Publications 2020

Project area A: Family and education policies

Ruben C. Arslan, Martin Brümmer, Thomas Dohmen1, Johanna Drewelies, Ralph Hertwig, Gert G. Wagner [Project A012]
How People Know Their Risk Preference3
Nature Scientific Reports 10 (2020), 15365

Anke Becker, Benjamin Enke, Armin Falk4 [Project A012]
Ancient Origins of the Global Variation in Economic Preferences5
AEA Papers and Proceedings 110 (2020), 319-323

Armin Falk4, Thomas Graeber [Project A012]
Delayed Negative Effects of Prosocial Spending on Happiness6
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117 (2020), 6463-6468

Armin Falk4, Fabian Kosse [Project A012]
The Development of Egalitarian Norm Enforcement in Childhood and Adolescence7
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 179 (2020), 667-680

Armin Falk4, Thomas Neuber11, Nora Szech [Project A012]
Diffusion of Being Pivotal and Immoral Outcomes12
Review of Economic Studies 87 (2020), 2205-2229

Andreas Friedl, Andreas Pondorfer11, Ulrich Schmidt [Project A012]
Gender Differences in Social Risk Taking13
Journal of Economic Psychology 77 (2020), 102-182

K. Bach Habersaat, C. Betsch, R. Böhm, N.T. Brewer, R. Butler, M. Danchin, E. Dubé, M. Dutta, S. Eitze, Armin Falk4 et al. [Project A012]
Ten Considerations for Effectively Managing the COVID-19 Transition14
Nature Human Behaviour 4 (2020), 677-687

Fabian Kosse, Thomas Deckers, Pia Pinger8, Hannah Schildberg-Hörisch, Armin Falk4 [Project A012, A029]
The Formation of Prosociality: Causal Evidence on the Role of the Social Environment16
Journal of Political Economy 128 (2020), 434-467

Florian Zimmermann17 [Project A012]
The Dynamics of Motivated Beliefs18
American Economic Review 110 (2020), 337-361

Florian Zimmermann17, Frederik Schwerter [Project A012]
Determinants of Trust: The Role of Personal Experiences19
Games and Economic Behavior 122 (2020), 413-425

Liang Bai, Lingwei Wu11 [Project A0321]
Political Movement and Trust Formation: Evidence from the Cultural Revolution (1966–76)23
European Economic Review 122 (2020), 103331

Florian Exler, Michèle Tertilt24 (2020), [Project A0321]
Consumer Debt and Default: A Macro Perspective
Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Economics and Finance

Moritz Kuhn25, Moritz Schularick26, Ulrike Steins (2020), [Project A0321]
Income and Wealth Inequality in America, 1949–2016
Journal of Political Economy, 128, 9

Minchul Yum11 (2020), [Project A0321]
General Equilibrium Feedback Regarding the Employment Effects of Labor Taxes
Macroeconomic Dynamics, 24(8), 2012-2032

Project area B: Product market regulation

Alex Gershkov, Benny Moldovanu27, Xianwen Shi [Project B0128]
Monotonic Norms and Orthogonal Issues in Multidimensional Voting29
Journal of Economic Theory 189 (2020), 105103

Andreas Kleiner, Benny Moldovanu27 [Project B0128]
The Failure of a Nazi "Killer" Amendment30
Public Choice 183 (2020), 133-149

Stephan Lauermann31, Georg Nöldeke, Thomas Tröger32 [Project B0128, B0433]
The Balance Condition in Search-and-Matching Models34
Econometrica 88 (2020), 595-618

Colin von Negenborn, Martin Pollrich11 (2020), [Project B0128]
Sweet Lemons: Mitigating Collusion in Organizations
Journal of Economic Theory, 189, 105-174

Tsz-Ning Wong, Lily Ling Yang35 [Project B0128]
Dynamic Expert Incentives in Teams36
Games and Economic Behavior 125 (2020), 27-47

Luke Froeb, Bernhard Ganglmair37, Steven Tschantz, Gregory Werden (2020), [Project B0238]
Technology Economics: Innovation, Licensing, and Antitrust
Global Antitrust Institute Report on the Digital Economy, 5, 192-219

Bernhard Ganglmair37, Alex Holcomb, Noah Myung (2020), [Project B0238]
Expectations of Reciprocity When Competitors Share Information: Experimental Evidence
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 170, 244-267

Ludmila Matysková11, Brian Rogers, Jakub Steiner, Keh-Kuan Sun (2020), [Project B0238]
Habits as Adaptations: An Experimental Study
Games and Economic Behavior, 122, 391-406

Holger Breinlich, Volker Nocke39, Nicolas Schutz40 (2020), [Project B0341]
Merger Policy in a Quantitative Model of International Trade
Economic Journal, 130(626), 393-421

Daniel Krähmer42 (2020), [Project B0341]
Information Disclosure and Full Surplus Extraction in Mechanism Design
Journal of Economic Theory, 187, 105020

Ben Mermelstein, Volker Nocke39, Mark Satterthwaite, Michael Whinsto (2020), [Project B0341]
Internal Versus External Growth in Industries with Scale Economies: A Computational Model of Optimal Merger Policy
Journal of Political Economy, 128(1), 301-341

Dieter Pennerstorfer, Philipp Schmidt-Dengler, Nicolas Schutz40, Biliana Yontcheva, Christoph Weiss (2020), [Project B0341]
Information and Price Dispersion: Theory and Evidence
International Economic Review, 62(2), 871-899

