Search results You are only searching within this website. To find search results for other University of Bonn websites, such as those of the faculties or institutes, please use a search engine. 3463 items matching your search terms. Filter the results Item type Select All/None Person Register File EasyForm Collection Person Business Card Icon Medien-Ordner Tiles-Seite News Folder Image Link Template-Folder Fontfamily New items since Yesterday Last week Last month Ever Sort by relevance date (newest first) alphabetically Presentation at University Day Mannhei: “HIV/AIDS in Afrika: Eine ökonomische Perspektive” Michèle Tertilt, A03, 2019-05-16 Located in Newsroom / Policy outreach/ in the press / Pool Report at the Centre on Regulation in Europe (CERRE): “Market Definition and Market Power in the Platform Economy” Jens-Uwe Franck, Martin Peitz, B05, 2019-05-08 Located in Newsroom / Policy outreach/ in the press / Pool Co-authored article in ifo Schnelldienst "Zäsur in der europäischen wettbewerbs- und Industriepolitik: Freie Fahrt für europäische Champions?": “Gute europäische Champions und böse Funktionskontrolle?“ Martin Peitz, B05, 2019-04-25 Located in Newsroom / Policy outreach/ in the press / Pool Interview with Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung: Bankenfusion - “Das Scheitern ist eine gute Nachricht” Isabel Schnabel, C04, 2019-04-24 Located in Newsroom / Policy outreach/ in the press / Pool Co-authored article “Challenges for EU Merger Control” published in Concurrences, special issue “Which Competition and Industrial Policies for the new EU Commission after Siemens/Alstom?”; press coverage in Martin Peitz, B05, 2019-04-16 Located in Newsroom / Policy outreach/ in the press / Pool Co-authored article in IOP Science Portal: “How effective is the European Union energy label? Evidence from a real-stakes experiment”; press coverage in Welt: “EU-Energielabel für Haushaltsgeräte verfehlt sein Ziel“ Lorenz Götte, Andreas Gerster, B07, 2019-03-20 Located in Newsroom / Policy outreach/ in the press / Pool Interview with Mannheimer Morgen: "Männer können immer Vollzeit arbeiten - Kind hin oder her" Michèle Tertilt, A03, 2019-03-09 Located in Newsroom / Policy outreach/ in the press / Pool Co-authored article in the Vox CEPR Policy Portal: “Competition Policy and European Firms’ Competitiveness” Martin Peitz, B05, 2019-02-20 Located in Newsroom / Policy outreach/ in the press / Pool Interview with Der Spiegel: "Warum gönnen wir Deutschen anderen nichts?" Armin Falk, A01, 2019-02-09 Located in Newsroom / Policy outreach/ in the press / Pool Authored article in Gallup News: "Global Evidence on Economic Preferences" Armin Falk, A01, 2019-01-10 Located in Newsroom / Policy outreach/ in the press / Pool < Previous 10 items 1 ... 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 ... 347 Next 10 items >