Publications 2023

Manuel Funke, Moritz Schularick, Christoph Trebesch [Project C02]
Populist Leaders and the Economy
American Economic Review 113 (2023), 3249-3288

Claudia Hupkau, Jenifer Ruiz-Valenzuela, Ingo E. Isphording, Stephen Machin [Project A02]
Labour Market Shocks and Parental Investments During the Covid-19 Pandemic
Labour Economics 82 (2023), 102341

Alex Gershkov, Benny Moldovanu, Philipp Strack, Mengxi Zhang [Project B01]
Optimal Insurance: Dual Utility, Random Losses and Adverse Selection
American Economic Review 113 (2023), 2581-2614

Alex Gershkov, Benny Moldovanu, Xianwen Shi [Project B01]
Monotonic Norms and Orthogonal Issues in Multidimensional Voting
Journal of Economic Theory 189 (2023), 105103

Alex Gershkov, Andreas Kleiner, Benny Moldovanu, Xianwen Shi [Project B01]
Voting With Interdependent Values: The Concorcet Winner
Games and Economic Behavior 142 (2023), 193-208

Yixuan Gu, Daven K. Henze, Omar Nawaz, Ulrich Wagner [Project B07]
Response of the Ozone-related Health Burden in Europe to Changes in Local Anthropogenic Emissions of Ozone Precursors
Environmental Research Letters 18 (2023), 114034

Martin Peitz [Project B05]
How to Apply the Self-Preferencing Prohibition in the DMA
Journal of European Competition Law & Practice 14 (2023), 310-315

Miriam Buiten, Alexandre de Streel, Martin Peitz [Project B05]
The Law and Economics of Al Liability
Computer Law & Security Review 45 (2023), 105794

Marcel Preuss [Project B05]
Search, Learning and Tracking
RAND Journal of Economics 53 (2023), 54-82

Thomas Dohmen, Elena Shvartsman [Project A05]
Overexertion of Effort under Working Time Autonomy and Feedback Provision
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 212 (2023), 1255-1266

Youngsoo Jang, Takeki Sunakawa, Minchul Yum [Project A03]
Tax-and-Transfer Progressivity and Business Cycles
Quantitative Economics 14 (2023), 1367-1400

Daniel Fershtman, Béla Szabadi, Cédric Wasser [Project B01]
Efficient Resolution of Partnership Disputes
RAND Journal of Economics 54 (2023), 543-569

Xinyu Fan, Lingwei Wu [Project A03]
The Shaping of a Gender Norm: Marriage, Labor, and Foot-binding in Historical China
International Economic Review 64 (2023), 1819-1850

Stefan Etgeton, Björn Fischer, Han Ye [Project C01]
The Effect of Increasing Retirement Age on Households' Savings and Consumption Expenditure
Journal of Public Economics 221 (2023), 104845

Klaus Adam, Henning Weber [Project C02]
Estimating the Optimal Inflation Target from Trends in Relative Prices
American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics 15 (2023), 1-42

Teresa Backhaus, Steffen Huck, Johannes Leutgeb, Ryan Oprea [Project C01]
Learning Through Period and Physical Time
Games and Economic Behavior 141 (2023), 21-29

Andrei Matveenko, Egor Starkov [Project B03]
Sparking Curiosity or Tipping the Scales? Targeted Advertising With Consumer Learning
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 213 (2023), 172-192

Francesc Dilmé [Project B02]
Communication between unbiased agents
Games and Economic Behavior 142 (2023), 613-622

Antoine Bertheau, Edoardo Maria Acabbi, Cristina Barceló, Andreas Gulyas, Stefano Lombardi, Raffaele Saggio [Project A03]
The Unequal Consequences of Job Loss across Countries
American Economic Review: Insights 5 (2023), 393-408

Charles Pébereau, Kevin Remmy [Project A02]
Barriers to Real-Time Electricity Pricing: Evidence from New Zealand
International Journal of Industrial Organization 89 (2023), 102979

Thomas Dohmen, Felipe Valencia Caicedo, Andreas Pondorfer [Project A05]
Religion and Cooperation Across the Globe
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 215 (2023), 479-489

Anke Becker, Thomas Dohmen, Armin Falk, David Huffmann, Uwe Sunde [Projects A01, A05]
The Preference Survey Module: A Validated Instrument for Measuring Risk, Time, and Social Preferences
Management Science 69 (2023), 1935-1950

Andrea Amelio, Florian Zimmerman [Projects A01]
Motivated Memory in Economics – A Review
Games 14 (2023), 103390

Armin Falk, Fabian Kosse, Hannah Schildberg-Hörisch, Florian Zimmerman [Projects A01]
Self-Assessment: The Role of the Social Environment
Journal of Public Economics 223 (2023), 104908

Armin Falk, Fabian Kosse, Lasse Stötzer [Projects A01]
Sozioökonomischer Status, Mentoring und Chancengerechtigkeit
Perspektiven der Wirtschaftspolitik 24 (2023), 264-275

Cristina Bellés-Obrero, María Lombardi [Project A02]
Will You Marry Me, Later? Age-of-Marriage Laws and Child Marriage in Mexico
Journal of Human Resources 58 (2023): 221-259