Mehmet Ekmekci, Stephan Lauermann31 (2020), [Project B0433]
Manipulated Electorates and Information Aggregation
Review of Economic Studies, 87(2), 997-1033

Nicolas Fugger, Vitali Gretschko, Helene Mass43, Achim Wambach (2020), [Project B0433]
Imitation Perfection—A Simple Rule to Prevent Discrimination in Procurement
American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, 12(3), 189-245

Claudia Herresthal44 (2020), [Project B0433]
Performance-Based Rankings and School Quality
Economic Journal, 130(630), 1729-1752

Godfrey Keller, Sven Rady 45(2020), [Project B0433]
Undiscounted Bandit Games
Games and Economic Behavior, 124, 43-61

Amelie Schiprowski 46(2020), [Project B0433]
The Role of Caseworkers in Unemployment Insurance: Evidence From Unplanned Absences
Journal of Labor Economics, 38(4), 1189-1225

Simon Anderson, Martin Peitz 47(2020), [Project B0548]
Media See-Saws: Winners and Losers in Platform Markets
Journal of Economic Theory, 186, 104990

Paul Belleflamme, Martin Peitz47 et. al. [Project B0548]
Digital & Competition49
Concurrences (2020), 2-7

Paul Belleflamme, Martin Peitz47 [Project B0548]
Ratings, Reviews and Recommendations50
Handbook of Cultural Economics 3 (2020), 466-473

Miriam Buiten 11(2020), [Project B0548]
Economic Implications of Robo Advice
D. Linardatos (ed.), Rechtshandbuch Robo Advice, Beck

Miriam Buiten11, Garry Gabison (2020), [Project B0548]
Platform Liability in Copyright Enforcement
Columbia Science and Technology Law Review, 21(2), 237-280

Miriam Buiten11, Alexandre de Streel, Martin Peitz47 (2020), [Project B0548]
Rethinking Liability Rules for Online Hosting Platforms
International Journal of Law and Information Technology, 28(2), 139-166

Jens-Uwe Franck51, Martin Peitz47 (2020), [Project B0548]
Cartel Effects and Component Makers’ Rights to Damages
World Competition, 43, 209-240

Chiara Fumagalli, Massimo Motta, Martin Peitz47 (2020), [Project B0548]
Which Role for State Aid and Merger Control During and After the Covid Crisis?
Journal of European Competition Law & Practice, 11, 294-301

Heiko Karle, Martin Peitz47, Markus Reisinger (2020), [Project B0548]
Segmentation Versus Agglomeration: Competition Between Platforms with Competitive Seller
Journal of Political Economy, 128, 2329-2374

Massimo Motta, Martin Peitz47 (2020), [Project B0548]
Removal of Potential Competitors – A Blind Spot of Merger Policy?
Competition Law and Policy Debate, 6, 19-25

Martin Peitz47, Dongsoo Shin (2020), [Project B0548]
Distorted Input Ratios in Vertical Relationships
Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 122, 1480-1509

Mark A. Andor, Andreas Gerster58, Stephan Sommer (2020), [Project B0759]
Consumer Inattention, Heuristic Thinking and the Role of Energy Labels
Energy Journal, 41, 1

Felix Holub11, Nicolas Koch, Nolan Ritter, Alexander Rohlf (2020), [Project B0759]
The Effect of Clean Air on Pharmaceutical Expenditures
Economics Letters, 192, 109-221

Project area C: Financial market regulation

Fernanda Brollo, Katja Kaufmann60, Eliana La Ferrara (2020), [Project C0161]
The Political Economy of Program Enforcement: Evidence from Brazil
Journal of the European Economic Association,  18(2), 750-791

Fernanda Brollo, Katja Kaufmann60, Eliana La Ferrara (2020), [Project C0161]
Learning Spillovers in Conditional Welfare Programs: Evidence from Brazil
Economic Journal, 130(628), 853-879

Viral Acharya, Zhengyang Jiang, Robert J. Richmond, Ernst-Ludwig von Thadden62 [Project C0363]
Divided We Fall: International Health and Trade Coordination During a Pandemic64
Covid Economics 60 (2020), 1-56

Martin Brown, Karolin Kirschenmann65, Thomas Spycher (2020), [Project C0363]
Numeracy and the Quality of on-the-Job Decisions: Evidence from Loan Officers
Economic Inquiry, 58(2), 998-1022

Karolin Kirschenmann65, Josef Korte, Sascha Steffen (2020), [Project C0363]
A Zero-Risk Weight Channel for Sovereign Risk Spillovers
Journal of Financial Stability, 51, 100780

Peter Schmidt, André Stenzel, 11Christoph Wolf (2020), [Project C0363]
Pricing for the Stars - Dynamic Pricing in the Presence of Rating Systems
Proceedings of the 21st ACM Conference on Economics and Computation (EC'20), 273-274

Markus Brunnermeier, Simon Rother, Isabel Schnabel11 (2020), [Project C0467]
Asset Price Bubbles and Systemic Risk
Review of Financial Studies, 33(9), 4272-4317

Andreas Engert68, Tim Florstedt (2020), [Project C0467]
Which Related Party Transactions Should Be Subject to Ex Ante Review? Evidence from Germany
Journal of Corporate Law Studies, 20(2), 263-290

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