Project group B06: Policy outreach
Presentation at Europa Union Karlsruhe e.V.: "Die deutsche Wirtschaft und ihr Echo in Europa: Wirtschaftspolitische Entscheidungen im europäischen Kontext"
Jan Schymik, B06, 2024-05-15
Interview with Natixis CIB Podcast: "Problems with the EU’s Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism"
Harald Fadinger, B06, 2024-03-22
Co-authored article in VoxEU: "A proposal to refocus the EU Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism on preventing carbon leakage"
Harald Fadinger, Ulrich Wagner, B06, B07, 2024-03-03
Presentation at the European Commission Single Market Conference: "Design of the EU Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism"
Harald Fadinger, B06, 2024-02-07
Presentation at the World Trade Organization: "Designing Efficient Carbon Border Adjustment with Minimal Information Requirements"
Harald Fadinger, B06, 2023-12-12
Coverage in Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung: "Die Schuldenbremse spaltet die deutsche Ökonomenschar"
Harald Fadinger, B06, 2023-12-08
Article in Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (Ordnung der Wirtschaft): "Deutschland reformieren, die EU stärken"
Harald Fadinger, Jan Schymik, B06, 2023-10-10
Co-authored article in VoxEU: "Lessons from the Germany Shock. Consequences of Uncoordinated Policies in a Currency Union"
Harald Fadinger, Jan Schymik, B06, 2023-09-10
Co-authored article in VoxEU: "Who pays for the tariffs and why: The asymmetric tariff pass-through between China and the US"
Lei Li, B06, 2023-07-07
Presentation at scientific workshop of the National Productivity Dialogue: "Quantifying the Germany Shock: Domestic Reforms, Nominal Rigidities and Trade Spillovers in the Eurozone"
Harald Fadinger, B06, 2023-01-26
Presentation at workshop of National Productivity Dialogue: "Quantifying the Germany Shock: Domestic Reforms, Nominal Rigidities and Trade Spillovers in the Eurozone"
Harald Fadinger, B06, 2023-01-26
Interview on Radio M94/5: "Supply chain disruptions"
Harald Fadinger, B06, 2022-07-01
Coverage in FAZ: "Das sind Alternativen zum Gasembargo"
Harald Fadinger, Jan Schymik, B06, 2022-04-04
Co-authored article in FAZ: "So sollte die EU mit russischen Energieimporten umgehen"
Harald Fadinger, Jan Schymik, B06, 2022-03-25
Presentation in Global Lecture Series on Chinese Economy: "Understanding the US-China Trade Dispute: Causes and Consequences"
Lei Li, B06, 2022-01-25
Speaker at the China Woche 2021 on International Economic Cooperation of the TU Clausthal China Kompetenzzentrum: "Understanding the US-China Trade Dispute" (video)
Lei Li, B06, 2021-12-08
Coverage in International Finance: "How can the world get back on its feet?"
Harald Fadinger, B06, 2021-07-30
Coverage in Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung: "Mit dieser Industriestrategie soll Europa aufholen"
Harald Fadinger, B06, 2021-05-05
Article in Ökonomenstimme: "Wer hat Angst vor den Robotern?"
Harald Fadinger, B06, 2021-02-08
Organization of the EPoS virtual workshop on "Policies to Cope with the Covid-19 Crisis"
Harald Fadinger, Jan Schymik, B06, 2021-01-27
Interview with Mannheimer Morgen: "Universität Mannheim: Mehr Heimarbeit könnte Corona-Infektionen halbieren und die Verluste der Wirtschaft senken - Forscher für Homeoffice-Zwang"
Jan Schymik, B06, 2021-01-13
Coverage of "My Home is My Castle - The Benefits of Working from Home During a Pandemic Crisis" in ZEIT ONLINE, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, der Spiegel, Westfälischer Anzeiger, Münchner Merkur, Heilbronner Stimme, Hamburger Morgenpost, WirtschaftsWoche, RTL, ARD Talkshow Anne Will, ARD Tagesschau, ZDF heute Show, Quarks (WDR)
Harald Fadinger, Jan Schymik, B06, 2021-01-01
Article on "Braucht es eine Pflicht zum Homeoffice? - Pro und Contra: Wo möglich, ist verpflichtendes Homeoffice sinnvoll"
Harald Fadinger, B06, 2021-01-01
Interviews relating to "My Home is My Castle - The Benefits of Working from Home During a Pandemic Crisis" with, ZDFheute, Bild,, Deutsche Presseagentur Radio, SWR Rheinland-Pfalz Radio, SWR Rheinland-Pfalz Fernsehen, SWR Baden-Württemberg Radio, Rhein-Main TV, Hessischer Rundfunk - Hessenschau
Harald Fadinger, B06, 2021-01-01
Speaker at Franco-German Fiscal Policy Seminar: "My home is my castle - The benefits of working from home during a pandemic crisis: Evidence from Germany"
Jan Schymik, B06, 2020-10-08
Co-authored article in Ö "Homeoffice – ein Allheilmittel in der Coronakrise und auch danach?"
Harald Fadinger, Jan Schymik, B06, 2020-07-09
Co-authored article in FAZ: "Ab ins Homeoffice!"
Harald Fadinger, Jan Schymik, B06, 2020-06-22
Authored article in Covid Economics, Issue 9: "The Costs and Benefits of Home Office during the Covid-19 Pandemic: Evidence from infections and an input-output model for Germany"
Harald Fadinger, Jan Schymik, B06, 2020-04-24
Coverage in DER SPIEGEL: "In welchen Regionen und Branchen der Shutdown zuerst gelockert werden sollte"
Harald Fadinger, Jan Schymik, B06, 2020-04-15
Guest commentary in Die Presse: "Corona-Anleihen, warum wir sie jetzt brauchen"
Harald Fadinger, B06, 2020-04-03
Presentation at the ECB Forum on Central Banking in Sintra, Portugal: “Superstar firms and spatial agglomeration: An exploration of effects in Europe”
Harald Fadinger, B06, 2019-06-17
Coverage in Bloomberg: “Superstar Firms, Aging and Euro Success in Vogue at ECB Retreat”
Harald Fadinger, B06, 2019-06-17
Authored article in DIE ZEIT: “Das Gesicht der Verlierer”
Harald Fadinger, B06, 2019-04-11
Public lecture as part of the Hambacher Gespräche: "Der Westen - (noch) Gemeinschaft der Weltmarktführer?"
Harald Fadinger, B06, 2018-11-07
Co-authored article in VOX CEPR Political Portal: "You Can't Always Get What you Want: The Real Exchange Rate and Manufacturing Performance in a World of Global Value Chains"
Harald Fadinger, Yanping Liu, B06, 2018-10-02
Co-authored article in VOX CEPR Policy Portal: "Ownership and Power Structure: Together at Last"
Harald Fadinger, B06, 2018-09-26