Project C03: Publications

 Marius Clemens, Stefan Gebauer, Tobias König1 [Project C032]
The Macroeconomic Effects of a European Deposit (Re-)Insurance Scheme
Journal of Money, Credit and Banking (forthcoming)

Benedikt Franke, Qi Gao Fritz, André Stenzel3 [Project C032]
The (Limited) Power of Blockchain Networks for Information Provision4
Management Science 70 (2024), 971-990

Tobias König1 [Project C032]
The Financial Accelerator, Wages, and Optimal Monetary Policy5
Journal of International Money and Finance 148 (2024), 103162

Christoph Carnehl, André Stenzel3, Peter Schmidt [Project C032]
Pricing for the Stars: Dynamic Pricing in the Presence of Rating Systems6
Management Science 70 (2024), 1755-1772

Andrea Modena7, Luca Regis [Project C032]
Capital Risk, Fiscal Policy, and the Distribution of Wealth8
Mathematics and Financial Economics 18 (2024), 101007

Pietro Dindo, Andrea Modena7, Loriana Pelizzon [Project C032]
Risk Pooling, Intermediation Efficiency, and the Business Cycle9
Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 144 (2022), 104500

Viral Acharya, Lea Borchert, Maximilian Jager3, Sascha Steffen [Project C032]
Kicking the Can Down the Road: Government Interventions in the European Banking Sector10
Review of Financial Studies 34 (2021), 4090-4131

Zeno Enders, Hendrik Hakenes11 [Project C032]
Market Depth, Leverage, and Speculative Bubbles12
Journal of the European Economic Association 19 (2021), 2577-2621

Christian Michel, André Stenzel3 [Project C032]
Model-Based Evaluation of Cooling-off Policies13
Games and Economic Behavior 129 (2021), 270-293

André Stenzel3, Wolf Wagner [Project C032]
Opacity, Liquidity and Disclosure Requirements14
Journal of Business Finance and Accounting 49 (2021), 658-689

Viral Acharya, Zhengyang Jiang, Robert J. Richmond, Ernst-Ludwig von Thadden15 [Project C032]
Divided We Fall: International Health and Trade Coordination During a Pandemic16
Covid Economics 60 (2020), 1-56

Martin Brown, Karolin Kirschenmann17, Thomas Spycher [Project C032]
Numeracy and the Quality of on-the-Job Decisions: Evidence From Loan Officers18
Economic Inquiry 58 (2020), 998-1022

Karolin Kirschenmann17, Josef Korte, Sascha Steffen [Project C032]
A Zero-Risk Weight Channel for Sovereign Risk Spillovers19
Journal of Financial Stability 51 (2020), 100780

Dilek Bülbüla, Hendrik Hakenes11, Claudia Lambert [Project C032]
What Influences Banks’ Choice of Credit Risk Management Practices? Theory and Evidence21
Journal of Financial Stability 40 (2019), 1-14

Matthias Fahn, Hendrik Hakenes11 [Project C032]
Teamwork as a Self‐Disciplining Device22
American Economic Journal: Microeconomics 11 (2019), 1-32

Zhengqing Gui, Ernst‐Ludwig von Thadden15, Xiaojian Zhao [Project C032]
Incentive Compatibility, Limited Liability, and Costly Liquidation in Financial Contracting23
Games and Economic Behavior 118 (2019), 412-433

Hendrik Hakenes11, Svetlana Katolnik [Project C032]
Optimal Team Size and Overconfidence24
Group Decision and Negotiation 27 (2018), 665-687

André Stenzel3 [Project C032]
Security Design With Interim Public Information25
Journal of Mathematical Economics 76 (2018), 113-130

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