Project B07: Publications

Jonathan Colmer, Ralf Martin, Mirabelle Muûls, Ulrich Wagner1 [Project B072]
Does Pricing Carbon Mitigate Climate Change? Firm-Level Evidence from the European Emissions Trading Scheme
Review of Economic Studies (forthcoming)

Natalia Fabra, Catarina Pintassilgo, Mateus Souza3 [Project B072]
Observed Patterns of Free-Floating Car-Sharing Use4
SERIEs - Journal of the Spanish Economic Association 15 (2024), 259-297

Ximeng Fang5, Puja Singhal [Project B072]
Weather to Pay Attention to Energy Efficiency on the Housing Market6
Economics Letters 245 (2024), 112041

Andreas Gerster7, Michael Kramm [Project B072]
Optimal Internality Taxation of Product Attributes8
American Economic Journal: Economic Policy 16 (2024), 3, 394-419

Andreas Gerster7, Stefan Lamp [Project B072]
Energy Tax Exemptions and Industrial Production9
The Economic Journal 134 (2024), 663, 2803-2834

Johannes Gessner10, Wolfgang Habla, Ulrich J. Wagner 1[Project B072]
Can Social Comparisons and Moral Appeals Encourage Low-Emission Transport Use?11
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 133 (2024), 104289

Marc Kaufmann, Peter Andre, Botond Kőszegi15 [Project A0116, B072]
Understanding Markets with Socially Responsible Consumers17
Quarterly Journal of Economics 139 (2024), 3, 1989-2035

Soo Keong Yong, Ulrich Wagner1, Peiyao Shen, Laure de Preux, Mirabelle Muûls, Ralf Martin, Jing Cao [Project B072]
Management Practices and Climate Policy in China19
Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists 11 (2024), 5, 1065-1100

Ximeng Fang5, Lorenz Goette5, Bettina Rockenbach, Matthias Sutter, Verena Tiefenbeck, Samuel Schoeb, Thorsten Staake [Project B072]
Complementarities in Behavioral Interventions: Evidence From a Field Experiment on Resource Conservation20
Journal of Public Economics 228 (2023), 105028

Yixuan Gu, Daven K. Henze, Omar Nawaz, Ulrich Wagner1 [Project B072]
Response of the Ozone-related Health Burden in Europe to Changes in Local Anthropogenic Emissions of Ozone Precursors21
Environmental Research Letters 18 (2023), 114034

Mark Andor, Andreas Gerster7, Jörg Peters [Project B072]
Information Campaigns for Residential Energy Conservation22
European Economic Review 144 (2022), 104094

Ximeng Fang5, Timo Freyer, Chui Yee Ho, Zihua Chen, Lorenz Goette5 [Project B072]
Prosociality Predicts Individual Behavior and Collective Outcomes in the COVID-19 Pandemic23
Social Science & Medicine 308 (2022), 115192

Mark A. Andor, Andreas Gerster7, Stephan Sommer [Project B072]
Consumer Inattention, Heuristic Thinking and the Role of Energy Labels25
Energy Journal 41 (2020), 83-112

Felix Holub5, Nicolas Koch, Nolan Ritter, Alexander Rohlf [Project B072]
The Effect of Clean Air on Pharmaceutical Expenditures26
Economics Letters 192 (2020), 109-221

Mark A. Andor, Manuel Frondel, Andreas Gerster7, Stephan Sommer [Project B072]
Cognitive Reflection and the Valuation of Energy Efficiency27
Energy Economics 84 (2019), 104527

Mark A. Andor, Andreas Gerster7, Lorenz Götte5 [Project B072]
How Effective is the European Union Energy Label? Evidence From a Real‐Stakes Experiment28
Environmental Research Letters 14 (2019), 044001

Annette Cerulli‐Harms, Lorenz Götte5, Charles Sprenger [Project B072]
Randomizing Endowments: An Experimental Study of Rational Expectations and Reference‐Dependent Preferences29
American Economic Journal: Microeconomics 11 (2019), 185-207

Raphael Epperson5, Christiane Reif [Project B072]
Matching Subsidies and Voluntary Contributions: A Review30
Journal of Economic Surveys 33 (2019), 1578-1601

Lorenz Götte5, Ching Leong, Neng Qian [Project B072]
Motivating Household Water Conservation: A Field Experiment in Singapore31
PLoS ONE 14 (2019), 101371

Lorenz Götte5, Kathrin Degen, Elgar Fleisch, Thorsten Staake, Vojkan Tasic, Verena Tiefenbeck5 [Project B072]
Overcoming Salience Bias: How Real-Time Feedback Fosters Resource Conservation32
Management Science 64 (2018), 1458-1476

Sarah K Mesrobian, Alessandro EP Villa, Michel Bader, Lorenz Götte5, Alessandra Lintas [Project B072]
Event-Related Potentials During a Gambling Task in Young Adults With Attention-Deficit/ Hyperactivity Disorder33
Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12 (2018), 79

Sarah K Mesrobian, Alessandra Lintas, Manon Jaquerod, Michel Bader, Lorenz Götte5, Alessandro EP Villa [Project B072]
An ERP Study Reveals How Training With Dual N-Back Task Affects Risky Decision Making in a Gambling Task in ADHD Patients34
In: José M. Delgado-García, Xiaochuan Pan, Raudel Sánchez-Campusano, Rubin Wang (eds.), Advances in Cognitive Neurodynamics VI (2018), 271-277

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