Project group B07: Policy outreach
Presentation at BMWK Female Economists Network
Kathrine von Graevenitz, B07, 2024-07-12
Kiel Policy Brief: "Paying Off Populism: EU Regional Policy Decreases Populist Support"
Jakob Lehr, B07, 2024-04-01
Co-authored article in VoxEU: "A proposal to refocus the EU Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism on preventing carbon leakage"
Harald Fadinger, Ulrich Wagner, B06, B07, 2024-03-03
Coverage in Tagesspiegel Background: "Höhe eines „wettbewerbsfähigen“ Strompreises bleibt ungewiss"
Kathrine von Graevenitz, B07, 2023-08-29
Coverage in WirtschaftsWoche: "So kann die deutsche Wirtschaft zu neuer Stärke finden"
Kathrine von Graevenitz, B07, 2023-08-10
Presentation at Bundeskanzleramt Conference: "Energiepreisschocks und Entlastungsmaßnahmen"
Christian Bayer, C05, 2023-06-19
Coverage in Clean Energy Wire: "Q&A – Germany weighs electricity subsidies to shield industry"
Kathrine von Graevenitz, B07, 2023-06-16
Coverage in Süddeutsche Zeitung: "Warum der Industriestrompreis so umstritten ist"
Kathrine von Graevenitz, B07, May 2023-05-24
Coverage in Mannheimer Morgen: "ZEW hält nichts vom Preisdeckel auf Industriestrom"
Kathrine von Graevenitz, B07, 2023-05-24
Coverage in Zeit Online: "Billiger Strom oder Weltuntergang"
Kathrine von Graevenitz, B07, 2023-05-17
ZEW Policy Brief on: "Brückenstrompreis: Fehler aus der Vergangenheit fortführen?"
Kathrine von Graevenitz, Andreas Gerster, B07, 2023-05
Coverage in FAZ: "Prämie hilft zum Gaseinsparen kaum"
Andreas Gerster, B07, 2023-03-19
Coverage in Redaktions Netzwerk Deutschland: "Klimaschutz: Wie Beschäftigte fast freiwillig auf den Dienstwagen verzichten"
Ulrich Wagner, B07, 2023-02-01
Coverage in "ZEW-Studie: Arbeitgeber können klimafreundliche Mobilität anregen
Ulrich Wagner, B07, 2023-02-01
Invited talk at the workshop of the German Council of Economic Experts, National Productivity Dialogue, Berlin: "Do Manufacturing Plants Respond to Exogenous Changes in Electricity Prices?
Kathrine von Graevenitz, B07, 2023-01-26
Podcast “The Effects of Air Pollution on Knowledge Workers” hosted by The Visible Hand and Spotify
Beate Thies, B07, 2022-11-16
Co-authored article in ifo Schnelldienst: "Gas- statt Preisbremse: Wie die Umsetzung von Unterstützungsprogrammen zum Gassparen für Haushalte und Unternehmen gelingen kann"
Kathrine von Graevenitz, B07, 2022-11-09
Co-authored article in IAB-Forum: "Die Energiekrise wird manche Regionen härter treffen als andere"
Kathrine von Graevenitz, B07, 2022-10-26
Interview on international climate policy in Austrian radio station Ö1: "Interview on international climate policy"
Ulrich Wagner, B07, 2022-10-18
Coverage in "Kürzer duschen, richtig lüften"
Lorenz Götte, Anna Schulze Tilling, B07, 2022-07-02
Coverage in FAZ: "Duschend Energie sparen"
Lorenz Götte, Anna Schulze Tilling, B07, 2022-06-15
Public Lecture at FernUniversität in Hagen: "Was handeln wir uns da ein? CO2-Zertifikate, Klimaschutz und Luftverschmutzung in Europa"
Ulrich Wagner, B07, 2022-04-27
Presentation at Sustainable Science Slam, University of Bonn
Anna Schulze Tilling, B07, 2022-04-22
Energy for Growth HUB Memo: "A Power and Economic Dual Crisis: Lebanon's Electricity Sector"
Dana Kassem, B07, 2022-01-10
Interview with Deutschlandfunk on carbon pricing
Ulrich Wagner, B07, 2021-10-25
Panelist at Webinar of the Energy and Economic Growth Applied Research Programme: "Does energy access promote economic growth? A look at the evidence"
Dana Kassem, B07, 2021-10-13
Webinar at Coffee Break Briefings of the Energy for Growth Hub: "Electrification and Industrial Development in Indonesia"
Dana Kassem, B07, 2021-09-29
Panelist at Annual Conference of the German Economic Association: "International Emissions Markets"
Ulrich Wagner, B07, 2021-09-29
Presentation of the CRC-funded research network EPREE to OECD delegates and academics: "Environmental Performance and Regulation of Enterprises in Europe"
Ulrich Wagner, B07, 2021-06-21
Presentation to OECD delegates and academics: "Carbon Footprints of European Manufacturing Jobs"
Dana Kassem, B07, 2021-06-21
Presentation at virtual roundtable with industry representatives: "CO2-Preise, transparente Klimabilanzen, Border Carbon Adjustments – Welche Rolle spielen sie für den Klimaschutz europäischer Unternehmen?"
