Publications 2022


Warum es so schwer ist, ein guter Mensch zu sein... und wie wir das ändern können:  Antworten eines Verhaltensökonomomen

Author: Armin Falk 1

Project: A012

Publisher: Siedler


Project area A: Family and education policies

Peter Andre3, Carlo Pizzinelli, Christopher Roth, Johannes Wohlfart [Project A014]
Subjective Models of the Macroeconomy: Evidence From Experts and Representative Samples5
Review of Economic Studies 89 (2022), 2958-2991

Benjamin Enke, Ricardo Rodríguez-Padilla, Florian Zimmermann6 [Project A012]
Moral Universalism and the Structure of Ideology7
Review of Economic Studies 90 (2022), 1934-1962

Benjamin Enke, Ricardo Rodríguez-Padilla, Florian Zimmermann6 [Project A014]
Moral Universalism: Measurement and Economic Relevance8
Management Science 68 (2022), 3175-3973

Lukas Kiessling, Jonas Radbruch3, Sebastian Schaube [Project A012, A029]
Self-Selection of Peers and Performance10
Management Science 68 (2022), 7793-8514

Wladislaw Mill11, John Morgan [Project A014]
Competition Between Friends and Foes12
European Economic Review 147 (2022), 104171

Wladislaw Mill11, John Morgan [Project A012]
The Cost of a Divided America: An Experimental Study into Destructive Behavior13
Experimental Economics 25 (2022), 974-1001

Uwe Sunde, Thomas Dohmen14, Benjamin Enke, Armin Falk1, David Huffman, Gerrit Meyerheim [Projects A012]
Patience and Comparative Development15
Review of Economic Studies 89 (2022), 2806-2840

Cristina Bellés-Obrero3, María Lombardi [Project A029]
Teacher Performance Pay and Student Learning: Evidence from a Nationwide Program in Peru16
Economic Development and Cultural Change 70 (2022), 1631-1669

Cristina Bellés-Obrero3, Sergi Jiménez-Martin, Judit Vall Castello [Project A029]
Minimum Working Age and the Gender Mortality Gap17
Journal of Population Economics 34 (2022), 1897-1938

Michelle Sovinsky18 [Project A029]
Do Research Joint Ventures Serve a Collusive Function?19
Journal of the European Economic Association 20 (2022), 430-475

Effrosyni Adamopoulou21, Ernesto Villanueva [Project A0322]
Employment and Wage Effects of Extending Collective Bargaining Agreements23
IZA World of Labor 136 (2022), 1015185

Effrosyni Adamopoulou21, Ernesto Villanueva [Project A0322]
Wage Determination and the Bite of Collective Contracts in Italy and Spain24
Labour Economics 76 (2022), 102147

Philipp Ager,25 Leonardo Bursztyn, Lukas Leucht, Hans-Joachim Voth [Project A0322]
Killer Incentives: Rivalry, Performance and Risk-Taking among German Fighter Pilots, 1939-4526
Review of Economic Studies 98 (2022), 2257-2292

Philipp Ager25, Katherine Eriksson, Ezra Karger, Peter Nencka, Melissa Thomasson [Project A0322]
School Closures During the 1918 Flu Pandemic27
Review of Economics and Statistics 106 (2022), 266-276

Titan Alon, Sena Coskun28, Matthias Doepke, David Koll, Michèle Tertilt29 [Project A0322]
From Mancession to Shecession: Women's Employment in Regular and Pandemic Recessions30
NBER Working Paper Series 36 (2022), 28632

Titan Alon, Matthias Doepke, Kristina Manysheva, Michèle Tertilt29 [Project A0322]
Gendered Impacts of COVID-19 in Developing Countries31
AEA Papers and Proceedings 112 (2022), 272-276

Youngsoo Jang, Minchul Yum3 [Project A0322]
Nonlinear Occupations and Female Labor Supply over Time32
Review of Economic Dynamics 46 (2022), 51-73

Michèle Tertilt29, Matthias Doepke, Anne Hannusch33, Laura Montenbruck34 [Project A0322]
The Economics of Women's Rights35
Journal of the European Economic Association 20 (2022), 2271-2316

Minchul Yum3 [Project A0322]
Parental Time Investment and Intergenerational Mobility36
International Economic Review 64 (2022), 187-223

Antonio Ciccone37, Adilzhan Ismailov [Project A0438]
Rainfall, Agricultural Output and Persistent Democratization39
Economica 89 (2022), 229-257

Arjan Non, Ingrid Rohde, Andries de Grip, Thomas Dohmen14 [Project A012]
Mission of the Company, Prosocial Attitudes and Job Preferences: A Discrete Choice Experiment43
Labour Economics 74 (2022), 102087

Project area B: Product market regulation

Alex Gershkov, Benny Moldovanu44, Philipp Strack, Mengxi Zhang45 [Project B0146]
Optimal Auctions: Non-Expected Utility and Constant Risk Aversion47
Review of Economic Studies 89 (2022), 2630-2662

Andreas Kleiner, Benny Moldovanu44 [Project B0146]
Voting Agendas and Preferences on Trees: Theory and Practice48
American Economic Journal: Microeconomics 14 (2022), 583-615

