. Published in Journal of Political Economy, 131(2): 504-548, 2023
Local Search Markets and External Competition
087/2019, B04, Patrick Legros, Konrad Stahl
Trust, Investment and Competition: Theory and Evidence from German Car Manufacturers
081/2019, B04, Giacomo Calzolari, Leonardo Felli, Johannes Koenen, Giancarlo Spagnolo, Konrad Stahl
Information Aggregation in Large Protests: A Continuum Model
080/2019, B04, Mehmet Ekmekci, Stephan Lauermann. First version: April 2019
Manipulated Electorates and Information Aggregation
066/2019, B04, Mehmet Ekmekci, Stephan Lauermann. Published in Review of Economic Studies, 87(2): 997-1033, 2020
A Common-Value Auction with State-Dependent Participation
063/2018, B04, Stephan Lauermann, Asher Wolinsky. First version: December 2018
Steady States in Search-and-Matching Models
055/2018, B01, B04, Stephan Lauermann, Georg Nöldeke, Thomas Tröger
Price Dispersion and Informational Frictions: Evidence from Supermarket Purchases
047/2018, B04, Pierre Dubois, Helena Perrone