Andreas Gulyas, Sebastian Seitz, Sourav Sinha [Project A03, C01]
Does Pay Transparency Affect the Gender Wage Gap? Evidence from Austria
American Economic Journal: Economic Policy 15 (2023), 236-55

Michèle Tertilt, Cezar Santos [Project A03]
How Families Matter for Understanding Economic Inequality
IFS Deaton Review of Inequalities (2023)

Ran Abramitzky, Philipp Ager, Leah Boustan, Elior Cohen, Casper W. Hansen [Project A03]
The Effect of Immigration Restrictions on Local Labor Markets: Lessons from the 1920s Border Closure
American Economic Journal: Applied Economics 15 (2023), 164-191 

Matthias Doepke, Anne Hannusch, Fabian Kindermann, Michèle Tertilt (2023), [Project A03]
The Economics of Fertility: A New Era
Handbook of the Economics of the Family 1 (2023), 151-254

Moritz Kuhn, Jinfeng Luo, Lourii Manovskii, Xincheng Qiu [Project A03]
Coordinated Firm-Level Work Processes and Macroeconomic Resilience
Journal of Monetary Economics 137 (2023), 107-127

Thomas Dohmen, Simone Quercia, Jana Willrodt [Project A05]
A Note on Salience of own Preferences and the Consensus Effect
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 209 (2023), 15-21

Thomas Dohmen, Simone Quercia, Jana Willrodt [Project A05]
On the Psychology of the Relation between Optimism and Risk Taking
Journal of Risk and Uncertainty 67 (2023), 193-214

Thomas Dohmen, Ingrid Rohde, Tom Stolp [Project A05]
Tournament Incentives Affect Perceived Stress and Hormonal Stress Response
Experimental Economics 26 (2023), 955-985

Cédric Wasser, Mengxi Zhang [Project B01]
Differential Treatment and the Winner's Effort in Contests with Incomplete Information
Games and Economic Behavior 138 (2023), 90-111

Avi Lichtig, Ran Weksler [Project B01]
Endogenous Lemon Markets: Risky Choices and Adverse Selection
Journal of the European Economic Association 21 (2023), 413-454

Francesc Dilmé [Project B02]
Bargaining in Small Dynamic Markets
Journal of Economic Theory 207 (2023), 105589

Francesc Dilmé, Daniel Garrett [Project B02]
Relational Contracts: Public Versus Private Savings
Econometrica 91 (2023), 1025-1075

Christian Bayer, Florian Englmaier, Regina T. Riphahn, Philipp Schmidt-Dengler, Virginia Sondergeld, Caren Sureth Sloane, Jonas von Wangenheim, Georg Weizsäcke [Project B03, C05]
Beste Bedingungen für junge Ökonominnen und Ökonomen?
Perspektiven der Wirtschaftspolitik 24 (2023), 63-84

Christoph Carnehl, Johannes Schneider [Project B03]
On Risk and Time Pressure: When to Think and When to Do
Journal of the European Economic Association 21 (2023), 1-47

Aditya Kuvalekar, Joao Ramos, Johannes Schneider [Project B03]
The Wrong Kind of Information
RAND Journal of Economics 54 (2023), 360-384

Vincent Meisner, Jonas von Wangenheim [Project B03]
Loss Aversion in Strategy-Proof School-Choice Mechanisms
Journal of Economic Theory 207 (2023), 105588

Volker Nocke, Roland Strausz [Project B03]
Collective Brand Reputation
Journal of Political Economy 131 (2023), 1-58

Daniel Krähmer, Roland Strausz [Project B03]
Optimal Nonlinear Pricing with Data-Sensitive Consumers
American Economic Journal: Microeconomics 15 (2023), 80-108 

Tobias Gamp, Daniel Krähmer [Project B03]
Biased Beliefs in Search Markets
American Economic Journal: Microeconomics 15 (2023), 414-64

Stephan Lauermann, Asher Wolinsky [Project B04]
A Common-Value Auction with State-Dependent Participation
Theoretical Economics 17 (2023), 841-881

Jens-Uwe Franck, Martin Peitz [Project B05]
Market Power of Digital Platforms
Oxford Review of Economic Policy 39 (2023), 34-46

Simon Anderson, Martin Peitz [Project B05]
Ad Clutter, Time Use, and Media Diversity
American Economic Journal: Microeconomics 15 (2023), 227-270

Laura Alfaro, Alejandro Cuñat, Harald Fadinger, Yanping Liu [Project B06]
The Real Exchange Rate, Innovation and Productivity
Journal of the European Economic Association 21 (2023), 637–689

Stefan Etgeton, Björn Fischer, Han Ye [Project C01]
The Effect of Increasing Retirement Age on Households' Savings and Consumption Expenditure
Journal of Public Economics 221 (2023), 104845

Christian Bayer, Benjamin Born, Ralph Luetticke [Project C05]
The Liquidity Channel of Fiscal Policy
Journal of Monetary Economics 134 (2023), 86-117

Christian Bayer, Benjamin Born, Ralph Luetticke, Gernot Müller [Project C05]
The Coronavirus Stimulus Package: How Large is the Transfer Multiplier
Economic Journal 133(652) (2023), 1318-1347

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