Publications 2018

Project area A: Family and education policies

Armin Falk, Florian Zimmermann [Project A01]
Information Processing and Commitment
Economic Journal 128 (2018), 1983-2002

Steffen Altmann, Armin Falk, Simon Jäger, Florian Zimmermann [Project A01]
Learing About Job Search: A Field Experiment with Job Seekers in Germany
Journal of Public Economics 164 (2018), 33-49

Bridget Hiedemann, Michelle Sovinsky, Steven Stern (2018), [Project A02]
Will You Still Want Me Tomorrow? The Dynamics of Families' Long-Term Care Arrangements
Journal of Human Resources 53, 663-716

Thomas Dohmen, Armin Falk, David Huffmann, Uwe Sunde (2018), [Project A01]
On the Relationship Between Cognitive Ability and Risk Preference
Journal of Economic Perspectives,  32(2), 115-134

Thomas Dohmen, Hendrick Sonnabend (2018), [Project A01]
Further Field Evidence for Minimax Play
Journal of Sports Economics, 19(3), 371-388

Armin Falk, Anke Becker, Thomas Dohmen, Benjamin Enke, David Huffmann, Uwe Sunde (2018), [Project A01]
Global Evidence on Economic Preferences
Quarterly Journal of Economics, 133(4), 1645-1692

Armin Falk, Johannes Hermle (2018), [Project A01]
Relationship of Gender Differences in Preferences to Economic Development and Gender Equality
Science, 362, 6412

Francesco Fallucchi, Simone Quercia (2018), [Project A01]
Affirmative Action and Retaliation in Experimental Contests
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 156, 23-40

Pia Pinger, Sebastian Schäfer, Heiner Schumacher  (2018), [Project A02]
Locus of Control and Consistent Investment Choice
Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, 75, 66-75

Denny Vågerö, Pia Pinger, Vanda Aronsson, Gerard van den Berg (2018), [Project A02]
Paternal Grandfather's Access to Food Predicts All-Cause and Cancer Mortality in Grandsons
Nature Communications,  9(1), 7-9

Effrosyni Adamopoulou, Ezgi Kaya (2018), [Project A03]
Young Adults Living with Their Parents and the Influence of Peers
Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, 80(3), 689-713

Matthias Doepke, Michèle Tertilt (2018), [Project A03]
Women's Empowerment, the Gender Gap in Desired Fertility, and Fertility Outcomes in Developing Countries
American Economic Association Papers & Proceedings, 108, 358-362

Minchul Yum (2018), [Project A03]
On the Distribution of Wealth and Employment
Review of Economic Dynamics, 30, 86-105

Philipp Ager, Antonio Ciccone (2018), [Project A04]
Agricultural Risk and the Spread of Religious Communities
Journal of the European Economic Association, 16(4), 1021-1068

Project area B: Product market regulation

Jörg Franke, Wolfgang Leininger, Cédric Wasser (2018), [Project B01]
Optimal Favoritism in All-Pay Auctions and Lottery Contests
European Economic Review, 104, 22-37

Tsz Ning Wong, Lily Ling Yang (2018), [Project B01]
When Does Monitoring Hurt? Endogenous Information Acquisition in a Game of Persuasion
Economics Letters, 163, 186-189

Giacomo Rodano, Nicolas Serrano-Velarde, Emanuele Tarantino (2018), [Project B02]
Lending Standards Over the Credit Cycle
Review of Financial Studies, 31(8), 2943-2982

Laura Grigolon, Mathias Reynaert, Frank Verboven (2018), [Project B03]
Consumer Valuation of Fuel Costs and Tax Policy: Evidence from the European Car Market
American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, 10(3), 193-225

Volker Nocke, Patrick Rey (2018), [Project B03]
Exclusive Dealing and Vertical Integration in Interlocking Relationships
Journal of Economic Theory, 177, 183-221

Volker Nocke, Nicolas Schutz (2018), [Project B03]
Multiproduct-Firm Oligopoly: An Aggregative Games Approach
Econometrica, 86(2), 523-557

Miriam Buiten (2018), [Project B05]
Regulating Data Giants: Between Competition Law and Data Protection Law
In: Klaus Mathis (ed.), New Developments in Competition Law and Economics, Series Economic Analysis of Law in European Legal Scholarship, Springer, 265-294