Ran Weksler, Boaz Zik3 [Project B0146]
Informative Tests in Signaling Environments49
Theoretical Economics 17 (2022), 977-1006

Sarah Auster50, Christian Kellner [Project B0251]
Robust Bidding and Revenue in Descending Price Auctions52
Journal of Economic Theory 199 (2022), 105072

Francesc Dilmé53 [Project B0251]
Strategic Communication with a Small Conflict of Interest54
Games and Economic Behavior 134 (2022), 1-19

Bernhard Ganglmair55, Christian Helmers, Brian J. Love [Project B0251]
The Effect of Patent Litigation Insurance: Theory and Evidence From NPEs56
Journal of Law, Economics and Organization 38 (2022), 741-773

Paul Voss3, Marius Kulms [Project B0251]
Separating Ownership and Information57
American Economic Review 112 (2022), 3039-3062

Benjamin Balzer, Antonio Rosato, Jonas von Wangenheim58 [Project B0359]
Dutch vs. First-Price Auctions with Expectations-Based Loss-Averse Bidders60
Journal of Economic Theory 205 (2022), 105545

Tobias Gamp, Daniel Krähmer61 [Project B0359]
Competition in Search Markets with Naive Consumers62
RAND Journal of Economics 53 (2022), 356-385

Volker Nocke63, Michael D. Whinston [Project B0359]
Concentration Thresholds for Horizontal Mergers64
American Economic Review 112 (2022), 1915-1948

Nina Bobkova, Helene Mass65 [Project B04]66
Two-Dimensional Information Acquisition in Social Learning67
Journal of Economic Theory 202 (2022), 105451

Mehmet Ekmekci, Stephan Lauermann68 [Project B0466]
Information Aggregation in Poisson-Elections69
Theoretical Economics 17 (2022), 1-23

Rosa Ferrer, Helena Perrone [Project B0466]
Consumers' Costly Responses to Product-Harm Crisis70
Management Science 69 (2022), 2639-2671

Paul Belleflamme, Martin Peitz71, Eric Toulemonde [Project B0572]
The Tension between Market Shares and Profit under Platform Competition73
International Journal of Industrial Organization 81 (2022), 102807

Dirk Engelmann, Heiko Karle, Martin Peitz71 [Project B0572]
Student Performance and Loss Aversion74
Scandinavian Journal of Economics 124 (2022), 420-456

Natalia Fabra, Massimo Motta, Martin Peitz71 [Project B0572]
Learning from Electricity Markets: How to Design a Resilience Strategy75
Energy Policy 168 (2022), 113116

Johannes Hörner, Nicolas Klein, Sven Rady76 [Project B0572]
Overcoming Free-Riding in Bandit Games77
Review of Economic Studies 89 (2022), 1948-1992

Martin Peitz71, Lily Samkharadze [Project B0572]
Collusion Between Non-Differentiated Two-Sided Platforms78
Economics Letters 215 (2022), 110506

Harald Fadinger79, Christian Ghiglino, Mariya Teteryatnikova [Project B0680]
Income Differences, Productivity, and Input-Output Networks81
American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics 14 (2022), 367-415

Hongbin Li, Lei Li82, Hong Ma [Project B0680]
China's Skill-Biased Imports83
China Economic Review 74 (2022), 101809

Mark Andor, Andreas Gerster84, Jörg Peters [Project B0785]
Information Campaigns for Residential Energy Conservation86
European Economic Review 144 (2022), 104094

Zihua Chen, Ximeng Fang3, Timo Freyer, Lorenz Goette3, Chui Yee Ho [Project B0785]
Prosociality Predicts Individual Behavior and Collective Outcomes in the COVID-19 Pandemic87
Social Science & Medicine 308 (2022), 115192

Project area C: Financial market regulation

Maria Balgova, Nico Pestel, Simon Trenkle89, Christian Zimpelmann90 [Project C0191]
Job Search during a Pandemic Recession: Survey Evidence from the Netherlands92
Labour Economics 75 (2022), 102142

Gregor Boehl93 [Project C0191, C05]94
Monetary Policy and Speculative Asset Markets95
European Economic Review 148 (2022), 104250

Gregor Boehl93, Gavin Goy, Felix Strobel [Project C0191]
A Structural Investigation of Quantitative Easing96
Review of Economics and Statistics (2022), 101162

Tilman H. Drerup, Matthias Wibral, Christian Zimpelmann90 [Project C0191]
Skewness Expectations and Portfolio Choice100
Experimental Economics 26 (2022), 107-144

Han Ye101 [Project C0191]
The Effect of Pension Subsidies on the Retirement Timing of Older Women102
Journal of the European Economic Association 20 (2022), 1048-1094

Klaus Adam103, Erwan Gautier, Henning Weber, Sergio Santoro [Project C02104]
The Case for a Positive Euro Area Inflation Target: Evidence from France, Germany and Italy105
Journal of Monetary Economics 132 (2022), 140-153

Lawrence Christiano, Husnu Dalgic106, Xiaoming Li [Project C02104]
Modelling the Great Recession as a Bank Panic: Challenges107
Economica 89 (2022), 200-238

Pietro Dindo, Andrea Modena108, Loriana Pelizzon [Project C03109]
Risk Pooling, Intermediation Efficiency, and the Business Cycle110
Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 144 (2022), 104500

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