Ulrich Wagner, B07, 2021-02-09
Presentation at Erstsemesterakademie BaWü at University of Mannheim: "Klimawandel und Umweltökomomik"
Andreas Gerster, B07, 2020-10-06
Article in EAERE Magazine: "Health, Labor, and Environmental Regulation in Post-Industrial Europe"
Ulrich Wagner, B07, 2020-09-01
Presentation at the UK Department for International Development (DIFD)
Dana Kassem, B07, 2020-06-29
Authored Article in ENERGY FOR GROWTH HUB: "How Electrification Causes Industrialization: Lessons From Indonesia"
Dana Kassem, B07, 2020-06-16
Coverage in Ärztezeitung: "In Umweltzonen wird weniger für Asthma- und Herz-Mittel ausgegeben"
Felix Holub, B07, 2020-06-05
Coverage in Bayern 2 Radio: "Weniger Feinstaub, gesündere Anwohner - Umweltzonen senken den Arzneiverbrauch"
Felix Holub, B07, 2020-05-29
Coverage in Bayerischer Rundfunk: "Umweltzonen: Weniger Feinstaub senkt Ausgaben für Medikamente"
Felix Holub, B07, 2020-05-28
Coverage in Ärzteblatt: "Studie: Städtische Umweltzonen senken Ausgaben für Herzmedikamente und Asthmasprays"
Felix Holub, B07, 2020-05-26
Coverage of Nature comment, in Spiegel Online: "Der unerwartet hohe Preis des Autofahrens"
Andreas Gerster, B07, 2020-04-24
Coverage of Nature comment, in TAZ: "Rechenschwach am Steuer"
Andreas Gerster, B07, 2020-04-24
Coverage of Nature comment, in Süddeutsche Zeitung: "(Sehr viel) teurer als man denkt"
Andreas Gerster, B07, 2020-04-22
Lecture to a non-academic audience: “Scientists4Future: Mathematics, Environmental Economics and Integrated Assessment Models” (lecture series “Geschichte Klima Zukunft”, University of Mannheim)
Andreas Gerster, B07, 2020-03-10
Interview with Rhein Neckar Fernsehen "Campus TV" on economic evaluation of air pollution damages
Ulrich Wagner, B07, 2020-03-05
Interview with Radio Regenbogen "Campus Report" on economic evaluation of air pollution damages
Ulrich Wagner, B07, 2020-02-06
Authored article in Fundraiser magazin (issue 1/2020): „Mehr oder weniger: Beeinflusst Matching das Spendenverhalten?“
Raphael Epperson, B07, 2020-01-27
Consulting on energy efficiency policies in the residential sector, Haut Conseil pour le Climat, France
Andreas Gerster, B07, 2020-01-27
Interview with the Spanish radio station “capital radio” on "Mercados de carbono: negocio o solución al cambio climático?" (Cabon Markets: Business or Solution to Climate Change?)
Ulrich Wagner, B07, 2019-12-16
Authored article in VoxDev: "Electricity grid expansion and firm turnover in Indonesia"
Dana Kassem, B07, 2019-07-31
Poster presentation at the Kick-off Conference of the Dialogue on the Economics of Climate Change: "Evaluating Policy Instruments for the Transformation to a Low Carbon Economy - Causal Evidence from Administrative Microdata (TRACE)"
Andreas Gerster, Ulrich Wagner, B07, 2019-06-12
Presentations at the Workshop "Evaluating Policy Instruments for the Transformation to a Low Carbon Economy", ZEW Mannheim: "Unternehmenserfolg unter EHS und EEG: Wirkung auf Umsätze, Beschäftigung und Energieverbrauch" and "Firm performance under the ETS and the Renewable Energy Levy - Effects on sales, employment, and energy use"
Ulrich Wagner, B07, 2019-05-09
Co-authored article in IOP Science Portal: “How effective is the European Union energy label? Evidence from a real-stakes experiment”; press coverage in Welt: “EU-Energielabel für Haushaltsgeräte verfehlt sein Ziel“
Lorenz Götte, Andreas Gerster, B07, 2019-03-20
Plenary talk at the Florence School of Regulation Annual Climate Conference, EUI, Florence: "Emissions Trading and Firm Behavior: Evidence from European Firms“
Ulrich Wagner, B07, 2018-11-27
Co-Organizer of the "Arbeitstreffen zu Umweltökonomischen Analysen mit amtlichen Firmendaten für Deutschland", ZEW Mannheim
Ulrich Wagner, B07, 2018-10-11
Public lecture on "Energiesparen leicht gemacht! Die Rolle von Echtzeit-Feedback im Umweltschutz" at Altes Rathaus Bonn
Lorenz Götte, B07, 2018-10-10
Co-Organizer of the "Workshop on Challenges and Opportunities for Low Carbon Mobility", ZEW Mannheim
Ulrich Wagner, B07, 2018-09-13
Presentation at the OECD in Paris, on "The Uses of combined Environmental and Economic and Performance Datasets at the Micro Level"
Ulrich Wagner, B07, 2018-07-10
Consultant for a new module on the green economy, Business Environment and Enterprise Performance Survey, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
Ulrich Wagner, B07, 2018-03-01
Presentation at the National Environment Agency in Singapore on "Keeping Singapore Clean"
Lorenz Goette, B07, 2018-01-18