Paul Belleflamme, Martin Peitz (2018), [Project B05]
Inside the Engine Room of Digital Platforms: Reviews, Ratings and Recommendations
In: J.J. Ganuza and G. Llobet (eds.), Economic Analysis of the Digital Revolution, Funcas Social and Economic Studies, 5, 215-254

Paul Belleflamme, Martin Peitz (2018), [Project B05]
Platforms and Network Effects
In: L. Corchon and M. Marini (eds.), Handbook of Game Theory and Industrial Organization, 2, 286-317

Jay Pil Choi, Martin Peitz (2018), [Project B05]
You are Judged by the Company You Keep: Reputation Leverage in Vertically Related Markets
International Journal of Industrial Organization, 61, 351-379

Jens-Uwe Franck (2018), [Project B05]
Striking a Balance of Power between the Court of Justice and the EU Legislature: The Law on Competition Damages Actions as a Paradigm
European Law Review, 43, 837-857

Jens-Uwe Franck, Martin Peitz (2018), [Project B05]
Suppliers as Forgotten Cartel Victims
New York University Journal of Law & Business, 15(1), 17-59

Jan Krämer, Martin Peitz (2018), [Project B05]
A Fresh Look at Zero Rating
Telecommunications Policy, 42, 501-513

Heike Schweitzer, Martin Peitz (2018), [Project B05]
Neuer europäischer Ordnungsrahmen für Datenmärkte?
Neue Juristische Wochenschrift, 71, 275-280

Dalia Marin, Jan Schymik, Alexander Tarasov (2018), [Project B06]
Trade in Tasks and the Organization of Firms
European Economic Review, 107, 99-132

Alejandro Cunat, Harald Fadinger [Project B06]
A Heckscher-Ohlin-Melitz Model of Offshoring and Exporting
Developments in Global Sourcing (2018), 303-320

Felix Samy Soliman, Jan Schymik (2018), [Project B06]
Democratization, Contracts and Comparative Advantage
Economics Letters, 173, 73-77

Jan Schymik (2018), [Project B06]
Globalization and the Evolution of Corporate Governance
European Economic Review, 102, 39-61

Lorenz Götte, Kathrin Degen, Elgar Fleisch, Thorsten Staake, Vojkan Tasic, Verena Tiefenbeck (2018), [Project B07]
Overcoming Salience Bias: How Real-Time Feedback Fosters Resource Conservation
Management Science, 64(3), 1458-1476

Sarah K Mesrobian, Alessandra Lintas, Manon Jaquerod, Michel Bader, Lorenz Götte, Alessandro EP Villa (2018), [Project B07]
An ERP Study Reveals How Training With Dual N-Back Task Affects Risky Decision Making in a Gambling Task in ADHD Patients
In: José M. Delgado-García, Xiaochuan Pan, Raudel Sánchez-Campusano, Rubin Wang (eds.), Advances in Cognitive Neurodynamics VI, 271-277

Sarah K Mesrobian, Alessandro EP Villa, Michel Bader, Lorenz Götte, Alessandra Lintas (2018), [Project B07]
Event-Related Potentials During a Gambling Task in Young Adults With Attention-Deficit/ Hyperactivity Disorder
Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 12, 79

Project area C: Financial market regulation

Bulat Gafarov, Matthias Meier, Joé Luis Montiel Olea (2018), [Project C02]
Delta-Method Inference for a Class of Set-Identified Svars
Journal of Econometrics, 203(2), 316-327

Hendrik Hakenes, Svetlana Katolnik (2018), [Project C03]
Optimal Team Size and Overconfidence
Group Decision and Negotiation, 27, 665-687

André Stenzel (2018), [Project C03]
Security Design with Interim Public Information
Journal of Mathematical Economics, 76, 113-130

Niklas Gadatsch, Lukas Mann, Isabel Schnabel (2018), [Project C04]
A New IV Approach for Estimating the Efficacy of Macroprudential Measures
Economics Letters, 168, 107-109

Andreas Engert (2018), [Project C04]
Digitale Plattformen
Archiv für die civilistische Praxis, 218(2-4), 304-376

Andreas Engert, Lars Hornuf (2018), [Project C04]
Market Standards in Financial Contracting: The Euro's Effect on Debt Securities
Journal of International Money and Finance, 85, 145-162

Isabel Schnabel, Christian Seckinger (2018), [Project C04]
The Real Costs of Financial Disintegration
In: Nauro F. Campos and Jan-Egbert Sturm (eds.), Bretton Woods, Brussels, and Beyond - Redesigning the Institutions of Europe, 79-83

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